Tag Archives: your-teenage

Creeper Candidate: Donald Trump Promised 17-Year-Old Ivanka That He Would Never Date Young Than Her

Donald Trump Promised Ivanka Not To Date Any Of Her Teenage Friends Seriously though, whose mans is this ? The HuffingtonPost drew our attention to a 1999 interview that potential President of The United States, Donald Trump , did with Howard Stern where he spoke on his daughter’s feelings about his dating preferences… “I have a deal with her. She’s 17 and doing great ― Ivanka. She made me promise, swear to her that I would never date a girl younger than her,” Trump said. “So as she grows older, the field is getting very limited.” First and foremost we would hope that a 53-year-old Donald Trump would not be dating a 16-year-old. But beyond that, this is just some creepy s#!t to say to your teenage daughter. Image via WENN

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Creeper Candidate: Donald Trump Promised 17-Year-Old Ivanka That He Would Never Date Young Than Her

The CW Fall Schedule Embraces Logic, Vampires

Mock The CW if you will, but it appears they have learned from past mistakes. Or at least from the now-jettisoned Melrose Place . The schedule of shows that the Little Network That Really Can’t tossed out for the fall season this morning is filled with smart risks, logical pairings and plenty of demographically friendly content. If only NBC was this clear-eyed in their goals. Alert your teenage daughter and read on for the full schedule.

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The CW Fall Schedule Embraces Logic, Vampires