Who is Jade Chynoweth ? I don’t know, but her instagram says that she’s a dancer…a very important dancer…because all dancers are important…their strength, athleticism, musculature, their rhythm, their stamina…their weird hippie dancer mindset…unless they are just new generation young people who want to Hip Hop dance to train for their instagram stories to be sexy enough to be jerked off to. That’s the era, why do sports when you can do half naked gyrating and sex simulation…like a stripper but more annoying because they don’t get naked as easily….but luckily still horny enough to get naked cuz it’s the porn generation….and these are her tits in some outfit. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jade Chynoweth In a Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Iskra Lawrence with the big girl tits…because if you’re going to be a fat chick, since it is marketable, you might as well have tits while you’re doing it. In all the fat chicks I’ve had to have sex with over the years, because they were the only chicks available to fuck, only a handful had big tits, which defeated the entire purpose of fucking a fat chick, something I do not recommend to anyone but that I will say….drives the point home in terms of how pathetic you actually are in your life choices…where big tits on a fat chick can distract you from that harsh and sad reality. I don’t believe in this Iskra Lawrence lie. She’s in Fat face, fat to get famous since it is a thing, finding that bubble to ride…or in her case eat, but like everything, it will eventually fade and we will get back to normal… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Who said females were the only ones getting butt implants? A video of a muscular male walking the beach went viral over the weekend as he flaunted his peachy cheeks. Check out the clip below: Lalaa Shepard @lalaashep
Well, this is uncomfortable. But hey, we're talking about Sister Wives here, what did you expect? Last year, in a time that will surely live on forever in your trashy reality show-loving heart, Meri Brown admitted that she'd gone and gotten herself involved with a catfish . After divorcing her husband, Kody Brown — they were the only ones legally married, so they legally divorced so he could marry Robyn , but they maintained that “spiritual marriage” he has with all the wives — Meri went through a rough time. She began talking to a man, and then went on to have a sort of emotional affair with him, but it turned out that the man was a woman, and it was all very dramatic and unfortunate. But all that happened over a year ago. Since then, Kody and the other wives, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn, have all been very supportive of Meri, so they're probably definitely back to normal now, right? Wrong. In this sneak peek from Sunday's new episode of Sister Wives, it's obvious that Meri and Kody's relationship is still in a terrible place. Are the rumors that Meri is leaving Kody true?! Check out their sincerely awful fight in the video below:
My name is Helle and I live in Oslo, Norway . I attended Believe tour on April 16th and 17th, 2013 with my dear belieber friends. Our journey started on Saturday April 13th, when we tried to figure out what hotel Justin and the crew would be staying at. We had a good eye for ‘The Thief,’ and decided to stay outside there on Sunday. That night we met Justin’s stage builders, they were so chill and we guided them around town for maybe an hour. On Monday the dancers arrived in the city, and the Norwegian fans were already acting like animals. I was so annoyed by their acts so we walked away, even though we knew that was our chance to meet them. We then found out where some of the dancers private photo shoot was going to be. We were the only ones there, and when the dancers came outside their van, we just winked at them to show them some respect and not attack them. When they came out again, they came over to us to say hi. I had a good talk with Carlena and Kaili, love them! After we knew where the dancers workshop was supposed to be, so we visited the location. There weren’t any fans there yet, so the woman who worked there said that we could stay if we wanted. We basically watched Jon, Nick, Johnny and Shaun dance for hours. The coolest thing was that the Jon and Nick walked around there joking with us. I’d no idea that I could stay so calm and actually have a normal conversation with them. After the workshop we took a group photo and I stood next to Jon. Finally it was Tuesday and it was our show day. We spent 13 hours in the line waiting to get inside the arena. The show was amazing and Justin was so cute when he talked with the crowd. I felt so connected with him, like it was only me and him in the room. It was so hard knowing that he was so close, but we couldn’t meet him. After the show we walked to ‘The Thief’ since that’s the hotel we decided to go for earlier. We were the only ones there, and we waited until about 3 a.m. before Kenny Hamilton came out! He gave us a hug and a photo, but he was in a rush so we let him go. He also said, “Girls, you can go home. It’s safe to leave, I promise nothing will happen here, Justin is sleeping.” We didn’t dare to do anything other than listen on our teddy bear, and left the hotel. Then on Wednesday, it was my all time favorite day. We decided to look for the crew in the city instead of waiting in line for the show. Suddenly