Tag Archives: actually-exist

Mila Kunis Sloppy Mom Tit for Labor Day of the Day

Here’s something exciting for all you fucking perverts, yes, I know there’s only one of you and your a bot from RUSSIA and don’t actually exist, but pretending to have readers allows me to keep this going, while talking to myself but not thinking I am talking to myself, because that’d be weird. Her name is Mila Kunis, Jackie from That 70s Show, and she’s carrying the second baby from her TV Romance with Ashton Kutcher from That 70s Show, because they get each other, and because he went on to become a dot com investor who made billions and she went on to be some leading lady, who is now an old mom – and who we can collectively not give a fuck about, but when her milf filled tits pops out of her dress, while carrying a fetus or parasite leeching off her…something that isn’t porn to me, but may allow her weirdo scifi fantasy fans to pretend or role play or LARP or whatever the fuck they do when they masturbate that she is carrying an alien baby, or their baby, or some fucking nerd shit…that is not the demon that is Ashton Kutcher’s spawn… Or if you’re like me – you can focus on tit…it’s not much of a skill…but it’s what you gotta do – when you see pics like this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Mila Kunis Sloppy Mom Tit for Labor Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mila Kunis Sloppy Mom Tit for Labor Day of the Day

Emma ROberts is In a BIkini of the Day

Emma Roberts is in Miami for swim week where she’s wearing bathing suits promoting bikinis for swim week – because swim week is a VERY important week in Miami, at least for rich guys who get to fuck the sugar baby instagram models who get to pretend they are actual bikini models for whatever obscure bikini company is putting on a bikini fashion show…. No Emmma Roberts is less of the broken hooker looking for rich guys because her body is good and she’s got following….but still broken hollywood child and that comes with its own barrel of issues that are fun to look at from a distance – hard nippled – but must be horrible to deal with in actual person.. She’s got the body of a 12 year old – so you and other Jerry Epstein’s out there should like this.. The post Emma ROberts is In a BIkini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma ROberts is In a BIkini of the Day

Hilary Duff and her Bra of the Day

Hilary Duff posted a picture of her and a bra – and this is the kind of thing that can cause accidents -or at least her weirdo fans to call in sick for work, assuming they have jobs, they probably don’t, they probably are in their 40s and live in some halfway house for autistics who really love Lizzy McGuire or whatever the show she was on is called….which means their will be a lot of scary yelps as that group of nerdy socially awkward weirdos beat the fuck out of their dicks to this – but assuming they are the people I think they are – they’ve already seen this pic – they follow her every Hilary Duff move…creepy.. The post Hilary Duff and her Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff and her Bra of the Day

Margot Robbie is a Gorilla on the Beach of the Day

The hate I get about calling Margot Robbie – who is clearly a big girl – a big girl – is actually funny to me – partially because people are so fucking pathetic that they think their opinion matters or that they think they are doing this bitch who doesn’t give a fuck about them a service by defending her honor or some shit – saying I’m crazy or that she’s not big – like they’ve been smothered by her during sex – like whoever it was who gave her this insane career – casting her in EVERYTHING…. I am just stating fact, how can fucking argue fact, it’s fucking images in front of our fucking faces and all I see is some kind of Gorilla from her Tarzan movie splashing around in the water in a bikini with some dude she fucks…. She’s the biggest star right now – and she’s big – in a world where big isn’t even considered big anymore so I guess that makes sense. That’s not to say she’s not humble, or cool, or fun, or eager, or someone who pinches herself thinking how amazing this life of hers is.. It’s just to say she’s fucking big, like wrestler big, like body builder if she worked out big….and I am not even saying it’s her fault…yet people will call me a faggot, or into boys, or twinks or whatever – all because I have a keen eye for spotting weirdly shaped women… The post Margot Robbie is a Gorilla on the Beach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Margot Robbie is a Gorilla on the Beach of the Day

