Tag Archives: actually-exist

Sara Jean Underwood Comicon Press Tour Continues of the Day

I don’t see why nerds get excited seeing a stripper bitch posing in costumes of comic book characters they are addicted to…I mean maybe she humanizes their fantasies of a bitch they must know doesn’t actually exist, but this is the closest they’ll get to it, until making their nerd millions inventing something, on to be able to find dumb bitches who never noticed them before to wear whatever they are told cuz they are into the perks of marrying a millionaire nerd…. Especially when a quick google search gets me pics of her naked like this: See cuz I’m more about the pussy than the nerd costume…cuz I like having sex with women and not with comic books…I’m weird like that….

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Sara Jean Underwood Comicon Press Tour Continues of the Day

Rihanna’s Leather Pants of the Day

Tight leather pants make for a stinky fucking pussy….This has been one of my more intellectual posts of all time…you know one that really inspires and makes you think about the state of all vaginas in these leather looking plastic pants that you know is not breathable, leading to all kinds of shit, I’d probably be more than happy to burry my face into….cuz I’m a vagina loving pervert. I love vagina so much sometimes I wonder what pussy was like on a generational level…I’m talking did caveman pussy smell the same as pussy that Jesus ate or as the pussy Joan of Arc ate, or as Old West Brothel pussy, and how does that compare to modern day pussy or even pussy from prohibition era…It’s a problem…

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Rihanna’s Leather Pants of the Day

Anna Paquin’s Lesbian Pantyhose Legs of the Day

Anna Paquin is not hot in any way. I don’t care how many hit shows, or cult classics she gets her dyke ass on, she’s fuckin disgusting, which would explain her lesbianism…. See, there’s nothing I hate more than lesbians and that’s only because lesbians hate me and have always hated me. I like to think it’s because I always make fun of them, you know pulling out my dick in front of them, offering to father their child, cuz I don’t believe lesbian actually exist….to me it’s a fucking myth…. Sure, there are bitches who choose a cockless life cuz they want to, whether because they hate men cuz men molested them, raped them, or was mean to them or men hate them cuz they are fat and ugly and need someone to get them , or if it’s cuz they think it is trendy and cool to dress like a lumberjack, gain 50 lbs and shave your dyke construction boot wearing head, but they are all just overcompensating, cuz lesbianism doesn’t exist… I know for a fact that biologically, a woman craves having a baby and that indirectly means she craves a cock…. Dykes choose to be dykes, or are forced into it for lack of cock willing to get them, and I think they hate that I know their little bullshit scam… Either way, Anna Paquin knows lesbianism is bullshit, cuz I just remembered she’s not a dyke, she’s bi, so here are her bi-sexual legs, short and unattractive even to the pantyhose fetishists, because it’s a slow fucking day. Seriously, why the fuck did I just post this? Oh right, to rip into lesbians cuz they are full of shit and to seduce True Blood fans into the site….cuz seriously, these pics are definitely not hot.

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Anna Paquin’s Lesbian Pantyhose Legs of the Day

Watch Lindsay Lohan Get Photographed on the Set of Inferno

Here’s a fortune cookie-type question for a lazy August Monday: Will Matthew Wilder’s Inferno actually exist as a movie or is his Lindsay Lohan-as-Linda Lovelace exploitation-cum-biopic — ahem — only a collection of Tyler Shields photographs ? Thankfully, some newly released footage helps shed some light on this.

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Watch Lindsay Lohan Get Photographed on the Set of Inferno

Jersey Shore Trash Get Her Nails Done in an Interesting Outfit of the Day

I have no interest in Jersey Shore. I think the whole concept is a waste of fucking time and I try to pretend people like this don’t actually exist in the world. I already had no hope in society, but when the gutter shit I’ve seen in clubs get their own show, whether they are being laughed at or not, I just can’t accept it or grasp that they get paid decent money to humiliate themselves….and America actually shows and interest and cares about what’s going on in their lives…it’s at the point where it’s no longer a joke, or comedy, or idiots on TV, it’s actually a fucking phenomenon….these people are “The Hills” status celebrity…and I guess this pig is the next Heidi Montag….and here she is getting her stripper looking trash a manicure in some stripper lookin’ outfit….the whole thing is fucking ridiculous and bitch isn’t hot…but she sure as hell thinks she is… Pics via Fame

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Jersey Shore Trash Get Her Nails Done in an Interesting Outfit of the Day

Kesha and Her Shitty Body in a Bathing Suit of the Day

I hate giving this kind of trash any fucking attention. Really. I like to pretend Lady Gaga and all her followers or low-grade copycats don’t actually exist, since part of me hates that they are on TV, making money, and have a fan base, but all I needed was her in a shitty one-piece, showing off her shitty body, with a shitty Pixies tank top covering her shitty tits, to make me change my mind. I’m such a slut, way too fucking easy….seriously, I made an effort to ignore this joke of a human cuz I hate knowing she has a distorted perception of what’s actually going on in her career and she goes to bed thinking she’s amazing, that she’s made it, cuz that’s what the media, her bank account, her number one song are telling her, instead of her thinking the truth which is that she’s a fucking joke that the media has made big for some fucking reason I will never understand…but I believe the truth will come out eventually…the free ride can’t last forever….at least I hope it doesn’t….because she’s fucking ugly…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Kesha and Her Shitty Body in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Help Get This Car Made!

The car that comedian Jon Glaser designed could actually exist IRL if the design gets enough votes over at the Toyota Racing website . This is totally my Barbie dream car, with the exception of maybe the cupcake car . The Best Links: via Jon Glaser’s Blog View