Very sad news today out of Oklahoma City: A one-month old, who was sitting in the backseat of a car with its parents, died from overheating during a trip from Ohio to the town of Ringling. Police confirm that the vehicle was without air conditioning and that the parents pulled over as soon as they noticed their child wasn’t breathing. The baby was taken to the emergency room and pronounced dead, as temperatures in the area exceeded 100 degrees yesterday. Watch this video for further sad details: One-Month Old Dies in Hot Car
Very sad news today out of Oklahoma City: A one-month old, who was sitting in the backseat of a car with its parents, died from overheating during a trip from Ohio to the town of Ringling. Police confirm that the vehicle was without air conditioning and that the parents pulled over as soon as they noticed their child wasn’t breathing. The baby was taken to the emergency room and pronounced dead, as temperatures in the area exceeded 100 degrees yesterday. Watch this video for further sad details: One-Month Old Dies in Hot Car
Paris Jackson’s suicide attempt came after she was told she does not have the same biological father as her brother Prince, according to a new report. The alleged revelation by the Sun (UK) says that she knew Michael Jackson “could not be” her natural dad, yet believed she and Prince had the same one. Paris Jackson believed Debbie Rowe was their mother and an unnamed man their dad, but if this report is to be believed, she’s learned this is untrue. She was just recently given the news, the Sun reports, to prepare her for harsh grilling during the $40 billion Michael Jackson wrongful death trial . A major identity crisis followed, along with a string of devastating fights between Paris and Prince, 16, and eventually led to Paris’ attempt on her life. Whatever the reason, Michael’s only daughter has plunged into depression and is still in an L.A. hospital. She OD’d on Motrin and cut herself June 5. A family friend said of the paternity bombshell: “Paris has always wanted to believe Michael was her dad, but was aware that wasn’t really the case. But she was convinced her and Prince were full siblings.” “She always idolized him. Hearing she wasn’t started a downward spiral .” She’s said to be feeling better but will stay in hospital for up to 30 days. She will then spend more time with mum Debbie, 54, at her ranch in California. Paris Jackson is said to hate the “circus” that is the Jackson household, but she remains close to her guardian and grandmother, Katherine Jackson. There have long been reports that Michael Jackson was not the biological father of any of his three children, and a series of men have claimed that role. The most frequently mentioned name is Dr. Arnold Klein, MJ’s doctor and friend, who’s even admitted giving the late King of Pop a sperm sample. Another Jackson friend, Mark Lester , says the same thing, while numerous others – including Macaulay Culkin – have been rumored by the tabloids.
Greg Gutfield will not be tuning in to The Newsroom Season 2 . With new episodes of the HBO drama kicking off next month, this Fox News contributor slammed Aaron Sorkin’s creation Friday during a segment on The Five . “Hollywood gets everything wrong again. If Newsroom covered Roman Polanski’s crimes, they’d change the 13-year-old girl to 13-year-old scotch,” Gutfield said. “It’s a liberal fantasy.” The pundit specifically takes issue with how the series depicts such real-life events as Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party, both of which are teased in the following preview, while speculating on how it would treat Ariel Castro . Watch it and Gutfield’s full diatribe now. Do you agree with him? Greg Gutfield Slams The Newsroom The Newsroom Season 2 Preview
Dorothy Baker told the man who carjacked her that he “messed with the wrong witch.” If he’s even conscious in the hospital right now, he’d likely agree with that comment. With her two kids in the car, Baker daringly fought off the carjacker, punching him in the face and crashing into a pole in an attempt to throw him out. Mom Fights Off Carjacker The Texas mother engaged in terrifying fight behind the wheel of her car that ended with Ismael Martinez, 54, being thrown out, run over and hospitalized. “I told him he messed with the wrong witch,” Baker told ABC after he sneaked into the back of her parked, unlocked minivan while she was at CVS. Allegedly holding a knife to her oldest son, she says he demanded that she drive him to the nearest ATM. Little did Martinez know what he was in for. “He popped up out of the backseat and said that if I didn’t want my kids to get hurt, that I would do exactly what he said,” Baker emotionally recalled. “I took my fist and I hit him in the face. I told him to get out of my car.” Then she drove her vehicle into a pole, hoping to send him through the windshield and/or injure him. Failing that, she tried to throw him out – while calling 911. When Martinez finally jumped out of her car, hoping to escape on foot, he had yet to see the end of her rage – she took him down WITH THE VAN. “I didn’t mean to run him over,” Dorothy Baker says misty eyed. “I was just trying to stop him so he didn’t hurt anybody else.” Martinez was airlifted to Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston with serious injuries. He’s expected to face felony charges, adding to prior rape and burglary convictions.
