Tag Archives: worst-parking

Congresswoman Demonstrates ‘Worst Parking Job Ever’

Meet Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton . She’s a great motorist! Watch her park her car.

Read the rest here:
Congresswoman Demonstrates ‘Worst Parking Job Ever’

Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of TV News Blunders

Classic Television News Fails TV news is mostly soul-draining and depressing content sprinkled with unforgettable fails during live telecasts that are absolutely hilarious. Hit the flip for a must-see gallery of TV news blunders.

Read more from the original source:
Pure Comedy: A Gallery Of TV News Blunders

Leighton Meester Got To Sing With Weezer

Blair Waldorf sang with Weezer on Halloween for reasons passing understanding. I've been having a Rivers Renaissance of late, so I'm pretty jealous

See the original post:
Leighton Meester Got To Sing With Weezer

"Worst Parking Job" Victim Gets a Free Car

The video of Todd Jamison's car getting crushed in the world's worst parking attempt got over a million views on YouTube. [ Ed Note : But there's a happy ending! Also, some nifty little marketing on the part of Hyundai.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment