FEMEN Protest Bus Driver Knocks Out Passenger Movie Theater Fight Man Feeds His Leech Old Man Driving his Pipe The Hood Catches a Guy Who Robbed an Old Lady Boyfriend Accuses Woman of SLeeping With the Wu Tang Clan Robert Pattison dancing at Coachella High School Girl Fight Japanese Old Man VS Fireworks Woman Gets Stripped for Sleeping With Another Woman’s Husband The post Topless Woman Talks About her Mastectomy…and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Izabel Goulart is a model…and in being a model…she has legs..but not just any legs…fucking amazing legs….otherswise she would be an amputee and that would be a whole other kind of modeling…you know her campaigns would solely be based on being inclusive with a little level of controversy so people talk about the brand….you know being the company that uses legless models…kinda like a lot of brands are doing now with fat chicsk….or as the industry calls them “plus sized”…which in and of itself is the equivalent of calling a bitch fat…it’s like “I’m not small penised, or dickless, or pathetic…I’m a man with female-like genitals”…one day…maybe society will be more authentic…and call shit for what it is.. Like I call Izabel a tranny face, who generates buzz with workout porn, who rocks an insane model body, that is almost unnatural to look at…but still amazing to look at…right… The post Izabel Goulart’s Got Legs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Izabel Goulart is a model…and in being a model…she has legs..but not just any legs…fucking amazing legs….otherswise she would be an amputee and that would be a whole other kind of modeling…you know her campaigns would solely be based on being inclusive with a little level of controversy so people talk about the brand….you know being the company that uses legless models…kinda like a lot of brands are doing now with fat chicsk….or as the industry calls them “plus sized”…which in and of itself is the equivalent of calling a bitch fat…it’s like “I’m not small penised, or dickless, or pathetic…I’m a man with female-like genitals”…one day…maybe society will be more authentic…and call shit for what it is.. Like I call Izabel a tranny face, who generates buzz with workout porn, who rocks an insane model body, that is almost unnatural to look at…but still amazing to look at…right… The post Izabel Goulart’s Got Legs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Ireland Baldwin checked herself into rehab…. As much as you want to laugh at rich girls and theri silly problems….you know for being spoiled brats in their spoiled world…the fact is that money or access only really excites people who don’t have it…when you do have it, you don’t know anything but that…so your expensive problems…in your mind..are actual problems…and these idiots medicate…. So as a poor little rich girl, with a hot mom…and hot yoga stepmom…and a narcissist dad she’s on a stage, without really asking to be put on a stage, even though everyone seems to want to be on a stage…thanks to social media and narcissism…and I guess it all just broke her down… It’s like for a minute she was in love with some surf dude, then she wanted to be a model, but was too fat for Sports Illustrated, turning her to fitness….opening the door for all her little LA rich kid friends…like Kendall, and Gigi, and even her Cousin Hailey…to move in on the Bieber train and basically get everything she wanted…. Blogs and sites mocked her, called her names, I am sure haters hated on her social media…at one point in time she blocked me, turned into a lesbian who dated some rape victim rapper and things went dark… But through it all…she has maintained her tits..and tits..is really all it is about… The post Ireland Baldwin Does Rehab of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Ireland Baldwin checked herself into rehab…. As much as you want to laugh at rich girls and theri silly problems….you know for being spoiled brats in their spoiled world…the fact is that money or access only really excites people who don’t have it…when you do have it, you don’t know anything but that…so your expensive problems…in your mind..are actual problems…and these idiots medicate…. So as a poor little rich girl, with a hot mom…and hot yoga stepmom…and a narcissist dad she’s on a stage, without really asking to be put on a stage, even though everyone seems to want to be on a stage…thanks to social media and narcissism…and I guess it all just broke her down… It’s like for a minute she was in love with some surf dude, then she wanted to be a model, but was too fat for Sports Illustrated, turning her to fitness….opening the door for all her little LA rich kid friends…like Kendall, and Gigi, and even her Cousin Hailey…to move in on the Bieber train and basically get everything she wanted…. Blogs and sites mocked her, called her names, I am sure haters hated on her social media…at one point in time she blocked me, turned into a lesbian who dated some rape victim rapper and things went dark… But through it all…she has maintained her tits..and tits..is really all it is about… The post Ireland Baldwin Does Rehab of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I’ve put Mischa Barton on Death Watch and the whole thing is very exciting to me. Call me a psycho if you want, but the reality is that I get excited when these celebrities die. I don’t have any on impact on their ultimate self-destruction, I’m irrelevant in their lives, so I don’t feel guilty about how they spend all their bullshit TV or Movie money on drugs, alcohol and in Mischa Barton’s case – baked goods, until eventually their bodies give out on them.