A Singapore cabbie has received commendation and a reward after returning $900,000 in cash he found in the backseat of his cab to its owners. Yes, nine hundred grand in cash. That is one loaded passenger … and one honest cab driver. Sia Ka Tian, 70, who has worked as a taxi driver in the Asian city-state for more than 30 years, said he had no desire to keep the mysterious windfall. “The money is unimportant to me. It doesn’t belong to me, so how can I use it?” he said. Sia found the bag after dropping off a vacationing Thai couple at a shopping center Monday. He knew there was a lot of money in it, but didn’t bother to count it. If you’re not gonna keep it, why bother right? Instead, he immediately turned it in to the lost-and-found office at his employer, ComfortDelGro transport company, who the couple had already contacted. Sia was waiting for them when they arrived to claim their cash.
Actor is stepping behind the lens for ‘How to Catch a Monster,’ a ‘modern-day fairytale’ starring Christina Hendricks. By Amy Wilkinson Ryan Gosling Photo: Jay West/WireImage
For Fall Movie Preview, director Robert Lorenz tells MTV News that Clint Eastwood actually took the backseat while filming. By Kevin P. Sullivan Clint Eastwood and Justin Timberlake in “Trouble with the Curve” Photo: Warner Bros.
My name is Sarah, I’m 16 years old from Canada and my Bieber experience was on December 21st at the “Home For the Holidays” concert in Toronto, ON. This isn’t a story about meeting Justin, but it was my first time ever seeing him in concert, which was an experience good enough for me. I get Justin’s tweets sent to my phone and a few weeks or so before the concert Justin announced on his Twitter that he was having something special planned for Canada. The second I read that tweet I started crying because I could possibly have the chance to see him in person. He didn’t announce where, when or any details, but knowing he was coming was good enough for me. That day at school I couldn’t concentrate because I kept day-dreaming about possibly seeing him. About a week after that Much tweeted that he would be coming to Toronto (where I live) but they weren’t giving any details about this “secret” concert. My dreams were a little crushed but I kept Beliebing. A couple days after that Much tweeted again that they would be announcing how to get tickets. I started freaking out and called my best friend who already knew about the concert, and we started planning how to get tickets and got really excited about the possibility of going. They finally said that tickets would go on sale on Sunday at 4pm on the Saturday before. I had a really bad flu (so I should’ve slept pretty easily that night) but I woke up every hour because I was so nervous about not getting tickets. At around 3:45pm on Sunday my Dad, Mom, Brother and I set up seven computers in the kitchen to try and get through to get tickets. Not a single computer at my house got through, but luckily one of the ones at my best friends house did and we got tickets in the balcony that were 5th row. I was so happy I cried my eyes out. Every night until the concert I couldn’t sleep because of my excitement. The night before my mom had to give me sleeping pills because she knew I’d be up all night if I didn’t take them. The day finally came and school went by extremely slowly. After school my best friends mom picked me up and we went to her house to get ready. We wore JB santa hats, shirts, tattoos and bracelets. The car ride down was pretty fast and we went out for dinner after picking up the tickets. After dinner we went into the line up to get into Massey Hall and met some other Beliebers, then shortly went inside to find our seats. They were an amazing view and right beside the stage. I couldn’t believe I was going to be so close to him. We then went and bought some of his merchandise and made our way back to our seats to wait for him. 45 minutes after the concert was supposed to start, Scooter came on stage saying that he was running a bit late but would be on shortly. I asked one of the security guards how long the concert would be so I could tell my dad when to get us, and she said about an hour. Finally Justin came on stage and sang “Baby” I cried and sobbed the entire song because I couldn’t believe I was seeing him with my own two eyes. The concert ended up being two hours long, and Justin was asked to finish off multiple times, and he would respond with things like “I’m not done yet, Elf. You guys want another song right?” . The concert was so special because no one else would be able to see one like this and he even picked