Tag Archives: will-inspect

Sex Sells, to the Tune of $14.2 Million

Sex and the City 2 may be critically lambasted , but it still took in $14.2 million yesterday — the 6th best Thursday opening ever, behind assorted Star Wars, Matrix , and Indiana Jones sequels and the Christmas Day opening of Marley and Me . Here’s another translation : after this weekend, expect the third one to be greenlit faster than Sarah Jessica Parker can make a Catskills-ready crack about Samantha’s menopause. [ EW ]

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Sex Sells, to the Tune of $14.2 Million

The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment: Jerry Seinfeld Calls Out Cohen’s Show as a ‘Jewish Curse’

Why does Bravo’s Senior VP of Production and Programming host a weekly late night talk show where he interviews various reality stars while sipping on a Maker’s Mark? Who knows! Nevertheless, we here at Movieline are going to start covering Andy Cohen’s live oddity Watch What Happens with a regular feature called “The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment.” For the first WTF treatment, Movieline will inspect last night’s typically bizarre episode, which opened with Cohen introducing Jerry Seinfeld as “the most elegant Semite of all the Semites I know” and continued with Seinfeld wondering out loud, “Why am I on this show?”

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The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment: Jerry Seinfeld Calls Out Cohen’s Show as a ‘Jewish Curse’