Disturbing Footage from Nice France of the Day

A video posted by Mehmet Yavuz ???? (@themehmed) on Jul 14, 2016 at 3:53pm PDT I was sent this video over facebook – that was posted to instagram – and that is really fucking disturbing to me. I take real issue with people who attack innocent people who are out having a good time. People who are unrelated to anything remotely related to whatever inspired someone or a group of people to tear down a street and take out and kill over 60 people….it makes me fucking sick. I just don’t understand how as rational thinking people, we do this to each other, it seems like such a waste of fucking time, you can hate people without going this deep..and if it is for religion, it’s such misinformation – you know since God doesn’t actually exist – it’s even worse… This hate filled world, this violent world is totally a human thing, but I think pacifism is pretty human too. Just fucking mind your own business, stick to yourself, and fucking stop hurting unsuspecting people….just ridiculous…. I am posting this – because I am so fucking disgusted by it… The post Disturbing Footage from Nice France of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Disturbing Footage from Nice France of the Day

Jojo in a Random Bikini Picture of the DAy

I like to think the week, or maybe even life, doesn’t actually begin until you see Jojo, some low level practically non existent singer, who was possibly a one hit wonder in the 90s, or early 2000s….wearing a bikini on a photoshoot like she still matters, or like she’s on some kind of comeback tour, now that she’s pushing 30, no longer jailbait, and possibly running out of money…in a “Let’s give this one more shot” hustle…and the amazing thing is that bikini pics is really all a girl needs to get ahead these days, which brings me hope, because needing actual talent to get noticed would throw everything off…and all these low levels you are into wouldn’t actually exist…and where would that leave us…today…no where good I tell ya….no where good.

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Jojo in a Random Bikini Picture of the DAy

Jodie Marsh Topless and Silly in ZOO of the Day

Glamour model Jodie Marsh is ridiculous looking….in both face and tits..in the kind of way you really have to try to understand how she came to be. It’s like girls who look like this actually exist and aren’t just drawn up in comic books…shit is weird, but then again so is the whole UK Glamour model movement…all these low level trashy pigs with tits they are willing to show…getting some level of celebrity and famous/rich husbands in the process when really they should be dancing for 10 dollars a song…it just confuses me…but I guess I should know by now that tits get hits..and these tits…are just fuckin’ stupid…like some kind of novelty caliber tit…that I just can’t stop staring at.

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Jodie Marsh Topless and Silly in ZOO of the Day

Dance Video of the Day

Twerk has evolved…..into an ass in face smashing and I am very into it…

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Dance Video of the Day

Candice Swanepoel & Edita Vilkeviciute Hot for Allure of the Day

Candice Swanepoel & Edita Vilkeviciute are such lesbians…at least for the sake of a fashion shoot for a fashion magazine…trying to be all controversial in a world that has lost any filter they may have had… I can deal with this kind of lesbian. The whole hot bitches just touching each other kind of lesbian…it’s all gentle and feminine, even though I know it doesn’t actually exist, because all lesbians I know are built like dudes, yet hate dudes, cuz I guess they have penis envy, and with penis envy comes a hatred of anything with a bigger dick than they have…I mean either that or Lesbians just hate everything I represent, which I guess would make sense, since lesbians are always angry…at everything…even each other and just never quite satisfied…thanks to never having a dick inside them…but often times having really realistic dicks inside them…because they are on the fence with the whole lesbian thing, but have to stay committed to it…otherwise they’ll look like phoney lesbians… The whole thing is so complicated, but these Candice and her Homie Pics aren’t…they are amazing…enough…next time more labia…

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Candice Swanepoel & Edita Vilkeviciute Hot for Allure of the Day

Real Housewives of NY Bikini Pics of the Day

They lost me at Housewives…..seriously, these bithes, as much as they try, look old, sloppy and like rich housewives everywhere….something I can’t stand looking at, it is almost like a circus performance, which is probably why they got their own TV show, but I pretend it doesn’t actually exist…. The only time I like fucking housewives is when they are bored trophy wives, barely 30, annoyed that they married a boring rich 50 year old dude, and seeking low key revenge, and I happen to be it cuz we randomly crossed paths when she was drunk and at her lowest point, and I only do it so she sees that sex can get worse than the sex with her husband….basically saving her marriage she happily goes back to with memories of the hell that was me easily forgotten a few weeks later…. These bitches aren’t hot….in any way….but I’ll post the dumpy mom in bathing suits anyway…cuz maybe there are some 80 year olds on the site thinking “Shit, look at that young babe”…but I doubt it.

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Real Housewives of NY Bikini Pics of the Day