I almost feel bad that Sesame Street turned on Katy Perry after parents got mad about the amount of tit she was showing, even though kids view tits as a food source and not as something to stick their dicks between….because growing up with a face like Katy Perry’s her only real option in life, other than being an over-rated popstar because the public are fucking idiots and buy into anything that marketing tells them to, was for her to be a muppet…. Here are her tits being squeezed together, cuz that’s all she’s good for…seriously, this twat has no other reason for being on TV….and I have a feeling she probably knows that… On a sidenote, I still haven’t got the Titty fuck pictures of her, but I do know people who know her, and she was a huge slut before sneaking into this fame game by sucking the right cock, so I know they are out there and it is only a matter of time….in the meantime…this is as close as I can get to Katy Perry smut.

Katy Perry Squeezing her Tits for Some Photoshoot of the Dy
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged after-parents, become-known, before-sneaking, bikini sluts, celeb news, modelmayhem, Nsfw, perry, Pictures, sesame street, TMZ, underwear