Kenny DM’ed us asking about my name, and said that he would leave us two meet and greet passes at the box office! As you all know, we are 4 Norwegian beliebers who were in this together. Scooter gave Sana M&G, but we still needed one more. Emma cried so much, but I was repeating that everything would work out. We wouldn’t meet Justin without her. We were so grateful and didn’t mean to complain, but we asked Kenny for one more M&G for our friend and he agreed. That moment is forever the happiest moment in my entire life, Emma and Maiken both fainted, while Sana and I just stood there hugging each other. When it was time to meet Justin I came in the room, and Justin already had two girls next to him. I was like, “Aw…” Justin looked at me and understood what I was thinking. He said, “No no no,” and took me next to him instead. I said, “Thanks,” and we both smiled. It felt so good being in his arms, he smelled so good and it was so natural. I asked him for a hug, but he was like, “Sorry girls, I’m sick, I don’t want you to get sick too.” I answered that I don’t mind, I mean who the hell cares about getting sick for Justin, but he said, “No, sorry cutie,” but then he gave me a hug anyways? The hug felt so real, it was like my life depended on it. Sana kissed him on the check, and that’s not allowed, so he moved her away and let Emma stand next to him instead. I said, That’s not swaggy though?” so he laughed and smiled to me. I honestly don’t remember that someone took the photo, but I look so happy and I’m actually blushing because he’s so flirty. When I turned around leaving I saw the biggest, cutest smile I’ve ever seen. All the other girls had left the room, so it was only me and him now. We looked each others in the eyes for some seconds and then he winked at me. I wonder how I’m still alive. He said, “I love you” but I don’t remember if I said anything back. Then I walked out and found the other girls laying on the ground crying like children. I was just so damn happy. The show on Wednesday was perfect in every single way. We really enjoyed our time together, singing along with Justin. We also saw Kenny and Scooter creeping around in the crowd, but we let them go for themselves. After the show we visited ‘The Thief’ again, and we were the only ones who saw Dan leave. We winked and he smiled and winked back. Justin also showed off shirtless in the window like 3 times, I’ll never get over that tease. After a long day, we left the hotel and went home to sleep. On Thursday we spent a lot time in the city. We went back to the hotel and saw Kenny, Scooter, Alfredo and Tay James leaving. I was like, “I’m sure they’re going to One Piece!!” and sure enough, Kenny tweeted that they were on their way to the store. We arrived at the same time as Kenny and Alfredo. The store owner said that we could stay. I walked over to Kenny and said, “I need to thank you” and he remembered me from the day before. He said, “You’re welcome, no problem, I’m glad.” Then we gave him a huge group hug, smiled and talked for some minutes. Then I smiled to Fredo, and he looked at me and asked me to come over. I took about two photos with him, he’s just so cute. On our way out, Kenny asked if we wanted more photos. I love the selfies we took, he didn’t stop posing and we laughed so much. The owner then threw everyone out because they screamed and were aggressive, but they let us stay because Kenny kept talking with us. I asked Alfredo if he knew my Twitter and he did! He honestly looked so happy and honored to meet us, I can’t believe he knew who we are. We walked out of the store together with Alfredo. He touched my shoulder and was like, “I think we need more photos!” so we took a lot selfies with him too. All the other fans outside the store stood there looking at us. We talked about the shows, Norway and he promised to say hi to Justin from us. He asked us if we had tickets for tonight’s show, and we said that we didn’t, but we had been to the other show so it was okay .I’m still so overwhelmed – this honestly means the world to me. I really need to thank Laura, Fay, Met, Maria, Nikki, Pat, Lilly, Jeti, Jazmine, Emily, Tyan, Diane, and Shaine for helping us out on Twitter. A huge thank you to Kenny, he’s so kind hearted and I love him for everything he does for Justin and Beliebers. Justin’s dancers, for being so cool around us. Fredo for being in beastmode when he met us. Last but not least, THANK YOU JUSTIN, WE MISS YOU ALREADY. -@jbsdope Link: My name is Helle and I live in Oslo, Norway. I attended Believe…
We pray the kid pulls through. Sacramento Boy In Critical Condition After Being Shot At Birthday Party According to CBS Sacramento A 10-year-old boy was shot during a kids’ birthday party and witnesses think the boy may’ve been the intended target. Eric Raya Ramirez is still in critical condition at hospital after he was shot at least four times — in the lower back and leg, say police. A bullet hole is still in the window at a home where Eric was shot on Saturday night. “He’s 10. He didn’t do a thing,” said neighbor Kyle Rus. Kyle lives next door on Whitecliff Way. He says several kids were playing in the front yard when a black Acura pulled up, a man got out, then pointed a gun at Eric and fired. “He was aiming at the kid that’s all we know,” said Rus. That’s when Rus’ twin brother, Bradford, ran out to help. “They wrapped the one on the leg, turned him over and found three on his back. So they held pressure until the ambulance got there,” said Rus. Deputies say Eric was at relative’s birthday party during the incident. Family members who watched in horror as he was gunned down are now by his side in the ICU. “And they were all in so much shock they couldn’t react. My brother and my mom were the only people who moved,” said Rus. Neighbors are very shaken, especially since police don’t have anything to go on other than the car’s appearance. This senseless violence has to stop! ShutterStock
