No idea who Daniela Lopez Osorio – but I’ll assume she’s some instagram whore on the rise- trying to make it in a world of so many instagram whores – not needing to be real models because modeling agencies will sign and promote anyone with some level of following – and luckily for all these girls – modeling requires no talent – just an ability to not feel like an asshole while posing like an asshole because you’re an asshole with an asshole I’d like to stick my tongue inside to try to eat whatever she had for dinner the previous night – not because I am into shit – but because I’m into hot girls trying to make it who look like this… So Daniela Lopez Osorio is alright. The post Daniela Lopez Osorio of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Ariana Grande may be a bit of a brown Christina Aguilera cunt, trained by Disney pretty fucking hard and capable of really navigating this entertainment industry…. The fascinating thing about her is that a pornstar told me she was a fucking whore, like a really full fledged dirty sex fuck everyone whore,…because the pornstar shared a dude with her…and had scoop…and when a pornstar calls you a dirtbag…you know you’re dirty….and I guess you’d also have answers to why she exists, whether she can sing or not, a lot of people can sing and don’t end up where she is…and that’s annoying us in all she does, especially her song.. The other fascinating thing about her is that she called America as whole fat pigs as she raped a donut like it was her and she was a Disney Exec.. She shat on an entire fucking nation of patriotic people…and all she had to do was apologize and everyone – forgave her… They didn’t slaughter her, destroy her career, probably because they also think America as a whore are a bunch of fat fucking pigs… These are apparently promo pics for some bullshit new album… The post Ariana Grande New Album Cover of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I like to think of life in terms of sex tapes…like whether I have see a girl’s asshole while a penis is inside her or not…and not just in posts I do on this site, but in everything I do. I can’t even order a coffee without thinking about the girl serving me fuck…and whether I’ve seen her fuck or not..because with this whole feminist movement and tinder I can’t keep track of all the holes I’ve been in contact with the last decade…and some are probably even related to you, if not in your panties… I’ve seen a lot of girls fuck..Including…Carolyn Murphy…who had a really weird sex tape when sex tapes weren’t as common…feating her dancing awkwardly before unprotected sex…I’ve posted that shit before, her lawyers have come after me, but I assure you, you can find it….if you type in her name on a site I hold very close to my heart that you would know if you like random porn tumblr updates…a site I don’t want to incriminate myself with but where I watched her fuck 3 times already today…this if of this as a Drunkenstepfather Porn Scavenger hunt… I guess what I am saying is that Carolyn Murphy’s best work has been her sex tape, probably not the best paying because she didn’t do the Kim Kardashian, she didn’t even get paid for it, but as a model, whoring is expected and that kind of thing doesn’t fuck up your workflow.. The post Carolyn Murphy for Interview Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
If you’ve seen any pictures of Hilary Duff and her post pregnancy body…one sturdy enough to handle the whole hockey team railing her for her husband to jerk off to in the corner…you’d assume she’d spend her days doing squats…and I guess she wanted to give you a glimpse into how she gets those thighs…and the funny thing is that she’s still got her pervert fanbase that used to jerk off to her when she was under 18 and her parents had sold her to the entertainment industry…it’s like they’ve all watched her grow up and they’ve aged with her and still have that buring desire to eat her asshole while she chokes them out with those thighs…you know watermelon crushers…. The whole thing is creepy…but not as creepy as her egging it on…instead of just sitting on top of her money and chilling…she wants you jerk off… The post Hilary Duff Fitness Tongue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I am bored of Cameron Diaz and her rectangular body that I can only assume comes with menopause, but her little ass are the remnants of what was Cameron Diaz you probably jerked off to, that I’m not so into her because I never liked Tomboys no matter how tall and thin and luxurious you are, you know the bitch farting and talking about shitting and jerking off like she’s a dude, was never for me, I was alway more more into the girls who were hungry, jonesing for drugs and willing to lick my asshole while jerking me off for 10 dollars, no matter how well I wiped….You know the real ladies of the world… Not sure where I am going with this…again…I just know that what it comes down to is that menopausal women make me want to drink…..but then again so does everything…. To See The Rest of the Pictures – Follow this Link GO