Tag Archives: worst-actress

Teresa Giudice, Husband to Strike Plea Deal in Fraud Case; Jail Still a Possibility

Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice will plead guilty to a number of fraud charges on Tuesday. According to Us, The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars have reached a plea bargain with prosecutors and both will be present in front of a judge this week. “Joe and Teresa Giudice have arranged a plea agreement with prosecutors in their federal case,” an insider tells the celebrity gossip tabloid. As a result, “The couple will plead guilty to several but not all 41 of the charges, and both will appear in court on Tuesday with their lawyers.” The couple is accused of lying about its assets in bankruptcy documents, among other allegations, and is facing 50 years in prison if convicted across the board. The upcoming deal doesn’t mean Teresa and Joe will avoid jail altogether necessarily. “Probation, fines, and or jail time are still all options on the table ,” a source says. The Giudices were first charged in July of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and making false statements on loan applications. With Season 6 of their Bravo hit currently filming, the parents of four will release a statement on Tuesday. In the meantime, enjoy this Teresa gallery … 13 Classic Teresa Giudice Moments Open Slideshow 1. Teresa Giudice: Table Flipping And now for the classic. Teresa’s face is priceless as she famously flips the table. Bravo. Bravo. View As List 1. Teresa Giudice: Table Flipping And now for the classic. Teresa’s face is priceless as she famously flips the table. Bravo. Bravo. 2. PROSTITUTION WHORE! Teresa vs. Danielle Staub. Simply the best. 3. Teresa Giudice: Mid Fight Teresa’s got her fighting face on. She’s been around the Housewife feud block a few times… 4. Teresa Giudice: Talk to the Hand Oh, please. Teresa wants you to talk to the hand. 5. Teresa Giudice: Arguing on the Beach Teresa argues on the beach wearing a giant sun hat. 6. Teresa Giudice: Telling It Like It Is We love you, Teresa. Especially these wacky expressions of yours. 7. Teresa Guidice: I Mean It! Teresa claims she is a lady of her word. Even if her castmates don’t always believe a word she’s sayin. 8. Teresa Giudice: Skeptical Teresa smells something fishy. Don’t mess with this feisty Housewife. 9. Teresa Giudice: Shocked Teresa just can’t believe what you’re saying right now. Don’t even go there. 10. Teresa Giudice: Confused Something’s not sitting right with Ms. Teresa Giudice. 11. Teresa Giudice: Bikini Babe Teresa is proud of her bikini body. Take a look at that grin as she flaunts what she’s got. 12. Teresa Giudice: Silly Smirk Teresa can be a goofball, too. Check out the smirk as she jokes around with her daughter, Gia. 13. Teresa Giudice: Labor Pains Teresa even filmed the birth of one of her daughters. Reality, indeed!

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Teresa Giudice, Husband to Strike Plea Deal in Fraud Case; Jail Still a Possibility

Valeria Lukyanova: Human Barbie Starving Herself, Strives to Subsist Off Air, Light

