Red River of the Day The Vagina Witch Crystal Clear Lake – Ice Skating Two Men have Shoot Out Over Land Woman Pretends to be Sex Robot After Caught Cheating Yoga in Siberia The post Police VS Naked Woman iN Miami and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on .
Jojo is such a ridiculous nickname, I find it interesting that she still uses it as her professional name, despite how ridiculous it is…but I guess she spent so much time building up the brand as a child star exploited at 12, it’s just easier to keep it going…and here she is 15 years later showing her toned abs…to the perverts who still care…the perverts into 12 year olds who are ok with that 12 year old turning 30….because part of the erotica is watching her grow, develop, and age…some truman show shit where you voyeur so hard like she’s your neighbor’s kid and you’ve seen her whole existence from birth to middle age…always drawn to her because of that connection, that bond, that can only live a few times in one pervert’s lifetime… And here she is trying to hustle hard….market hard…remind those perverts she’s still there, still got it, despite being older and less relevant jailbait hype… The post JoJo In her Underwear of the DAy appeared first on .
Sometimes all a beach needs a little friendly game of throw your beach chair at your neighbor to really allow you to take in the horrible techno music, fully embrace your molly roll, as half naked girls in bikinis walk by you….I mean why take in the sun and scenery of a beautiful hot summer day…when you can start beach chair riots… It happened in Israel, I can’t be too sure if it has anything to do with the Palestinians and the Jews fighting over beach territory, but I am going to assume that it is, provided Palestinians are allowed on the beaches…
Global consulting giant Accenture dumped cheating golf legend Tiger Woods yesterday, saying he is “no longer the right representative” of the company. Woods’ firing by Accenture will cost him $7 million a year
Filed under: Tiger Woods “The road to high performance isn’t always paved” — and neither is your neighbor’s front lawn.This ad actually appears in today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal.
Izabel Goulart is the most recent vagina to sign her life and body over to Victoria’s Secret but I guess she hasn’t made the jump to getting half naked like the rest of them.