Tag Archives: babies-before

Cameron Diaz for Marie Claire of the Day

Cameron Diaz is too old for this. She should have just had babies before trying up, instead of securing another gig as a sex symbol in a romantic comedy for a lot of money she barely deserves because of her boxy old lady body and more importantly, bottoxed face, and more importantly, motherless womb – that is still just as battered as a mom of three thanks to all the cock it took to get her here… I just think the leads in these movies should go to younger people, and even her photoshoots that are photoshopped to shit lack relevance…. I think what I am saying is RIP Cameron Diaz…it was a good run…

Excerpt from:
Cameron Diaz for Marie Claire of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens High School Musical Song $$$ex of the Day

This is horrible. I guess part of the Vanessa Hudgens contract with Spring Breakers was that she’d show her little pudgy body naked, even though she’s been naked in pictures before, if they let her have the theme song, that turns out to be a huge pile of shit, not that you’d expect anything more from a low level, Disney High School Musical star, that grew up so disconnected from what is good, that all she knows is brought to her by executives with contracts in hand. But I’m posting it anyway.You know, cuz she’s so edgy and inspiring. Breaking down walls and innovating with the same recycled shit we’ve heard before. Keep trying pudgens.

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Vanessa Hudgens High School Musical Song $$$ex of the Day

Jessica Alba is in Latina Magazine of the Day

For generations, Jessica Alba has tried to down play her Mexican Roots. Like Eva Longoria they didn’t want to celebrate being Mexican with a fucking dozen kids, some corn tortillas but instead celebrated being Mexican by hiring a mexican maid and gardener to boss the fuck around, because most Mexicans trying to make it in white America try to distance themselves from being Mexican, like we are third rate citizens that White people don’t like, before realizing that they should milk the Mexican card, cuz as Mexicans we support our own, even the traitors, who secretly we love for getting famous and despite not embracing Mexico in public, have Mexico in their soul, proven by her half dozen (2) babies before 30. She’s Jessica Alba, she’s still hot, even if the sauce she puts on her taco isn’t, and taco I mean her vagina…all broken with babies and shit. Here she is getting some votes for Latina magazine. Welcome back woman. You need all the help you can get.

See the article here:
Jessica Alba is in Latina Magazine of the Day