people in the audience to choose what song he would sing next. It was honestly the best night of my life. I got home and didn’t go to sleep until about 2am because I was still in shock from seeing him. It was the best day of my entire life and I am so thankful I was one of the lucky fans to get tickets. I will never forget this day, and will never give up on my dream of meeting him. Justin taught me to “believe” and “never say never” which I have been doing, and which have helped my dreams come true. Thank you so much Justin for this amazing experience. I hope to see you on your Believe tour this year. – @sarahluvsjus10 Read more from the original source: My name is Sarah, I’m 16 years old from Canada and my…
I went to Selena and Justin’s hotel around 9:30 in the morning to try and meet them . When I got there, there was about 15 people already there. We waited about an hour and Logan Henderson from Big Time Rush came out and we took pictures with him. About an hour later, we walked to the back of the hotel and we saw Selena’s driver there. He told us Selena would be out in 10 minutes and if we waited there, we would meet her. We waited and about 20 minutes later her security guard came out and told us Selena wasn’t feeling well and that she was going to go out the garage and she wasn’t meeting any fans. The car pulled into the garage and Selena got in and we saw her sitting in the backseat. She waved to us and the car pulled away. We wanted to meet her so bad so we just got in a cab and we went to the restaurant she was at. When we got there, she was just walking into the restaurant so we jumped out of the cab and called her name and she came right over to us. She was so sweet! She told us she wasn’t feeling well and she asked if we could do a group picture so her security guard took the camera and took the picture. We decided to go back to the hotel to try and meet Justin and when we got back there, there were still like 15 people. We went to the back of the hotel because we figured that’s where he would come out too. We waited there for like 20 minutes and then Selena’s car pulled up. She came over to us when she got out of the car and she remembered us from the restaurant and she was just so nice! She was like “Oh hey you guys! Nice to see you again!” We took another group picture and she was so cute! I asked for a hug and she gave me one and then she went inside. We then left the hotel for a little while and we decided to go get some lunch. After lunch we went back to the back of the hotel and we saw no sign of Justin or Selena. We decided to walk to the front and when we got there we saw Justin’s car out front. We talked to the driver and he was so nice to us! He told us when Justin and Selena were coming out and everything . We waited about a half hour and then another car pulled up and Justin’s dad was in the car. We waited about 10 more minutes and then Justin and Selena walked out of the hotel. When Justin came out he was eating a brownie and then he handed it to his security guard and was just like “Here can you hold this?”. I went to Justin first and he was really nice! He asked me how I was and then we took a picture. It was so awkward because my friend couldn’t get my camera to work and Justin and I were just like standing there and he had his hand on my back. After my friend still couldn’t figure out how to work my camera Justin goes, “Just hold the button down. It will work,” and then of course she listened to him and it worked! I was still standing next to him and he just goes, “Where’s my girlfriend?”. After that I saw Selena just standing there so I asked her for another picture because I really wanted a picture of just me and her and she was like, “Of course! Come over here!” and then we took a picture. After that my friend asked Selena for a picture and she asked me to take it. I held up my camera to take the picture and out of no where Justin comes up behind me and just like puts his head on my shoulder and is just like looking at Selena. I was about to take the picture and Justin’s like, “You got it?” and I said “Yes” . After I took the picture they both got in the car and they drove away. My friends decided to leave and as we’re walking, we saw Selena and Justin in the backseat of the car parked in front of a pizza place eating pizza and kissing. It was so cute and it was so random that we ran into them again! We didn’t want to bother them though so we didn’t ask for pictures or autographs and then we just decided to leave and go home. – @ xBelieveInMex Continued here: I went to Selena and Justin’s hotel around 9:30 in the…