Look, we know we're in some dark times right now. But apparently these times are so dark that some people feel comfortable spewing ridiculously hateful things at another person while in line at the grocery store, just because that person happens to be a Muslim. Seriously, that happened. In a Trader Joe's in Reston, Virginia, a Muslim woman was waiting in line, and when she saw another woman with just a few items in her cart, she allowed her to go ahead of her. The woman promptly began talking trash about another Muslim woman in the store, one wearing a niqab. She asked the Muslim woman in line why she wasn't also covered up. She explained to her that it was a choice, but apparently that wasn't good enough. The other lady began talking about female genital mutilation (???) and that's when the phone came out. You can see the next part of the conversation in the video below. The poor harassed woman says “I shouldn't have let you in front of me,” and after taking a moment to think of a comeback, Ol' Crazy says “I wish they didn't let you in the country.” She goes on to tell her that “Obama's not in office anymore” — like she'd missed the memo — and that “You don't have a Muslim in there anymore.” “He's gone, he's gone. He may be in jail too, in the future.” It's all a little too insane to handle, and of course the woman comes off looking like a racist psycho. But she's actually speaking out to local news stations. In one statement, she claimed that her comments in the video were taken out of context. She said that the Muslim woman who filmed the exchange “ambushed” her with “strong statements” about the U.S. being “full of murderers and rapists,” and so she just responded to that. Yeah, sounds like a solid story. See the conversation in the video below:
Woman Goes on Horrific Anti-Muslim Rant, Claims It Was Taken Out of Context