It was the 20th February 2013, the day before Justin’s concert. I had literally been crying all night after finding out about the book signing in London and knowing I wouldn’t be able to go. I was gutted and loosing hope about ever meeting him. I was just about to go to sleep when an e-mail flashed on my phone, “Bieber Fever Competitions.” I opened the e-mail, fell to the floor, screamed and cried. I couldn’t believe I had actually won meet and greets! It was the day of the tour and I was so excited all day. I went to Manchester at around 3 p.m. and met a girl from Twitter named Maisie. We were so excited to get the bands and finally meet him. We went to the box office and the bands were late so I met a few beliebers and got talking with them. We finally got our wristbands and I screamed so loud, everyone looked at me. Then we saw Kenny through some doors and we got to queue backstage. We waited for like nearly an hour or more backstage. Then we were finally in a little room and could see the curtain that Justin was inside. The security told us not to scream or cry because Justin likes it when you’re calm. We were finally in the room with Justin. Alfredo was filming something and then I saw Justin. I couldn’t actually believe he was in front of me. We all ran up to him to try and hug him and he was like, “Slow it down guys,” in the cutest accent ever. I said to him quietly, “Thank you so much for saving my life.” He replied, “Awww it’s okay babe,” and smiled at me. I was next to him for the picture and he pulled me like soooooo close, it was just perfect. After the picture had been taken I had to hug him, so I did and I said, “I love you so much” and he said, “I love you too.” Then we were pushed out by security. Not joking – once we were out I broke down on the floor crying. It was the happiest 40 seconds of my life. I love my picture and I still can’t believe it. What I really want to say is Never Say Never. It sounds so stupid but I’ve liked Justin for 5 years and I didn’t give up. Do everything you can to meet him because I promise you when you finally do, everything will be so worth it! I still can’t believe my dream came true and nothing will ever make me happier than this. I’ve waited for the day I could post my experience for years and it finally happened! The Believe Tour was amazing and it was just the best day ever. -@canadastyles See original here: It was the 20th February 2013, the day before Justin’s concert….
It was the 20th February 2013, the day before Justin’s concert. I had literally been crying all night after finding out about the book signing in London and knowing I wouldn’t be able to go. I was gutted and loosing hope about ever meeting him. I was just about to go to sleep when an e-mail flashed on my phone, “Bieber Fever Competitions.” I opened the e-mail, fell to the floor, screamed and cried. I couldn’t believe I had actually won meet and greets! It was the day of the tour and I was so excited all day. I went to Manchester at around 3 p.m. and met a girl from Twitter named Maisie. We were so excited to get the bands and finally meet him. We went to the box office and the bands were late so I met a few beliebers and got talking with them. We finally got our wristbands and I screamed so loud, everyone looked at me. Then we saw Kenny through some doors and we got to queue backstage. We waited for like nearly an hour or more backstage. Then we were finally in a little room and could see the curtain that Justin was inside. The security told us not to scream or cry because Justin likes it when you’re calm. We were finally in the room with Justin. Alfredo was filming something and then I saw Justin. I couldn’t actually believe he was in front of me. We all ran up to him to try and hug him and he was like, “Slow it down guys,” in the cutest accent ever. I said to him quietly, “Thank you so much for saving my life.” He replied, “Awww it’s okay babe,” and smiled at me. I was next to him for the picture and he pulled me like soooooo close, it was just perfect. After the picture had been taken I had to hug him, so I did and I said, “I love you so much” and he said, “I love you too.” Then we were pushed out by security. Not joking – once we were out I broke down on the floor crying. It was the happiest 40 seconds of my life. I love my picture and I still can’t believe it. What I really want to say is Never Say Never. It sounds so stupid but I’ve liked Justin for 5 years and I didn’t give up. Do everything you can to meet him because I promise you when you finally do, everything will be so worth it! I still can’t believe my dream came true and nothing will ever make me happier than this. I’ve waited for the day I could post my experience for years and it finally happened! The Believe Tour was amazing and it was just the best day ever. -@canadastyles See original here: It was the 20th February 2013, the day before Justin’s concert….
