Tag Archives: wicked-lasers

Who Wants to Win an Actual Cease-and-Desist Letter From George Lucas?

Just when Star Wars ‘s inspiration and influence had me smiling again , along comes this more typical, souring George Lucas anecdote: Lucasfilm has issued a cease-and-desist letter to manufacturers of a mega-powerful laser being touted as a real-life lightsaber. And now it’s going for $350 at eBay. The letter, that is, not the lightsaber. Click through for photos.

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Who Wants to Win an Actual Cease-and-Desist Letter From George Lucas?

The Spyder III, Is a Real Life Lightsaber

Built with the blue-laser diode of a dismantled Casio Green Slim projector, the $200 Spyder III is the world's most powerful portable laser. It can permanently blind you and set your skin—or anything else, really—on fire almost instantly. The diodes in Casio's new mercury-free Green Slim projectors apparently allow for unprecedentedly powerful portable lasers, and Wicked Lasers has gleefully harvested them for the 1 Watt Spyder III. Comparing it to the $2000 Sonar, the company's reigning portable laser powerhouse, Wicked Lasers explains that the blue Spyder III laser is 2000 times brighter to the human eye, and, at $200, 1/10th the price. http://gizmodo.com/5560206/the-spyder-iii-pro-arctic-is-a-real-life-lightsaber added by: pjacobs51