Valeria Lukyanova, the Ukrainian model known as Human Barbie, is still making headlines. This time it’s for her stated goal to survive “on air and light alone.” Yes, the real-life Barbie doll wannabe, whose doll-like features and ultra-thin waist have stirred controversy before, says she hopes to live without food or water. 11 Human Barbie Pics: Valeria Lukyanova’s House of Horrors Open Slideshow 1. Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, wants to emulate the doll’s appearance in real life. View As List 1. Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, wants to emulate the doll’s appearance in real life. 2. Valeria Lukyanova Photo Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, poses for V Magazine. Would you hit it? 3. Valeria Lukyanova (Human Barbie) Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. the Human Barbie. Kind of a freaky photo from V Magazine. 4. Valeria Lukyanova (Human Barbie) Photo Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, poses for V Magazine. Yes, that is a live person. 5. Human Barbie Photo Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, as seen on Vice. 6. Human Barbie Pics Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, in one of many freaky pics from her Instagram. 7. Human Barbie Figure Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, looking pensive on the beach. 8. Human Barbie Instagram Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, looking fake as ever in a tight black dress. 9. Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, poses on Instagram. Lovely. 10. Valeria Lukyanova Pic Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, poses for V Magazine. Hot or not? 11. Valeria Lukyanova Picture Valeria Lukyanova, a.k.a. Human Barbie, poses for V Magazine. Hot or not? “In recent weeks I haven’t been hungry at all,” Lukyanova said, according to the International Business Times in an interview. “I’m hoping it’s the final stage.” Final stage before what, you’re probably asking? “Before I can subsist on air and light alone.” The website linked to a New Age practice known as Breatharianism, in which followers neither eat nor drink, believing they can exist solely on “cosmic micro-food.” Valeria Lukyanova also believes in reincarnation and claims to have been in contact with trans-dimensional beings, so by her standards, this isn’t too out there. She feels her appearance therefore promotes her “spiritual ideas,” though many believe she’s simply starving herself so she can look even more like Barbie. Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Hasn’t Eaten in Weeks That waist? Not normal on a doll or a human. Needless to say, biologists do not recommend you attempt Bretharianism , nor offer any sort of credence that it exists or has any scientific basis whatsoever. Why let that stop you, though, Val. Get it, gurl. She was recently profiled by Vice , which described her as “not a real girl at all, but a time-traveling spiritual guru whose purpose is to save the world.” Save us from what, you’re likely asking again? The “clutches of superficiality and negative energy,” obviously. Check out their Human Barbie trailer for more insight from this one-of-a-kind … something.

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Valeria Lukyanova: Human Barbie Starving Herself, Strives to Subsist Off Air, Light

Kim Kardashian, Movie 43 Lead List of 2014 Razzie "Winners"

Who was the worst of the cinematic worst in 2014? The latest edition of the Razzie Awards were handed out last night, with 750 voting members of the Golden Raspberry Foundation handing out hardware to the truly terrible movies and performances of the past year. Shockingly, Kim Kardashian and Jaden Smith were two of the names of this list. Here is your full list of winners/losers: Worst Picture Movie 43 Worst Actor Jaden Smith – After Earth Worst Actress Tyler Perry (in drag) – A Madea Christmas Worst Supporting Actor Will Smith – After Earth Worst Supporting Actress Kim Kardashian – Tyler Perry’s Temptation Worst Screen Combo Jaden Smith & Will Smith – After Earth Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel The Lone Ranger Worst Director The 13 people who directed Movie 43 Worst Screenplay Movie 43 (written by 19 “Screenwriters”)

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Kim Kardashian, Movie 43 Lead List of 2014 Razzie "Winners"

‘Twilight,’ Rihanna Dominate The Anti-Oscars, The Razzie Awards

‘Twilight’ won an armload of trophies, and Kristen Stewart was named ‘Worst Actress’ at the 33rd Razzies. By James Montgomery Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in “Breaking Dawn” part 2 Photo: Summit

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‘Twilight,’ Rihanna Dominate The Anti-Oscars, The Razzie Awards

Sandra Bullock Is the Worst Actress of the Year

Filed under: Awards/Awards Shows She may well win the Oscar for best actress later on, but last night Sandra Bullock accepted the award for worst actress of 2009. True to her word, Sandy showed up to last night’s Razzie Awards to accept the trophy for her performance in “All About … Permalink

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Sandra Bullock Is the Worst Actress of the Year

Will Sandra Bullock Win an Oscar and a Razzie?

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2010/02/02/sa… Sandra Bullock could become the first star to ever win Best and Worst Actress in the same year.

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Will Sandra Bullock Win an Oscar and a Razzie?

Coming, Then Going: Ashlee Simpson Nude on Melrose Place!

After producing weekly Unintentional Comedy Hall of Fame moments as the single worst actress on TV, Ashlee Simpson was fired from Melrose Place . But the CW ahow has no intention of letting her and equally awful, fellow pink-slipped counterpart Colin Egglesfield fade away without one last hurrah

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Coming, Then Going: Ashlee Simpson Nude on Melrose Place!