On 23rd February 2013 I met Justin for the second time and it was absolutely perfect. I’m still in shock. I got to the venue for Justin’s book signing at around 4 p.m., and my two friends and I chased Justin’s car, but we couldn’t see him going in because there were too many people. Then we entered the building and went straight to the bathroom to write a birthday card for Justin. We finally joined the queue and we were probably the fifth people from the back. Whilst we queued, they were playing ‘Believe’ and the three of us were the only ones who were screaming, jumping, singing along and dancing the entire time. When we got close to the door of the room where Justin was, Kenny came out and I yelled, “YOU’RE SO MEECHY.” We entered the room. and I felt sick. I felt as if I was about to pass out. I couldn’t breathe. My absolute everything was in there and I was seconds away from meeting him. I didn’t see Justin immediately because I’m short but then I saw the flawless creature. He was so gorgeous, photos do not do him justice. I started sobbing and I yelled, “JUSTIN YOU’RE SO FLAWLESS.” The line moved and soon my best friend and I were right in front of him. My best friend said to him, “Justin you’re the reason why we’re best friends,” and he smiled at her and said, “Aww thank you so much.” Then he turned to me and goes, “Aww really?” I was DYING BECAUSE JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER JUST SPOKE TO ME. I managed to get out the words, “Yes! Can I please have a hug?” and he said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed” he said, and looked kind of sad, but then he reached out and fist bumped me, and winked! His hand was so freaking soft and his wink was identical to the one he did on his SNL Valentine’s skit. As I walked out I yelled, “I love you so much, see you in 9 days!” I collapsed on the floor sobbing. We all grabbed each other and cried because it was so surreal. It was the best experience of my entire life and my brain still hasn’t processed that it happened. I don’t think it’ll ever sink in. The best part of it was that Justin seemed GENUINELY happy today. No fake smiles. All real. He’s the sweetest person ever. Every fan was greeted with a smile. Thank you so much for everything Justin, I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you on the Believe Tour. -Ally (@rauhlstratford) Read the rest here: On 23rd February 2013 I met Justin for the second time and it…
On 23rd February 2013 I met Justin for the second time and it was absolutely perfect. I’m still in shock. I got to the venue for Justin’s book signing at around 4 p.m., and my two friends and I chased Justin’s car, but we couldn’t see him going in because there were too many people. Then we entered the building and went straight to the bathroom to write a birthday card for Justin. We finally joined the queue and we were probably the fifth people from the back. Whilst we queued, they were playing ‘Believe’ and the three of us were the only ones who were screaming, jumping, singing along and dancing the entire time. When we got close to the door of the room where Justin was, Kenny came out and I yelled, “YOU’RE SO MEECHY.” We entered the room. and I felt sick. I felt as if I was about to pass out. I couldn’t breathe. My absolute everything was in there and I was seconds away from meeting him. I didn’t see Justin immediately because I’m short but then I saw the flawless creature. He was so gorgeous, photos do not do him justice. I started sobbing and I yelled, “JUSTIN YOU’RE SO FLAWLESS.” The line moved and soon my best friend and I were right in front of him. My best friend said to him, “Justin you’re the reason why we’re best friends,” and he smiled at her and said, “Aww thank you so much.” Then he turned to me and goes, “Aww really?” I was DYING BECAUSE JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER JUST SPOKE TO ME. I managed to get out the words, “Yes! Can I please have a hug?” and he said, “I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed” he said, and looked kind of sad, but then he reached out and fist bumped me, and winked! His hand was so freaking soft and his wink was identical to the one he did on his SNL Valentine’s skit. As I walked out I yelled, “I love you so much, see you in 9 days!” I collapsed on the floor sobbing. We all grabbed each other and cried because it was so surreal. It was the best experience of my entire life and my brain still hasn’t processed that it happened. I don’t think it’ll ever sink in. The best part of it was that Justin seemed GENUINELY happy today. No fake smiles. All real. He’s the sweetest person ever. Every fan was greeted with a smile. Thank you so much for everything Justin, I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you on the Believe Tour. -Ally (@rauhlstratford) Read the rest here: On 23rd February 2013 I met Justin for the second time and it…