Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo certainly knows a thing or two about how to get us interested in beauty pageants again! Hit the jump for more pics and info…
Here’s Miss India Global & Miss Photogenic 2014, Vivica Mitra doing some bikini photoshoot. I never heard of those two beauty pageants, but the girl is not bad. However, I don’t know if she is Miss Photogenic, I’d give that title to one of the Victoria’s Secret models, but she definitely could be Miss Hollywood Tuna Pant Fire. Photos: Fameflynet
Assuming you’re able to stop drooling over these pictures long enough to read this, here’s Italian TV host, model and former Miss Italia Cristina Chiabotto showing off her ridiculously perfect bikini body. That’s right, I did my research. Because I know that when it comes to models as pants-incineratingly hot as Cristina here, what you guys really want to do is read up on what local beauty pageants she’s won. OK fine, nevermind, just enjoy all the sexy bikini pictures. You’re welcome. » view all 26 photos
Despite popular belief, I am not the stalker on set of her new show, that is actually her only show, because she’s only existed in the public eye for the last few weeks, from losing Beauty Pageants to being on the worst show ever….cuz I don’t leave the house…. But as a voyeur, I totally get where this guy is coming from, and if I was still into leaving the house, and if I still had the ability to climb fire escapes, I’d be right there doing the same hustle…. I mean dude brought binoculars to the stare at her through a fence on set…that’s some real commitment…not a…”hey just walking by” thing…and I think dude’s awesome….probably more awesome that this shitty fucking diving show.
I never watch beauty pageants on TV so I didn’t know there was a costume portion . Why? I don’t know. Nonetheless, I like to play dress up with the ladies at times and I’d be more than willing to with each and everyone of these contestants. Especially, Miss El Salvador . Call me.
It’s that time of the year again. With 2013 around the corner, THG is going back in time and selecting 10 finalists for our annual Celebrity of the Year award. These stars gave us their best, their worst, their nude pics (sometimes hot), their sex tapes (often not) and their scandals. We kicked off the countdown with Adam Levine at #10 . And now we move on to #9… HONEY BOO BOO! A year ago, seven-year old Alana Thompson was just your basic kid… who starred in beauty pageants and appeared occasionally on Toddlers & Tiaras . Then TLC turned its cameras specifically on Thompson and her family and the world took yet another step toward the Apocalypse. Mother June Shannon grew into a television and Internet sensation, while ratings for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo soared. This family was suddenly more popular than Republicans convening nationally for your vote. Alana has appeared on Dr. Drew and The Tonight Show , among other major talk shows, with viewers simultaneously repulsed by this toddler and enamored by her. She handles road kill. She’s proud of her ever-growing belly. She’s made Go Go Juice into a thing. TLC, naturally, has ordered multiple holiday specials featuring this eccentric family and their popularity has caused an uproar over the status of our programming and our country in general. What are we to make of someone such as Honey Boo Boo turning into a full-fledged celebrity? What does it say about her? About us? How much lower can television sink? Let’s all ponder these heavy questions together… right after we set our DVR for the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Christmas spectacular, that is.
Actor Michael Clarke Duncan is 6′ 5″ and once tipped the scales at 315lbs and is now down to 280. Even at that height and weight, it’s hard to imagine that someone of his stature sustains himself without consuming any meat products. FACT OF THE DAY: Drake’s High School Ambition Was To Break Dance However, in an interview with TheUrbandaily last year the “Bones” actor revealed that he was a vegetarian, and that his girlfriend Omarosa was great at hooking up vegan meals for him. “This woman is fantastic and she can cook like a chef, ” he said. “And I’m a vegetarian so it’s hard to please my stomach, but she can go down there and whip it up.” So all that muscle is sustained by vegetables? Wow. But as the great RZA once said, “an Ox is strong as f*ck and all he eats is grass.” RELATED POSTS: FACT OF THE DAY: Jennifer Hudson Had A Record Deal Before “Idol” FACT OF THE DAY: Nas Was Born In Brooklyn FACT OF THE DAY: Common Was A Bookworm At FAMU
Actor Michael Clarke Duncan is 6′ 5″ and once tipped the scales at 315lbs and is now down to 280. Even at that height and weight, it’s hard to imagine that someone of his stature sustains himself without consuming any meat products. FACT OF THE DAY: Drake’s High School Ambition Was To Break Dance However, in an interview with TheUrbandaily last year the “Bones” actor revealed that he was a vegetarian, and that his girlfriend Omarosa was great at hooking up vegan meals for him. “This woman is fantastic and she can cook like a chef, ” he said. “And I’m a vegetarian so it’s hard to please my stomach, but she can go down there and whip it up.” So all that muscle is sustained by vegetables? Wow. But as the great RZA once said, “an Ox is strong as f*ck and all he eats is grass.” RELATED POSTS: FACT OF THE DAY: Jennifer Hudson Had A Record Deal Before “Idol” FACT OF THE DAY: Nas Was Born In Brooklyn FACT OF THE DAY: Common Was A Bookworm At FAMU
So by now we know these beauty pageant parents are a hot mess. This show Toddlers and Tiaras is giving the worst of these pageant parents an opportunity to show show the world how horrible there parenting skills are. Especially 6 years Alana aka ‘Honey Boo Boo Child” mother this heffa needs to be ashamed of her self but yet she is proud of the way she is raising this wild lil girl. Check this video out and let me know how u feel!
So by now we know these beauty pageant parents are a hot mess. This show Toddlers and Tiaras is giving the worst of these pageant parents an opportunity to show show the world how horrible there parenting skills are. Especially 6 years Alana aka ‘Honey Boo Boo Child” mother this heffa needs to be ashamed of her self but yet she is proud of the way she is raising this wild lil girl. Check this video out and let me know how u feel!