Tag Archives: while-sipping

Manon LeLoup Topless Model of the Day

I don’t know who the Manon LeLoup is, or who the fuck she thinks she is, I just know she’s naked for some shit called SCANDINAVIA and that’s good enough for me, you see I like tits, I like naked, I like it all….but what I like the fact that girls are always willing to get naked if you position it propoerly, or ofer enough money…meaning if a girl tells me “you’ll never see me naked you are a sick and creepy fuck”…all you have to do is hire a fashion photographer to email them saying he is working on a book, and that girl will get naked for him, hired by you, so essentially getting naked for you…then you can email her the pics and say “you just did”…so remember…if you want to get a girl naked, any girl, you can…now here’s Manon LeLoup nipple…because it is art…

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Manon LeLoup Topless Model of the Day

Rosie Huntington Whitely in Lingerie for Perfume of the Day

Rosie Hungtington is one of these high fashion, probably cunty and snobby, models who I assume laughs at all the American models, with their fatness, while sipping her pompous, pretentious, royal cup of tea back home in England…because English people are either fancy, classy and elegant, even when raging and snorting tons of cocaine…or they are gutter as fuck…toothless and impossible to understand…. She’s probably some perfume line, because she’s obviously into promoting all kinds of nonsense all the fucking time, and she’s doing it just in time for Valentines day, I’m sure by coincidence, wearing pink lingerie showing enough side tit to notice….and I am all for it, because I am a fan of her, and her ability to make bald men have hope….that they too can get a hot model…if they work out, get in movies and make millions.

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Rosie Huntington Whitely in Lingerie for Perfume of the Day

11 Disturbing/Seductive/Naked Moments from Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons

SCOTT DISICK BARE BUTT ALERT! SCOTT DISICK BARE BUTT ALERT! On  Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons Season 1 Episode 7 , Kim Kardashian talked about flattening her rear end… Khloe Kardashian user her rear end to ride a horse… and, yes, Scott Disick gave viewers far too clear a view of his rear end. Make no butts about it: This was a booty-ful installment of everyone’s favorite E! reality series. 11 Memorable Moments from Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons Season 1 Episode 7 1. When She Sits Around the House… … she REALLY sits around the house, if you know what Kim means! It aired, of course, the night Kourtney Kardashian gave birth to her third child and it included references to Kris Jenner’s dating life. Will she ever find a man to replace Bruce Jenner? What sort of man do her kids think will appeal to Kris? And what does Kris look like while sipping on wine in bed Sit back, watch Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons online for answers to these questions and click through the above photo gallery for a lot more.

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11 Disturbing/Seductive/Naked Moments from Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons

Rob Dyrdek, Jadakiss, And Styles P Turn Up At Post-VMA Party Hosted By Kevin Hart [Photos]

Funnyman Kevin Hart shut WIP/Greenhouse down during one of last night’s post-VMA parties. He along with professional skateboarder Rob Dyrdek and Monster Headphones CEO Noel Lee, were treated to an impromptu performance by Jadakiss and Styles P, while sipping on SMOKE Liqueur cocktails. Check out the pics below.

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Rob Dyrdek, Jadakiss, And Styles P Turn Up At Post-VMA Party Hosted By Kevin Hart [Photos]

Sex Sells, to the Tune of $14.2 Million

Sex and the City 2 may be critically lambasted , but it still took in $14.2 million yesterday — the 6th best Thursday opening ever, behind assorted Star Wars, Matrix , and Indiana Jones sequels and the Christmas Day opening of Marley and Me . Here’s another translation : after this weekend, expect the third one to be greenlit faster than Sarah Jessica Parker can make a Catskills-ready crack about Samantha’s menopause. [ EW ]

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Sex Sells, to the Tune of $14.2 Million

The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment: Jerry Seinfeld Calls Out Cohen’s Show as a ‘Jewish Curse’

Why does Bravo’s Senior VP of Production and Programming host a weekly late night talk show where he interviews various reality stars while sipping on a Maker’s Mark? Who knows! Nevertheless, we here at Movieline are going to start covering Andy Cohen’s live oddity Watch What Happens with a regular feature called “The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment.” For the first WTF treatment, Movieline will inspect last night’s typically bizarre episode, which opened with Cohen introducing Jerry Seinfeld as “the most elegant Semite of all the Semites I know” and continued with Seinfeld wondering out loud, “Why am I on this show?”

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The Weekly Andy Cohen WTF Moment: Jerry Seinfeld Calls Out Cohen’s Show as a ‘Jewish Curse’