Tag Archives: assault-rifles

Dan Bilzerian Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign

If you’ve never heard of Dan Bilzerian, just imagine if Hunter S. Thompson’s gun collection and Chuck Norris’ beard had a love child and gave it a multi-million dollar trust fund. The man’s made headlines for throwing porn stars off his roof . He’s been arrested for trying to make a bomb . He’s rumored to have hired a professional “p–sy coordinator.” So what’s left for a 34-year-old man who’s already accomplished so much…except to run for the highest office in the land? Yes, Bilzerian has become the latest to mentally unstable megalomaniac to jump into the already over-crowded pool of 2016 presidential candidates . The idea of a man who seems to have few interests outside of boobs and blowing stuff up occupying the White House may seem ridiculous at first, but when you think about it, Bilzerian might have just the right mix of qualities to make him America’s ideal leader: The libido of JFK. The cocaine tolerance of Bush. The beard of Lincoln. And, of course, Harry S. Truman’s taste for breaking out the big bombs and making things go boom. In case you doubted Blitz’s seriousness, tickets are already on sale for his June 24 campaign launch party in NYC.  Was your favorite candidate surrounded by thongs and assault rifles when he announced? We didn’t think so.  View Slideshow: 2016 Presidential Election: The (Possible) Contenders

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Dan Bilzerian Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign

Joe Biden: Shotgun Beats Assault Rifle in Case of Earthquake!

Vice President Joe Biden really needs a reality show, as a recent White House petition called for. He gave Americans a glimpse of why Friday in a Google+ Hangout. The always-outspoken Veep (and possible 2016 election candidate) went off on a tangent on shotguns, assault rifles, and protecting yourself during an earthquake. Take a look: Joe Biden Shotgun Senate Democrats introduced their 2013 assault weapons ban earlier in the week, a controversial measure that faces an uncertain future in Congress. Among many fair questions about such a bill: How can you ban assault weapons when some people own them as a last line of defense, one G+ user asked. Joe says that’s no problem … since shotguns work better anyway. “A shotgun would keep you a lot safer – a double barrel shotgun – than the assault weapon in somebody’s hand who doesn’t know how to use it,” he says. While looking at the camera and pretending to clutch a shotgun. “You know. It’s harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than a shotgun. So, if you want to keep people away in an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells.” The more you know.

See more here:
Joe Biden: Shotgun Beats Assault Rifle in Case of Earthquake!

‘Beyond Thrilled’: My Week With Marilyn Director Simon Curtis On His Auspicious NYFF Debut

The world premiere of your first feature film — in the hypercritical climes of the New York Film Festival, no less — would be nerve-wracking for any director. But Simon Curtis isn’t any director. He’s a BAFTA – and Emmy-nominated television and stage veteran who’s worked with a who’s who of British acting royalty, a noteworthy group of whom appear in Curtis’s feature debut My Week With Marilyn .

Continued here:
‘Beyond Thrilled’: My Week With Marilyn Director Simon Curtis On His Auspicious NYFF Debut

1999 Dramedy Best Man Getting Sequel You Didn’t Ask For But Are Totally Okay With

Twelve years after critics found it to be totally decent (and refreshingly stereotype-free) and audiences made it a solid $34M box office hit, the 1999 Taye Diggs vehicle Best Man will be getting a sequel! So if you’ve been holding your breath to find out what happens after interpersonal secrets and scandals among friends come to a head on one dramarama-filled wedding day, you’re in luck. Writer-director Malcolm D. Lee is set to script and helm Best Man 2 for Universal, and reportedly got the idea after a cast reunion dinner; take that as good indication that the likes of Diggs, Morris Chestnut, Terrence Howard, Sanaa Nathan, and Nia Long might reprise their characters. [ Deadline ]

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1999 Dramedy Best Man Getting Sequel You Didn’t Ask For But Are Totally Okay With

Video: Bill Murray Might Rather Conduct Harvard’s Marching Band Than Read a Ghostbusters 3 Script

We may not know whether Bill Murray will reprise his role of Peter Venkman in the highly anticipated, highly rumored Ghostbusters 3 but we do know that the notoriously reclusive actor will spontaneously conduct an Ivy League marching band if the Ghostbusters theme song is in their set list. Video evidence from last weekend’s Harvard-Cornell game follows.

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Video: Bill Murray Might Rather Conduct Harvard’s Marching Band Than Read a Ghostbusters 3 Script

Hungarian SWAT Seize Cache of Functional Assault Rifles to Be Used as World War Z Props

Monday brought more bad news to the reportedly beleaguered production of the zombie flick World War Z , produced by and starring Brad Pitt , when SWAT in Budapest raided a warehouse storing prop guns for the film. The problem: they weren’t props, but fully-functional military-style assault rifles. Oops!

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Hungarian SWAT Seize Cache of Functional Assault Rifles to Be Used as World War Z Props

Armed Robbers Storm Poker Tournament on Live TV [Breaking]

Panic swept over Berlin’s Grand Hyatt today when a group of blasé burglars carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles stormed a European Poker Tour tournament and made off with $1.2 million, before a live television broadcast. Four robbers burst into the hotel while two stood guard by the entrance on Potsdamer Platz, a major public square, AFP reports . Apparently some of the footage made it on the air. Here, horrified gamblers run screaming from their table. They are so scared, they don’t even peek at their competitors’ cards. The five-day tournament had 1000 competitors and a jackpot of one million Euros. [ AFP ] [ AP ]

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Armed Robbers Storm Poker Tournament on Live TV [Breaking]