Tag Archives: alfonso-cuaron

The 20 Most Anticipated Moviegoing Dates of 2012

Who’s excited for 2012? I said, Who’s excited for 2012? Oh. Well, it’s coming whether you want it or not, and Mayan doomsday predictions and a U.S. presidential election aside, there is stuff to look forward to. Get your calendars ready and read on for 20 dates worth saving at the movies alone. Jan. 6 : The Devil Inside becomes the millionth exorcist movie to open in theaters, thus netting a $3 million cash prize and earning the producers and 20 of their closest friends a free party and Dave and Buster’s. Jan. 15 : In a craven, ruinous grab for ratings, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association invites a suicide bomber to host the Golden Globe Awards. Jan. 20 : Coriolanus makes its official post-Oscar-qualifying debut in theaters. Take Stephanie and Louis and my words for it: You really should see it. Feb. 10 : Watch a Michael Caine paycheck role come alive as you’ve never seen it before — in the eye-popping 3-D family adventure Journey 2: The Mysterious Island . Feb. 26 : “Ziss ees for you, Uggie”: Jean Dujardin dedicates his Best Actor prize at the 84th Academy Awards to his criminally underrecognized canine co-star . March 2 : Holy shit, they really made Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters ? With Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton and Famke Janssen? Wow. OK. Anyway, this opens today. March 9 : Disney commences counting how much money it lost on the ultra expensive, roundly buzzless John Carter . March 23 : Fangirl civil war erupts as The Hunger Games makes its first incursion against the creaky, sparkly Twilight empire. The rest of us, faced only with the sad counterprogramming spectacle of A Thousand Words , flee to art-house refugee camps nationwide. April 27 : The crackerjack comic duo of Jason Segel and Emily Blunt Alison Brie and Jacki Weaver co-star in The Five-Year Engagement June 22 — Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter winds up a distressing month of predatorily-titled blockbusters including Snow White and the Huntsman , Jack the Giant Killer and Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted . Which is fine, because you’re going to be watching the awesome-looking , June 8-opening Prometheus for the fifth time this weekend, anyway. July 20 — The Dark Knight Rises opens! To quote Bane, the film’s excited villain: “ Fghrlkdjhafskdfbldkbsj .” July 27 : Tyler Perry’s The Marriage Counselor reaches theaters, finally exposing audiences everywhere to the subtle dramatic charms of Kim Kardashian. I smell a Verge ! Or maybe it’s just Valtrex. Aug. 17 : Boldly leaping to the front of the Oscar-season line, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association moves up its awards-voting date to Aug. 20 after seeing The Expendables 2 . Sept. 28 : The year of Taylor Kitsch — previously comprising John Carter and Battleship — concludes with the only one of his films any grown-ass adult wants to actually see: The Oliver Stone pot-cartel thriller Savages , co-starring Beinicio Del Toro, Salma Hayek, Uma Thurman, John Travolta, Blake Lively and Emile Hirsch. Oct. 12 : From Kevin James and his Zookeeper director Frank Coraci comes the teacher-turned-MMA moonlighter comedy Here Comes the Boom . I only bring it up because Jesus will weep so copiously that you might start filling and stacking sandbags now . Oct. 19 : Ryan Gosling. Emma Stone. Josh Brolin. Sean Penn. Gangster Squad . That is all. Nov. 16 : The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 concludes the billion-dollar franchise, instantly prompting millions of prodigious sobbing binges. But enough about Taylor Lautner’s management team. Nov. 21 : The visionary filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron returns with Gravity , which draws a robust opening-weekend crowd with its promise of showing Sandra Bullock shot into space. Dec. 19 : Kathryn Bigelow’s as-yet-unnamed Osama bin Laden movie — working title: Banned in Pakistan — reaches theaters. Dec. 25 : A very DiCaprio Christmas gets underway with Django Unchained and The Great Gatsby . Enjoy 2012, everyone! Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

See original here:
The 20 Most Anticipated Moviegoing Dates of 2012

Talkback: Should Chris Nolan Direct The Twilight Zone?

According to Variety, Christopher Nolan tops the shortlist to helm Warner Bros.’ Twilight Zone reboot, but he’s not alone on the list of potential candidates; Michael Bay , Alfonso Cuaron, and Rupert Wyatt are also in the mix to direct the big-budget, single-story version based on Rod Serling’s original sci-fi television series. Nolan may have an in with producer Leonardo DiCaprio and the studio that released his last five films, not to mention the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises . But should he get the gig?

Continue reading here:
Talkback: Should Chris Nolan Direct The Twilight Zone?

Gift Guide: Eastbound and Bobble

How would Kenny Powers celebrate the holiday season? Probably by giving his friends miniature likenesses of himself that pitch his fastball catchphrases on command. Now, the person you love can be reminded of his/her favorite premium cable misanthrope every day with this 7″ resin bobblehead.

See the rest here:
Gift Guide: Eastbound and Bobble

Gift Guide: The Harry Potter Films Get Their Own Book

Say what you will about the Harry Potter franchise — and believe me, we have said plenty — but one thing is undeniable: The films look great. Even though directors Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuaron, Mike Newell and David Yates have fallen short of successfully translating J.K. Rowling’s dense narrative to the big screen, they’ve certainly captured the imagination of her universe. It’s with that in mind that fans both young and old will delight in Brian Sibley’s ultimate Potter coffee table book: Harry Potter Film Wizardry .

Here is the original post:
Gift Guide: The Harry Potter Films Get Their Own Book

The Great Harry Potter Liveblog Experiment Continues With Prisoner of Azkaban

Somehow, I have never seen a Harry Potter movie before today. Over the next two days, I will be watching all six films leading up to Tuesday night’s screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 . I will be liveblogging the entire experience because, well, why not? I’ll be checking the comments if you have any words of explanation or encouragement. We’ve got Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets down; now who’s ready for a little Prisoner of Azkaban ?

Original post:
The Great Harry Potter Liveblog Experiment Continues With Prisoner of Azkaban

Natalie Portman May Trade Tights for Space Suit in Gravity

Ready to watch Natalie Portman alone in space for two hours? Studios are betting so. After her widely praised performance in Black Swan , Warner Bros. has given the OK to Alfonso Cuaron to offer Portman the lead role in his sci-fi survival film Gravity . Casting has been going back and forth for some time with rumors that Angelina Jolie’s recent departure may have sunk the movie. Here’s hoping Portman keeps it alive, because that crazy opening shot still sounds awesome. [ Risky Business ]

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Natalie Portman May Trade Tights for Space Suit in Gravity

Johnny Depp Joining Angelina Jolie In The Tourist

The thriller remake “The Tourist,” has run into another set of hiccoughs, with major players moving around like luggage on a conveyor.

See the original post:
Johnny Depp Joining Angelina Jolie In The Tourist