Tag Archives: violet-foster

Ashlee The Diva?

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz is facing claims that she was booted off the TV show Melrose Place because she was a “total diva” on set. These latest reports come just a day after her sister, Jessica, called the writing on the show crap. The 25-year-old actress played the role of Violet Foster in the first season of the remade TV series.

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Ashlee The Diva?

Ashlee Simpson-Wentz Wants Heather Locklear Back On ‘Melrose Place’

‘Of course everyone would love for her to come back,’ actress/singer says of show’s original drama queen. By Jocelyn Vena Ashlee Simpson Photo: Jonathan Goldner/MTV News We’ve all heard that Ashlee Simpson-Wentz is headlining the CW’s revamped “Melrose Place,” but what everyone really wants to know is if prime time’s ultimate bad girl, Heather Locklear, will be getting back in the Melrose pool anytime soon. “That’s the big question, but none of us know if she’s going to come back or not,” Simpson-Wentz told MTV News about the new show, which premieres Tuesday.

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Ashlee Simpson-Wentz Wants Heather Locklear Back On ‘Melrose Place’

Ashlee Simpson Tries to Act in Melrose Place Preview

Ashlee Simpson (or Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, as she prefers to be called) is hard at work at her new gig on the CW’s upcoming remake of Melrose Place . If you thought this was silly and that she probably can’t act, you were so right. The network just posted a new promo (with Britney Spears ‘ “Circus” serving as the soundtrack) for the show, which premieres Tuesday, September 8

Ashlee Simpson Tries to Act in Melrose Place Preview

Ashlee’s a Scream in New Melrose Place Promo

Watch Simpson-Wentz in action as Violet Foster on the upcoming CW show

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Ashlee’s a Scream in New Melrose Place Promo