Tag Archives: answered-their

Patton Oswalt on Young Adult, Great Chemistry and the Downside of Nostalgia

Patton Oswalt is hardly a screen rookie, having starred in various TV series, films, comedy specials; he’s not even a stranger to awards season, having voiced the lead in Pixar’s Oscar-winning Ratatouille . But there’s an unmistakable milestone quality to this week’s Young Adult , which places the actor and comic opposite Charlize Theron in a bitter stew of generational angst, woe and futility topped with a hint — but just barely a hint — of optimism.

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Patton Oswalt on Young Adult, Great Chemistry and the Downside of Nostalgia

What Kevin Spacey Thinks About Using Cell Phones in Theaters

While there’s hope that one idiotic theater in Washington encouraging audiences to text during movies dies a speedy death, take heart in the actions of new Movieline hero Kevin Spacey . The actor took a stand at a recent Sydney performance of Richard III when a rude theatergoer answered their cell phone during the play. “Spacey, the would-be Duke of Gloucester, singled out the phone owner and bellowed ‘Tell them we’re busy!’,” reports the UK Telegraph. “The audience erupted in support.” Sigh. If only actors could leap off the screen to do the same in cineplexes. [ Telegraph via Movie City News ]

Excerpt from:
What Kevin Spacey Thinks About Using Cell Phones in Theaters