Tag Archives: berks-county

Kate Gosselin: Suing Jon Gosselin For Hacking Phone, Stealing Hard Drive!

Kate Gosselin has filed a lawsuit accusing her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, of stealing her hard drive and hacking into her phone and computer … seriously. File this one in the overflowing folder of Kate Gosselin mistakes . The federal lawsuit alleges that Jon Gosselin stole the material for a book authored by Robert Hoffman, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World . How did she fool the world, exactly? We never got to find out. Kate first accused Jon and tabloid writer Hoffman of stealing her hard drive for the book last October, and in turn got the thing pulled from Amazon. Hoffman claimed he found it in a dumpster … seriously. Because Kate argued the material in it was obtained illegally, she sought and was granted a court order blocking it from publication late last year. Now she’s suing. It’s not clear why the issue of Hoffman’s e-book resurfaced now, but she is clearly not happy about it and not about to let it go. Recently, Kate has claimed to have made mistakes in her marriage, and that she is on better terms with Jon these days, though the two are not close. This likely won’t help matters. The couple starred in the TV show Jon & Kate Plus 8 , detailing life with their twins and sextuplets, before they separated in 2009 and later divorced. Allegations of Jon cheating on Kate were the first indication of trouble in paradise, and what followed was one of the uglier celebrity splits on record. She lives in Sinking Spring, Pa., with their eight children, while he lives in Wyomissing, Pa. Both towns are in Berks County, outside Philadelphia.

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Kate Gosselin: Suing Jon Gosselin For Hacking Phone, Stealing Hard Drive!

Jon Gosselin Tax Lien: IRS Wants $39K From ’09

Jon Gosselin may have purchased a few too many Ed Hardy shirts back in the day, because he’s been hit with a tax lien by the IRS – to the tune of $39,000. Can you get a refund on hair plugs? The former THG fixture owes that much from just 2009 – the year Jon and Kate Gosselin split, and the last year he likely had any sort of stable income. Since then, he’s kinda faded into obscurity. Despite all the money he made from celebrity gossip interviews and photos that year, according to papers filed in Berks County, Pa., Jon is still delinquent. TMZ was not able to get a quote from Jon. Think is flip phone is still in service? Given that Jon works a totally normal job again, and has eight kids to support, 39 grand might be tougher to scrounge up than back in his TLC heyday. Let’s hope he saved and invested well pre-divorce drama. We’re sure he stashed his earnings away while the gettin’ was good. Actually we’re not. We don’t know him personally, but we sincerely doubt it.

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Jon Gosselin Tax Lien: IRS Wants $39K From ’09

Jon Gosselin Lawyers Up For Custody Fight (Again)

Jon Gosselin has hired a new attorney to represent him in his custody battle with his wife Kate Gosselin. She should expect to be fired by mid-May. Family law expert Mary Vidas will now handle the lawyering for the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, who recently fired his last attorney, Anthony List. That dude repeatedly blasted Kate, after which Jon claimed List never represented him. Guy has issues keeping attorneys and girlfriends straight. Kate’s lawyer Mark Momjian, has been notified that Vidas is now handling the case , though, so it looks like Jon actually did green light this move. We wouldn’t get too comfortable if we were Mary Vidas, though. Or Ellen Ross . Jon with the kids! Smiling kids! Must be an old, old photo. Despite bracing for a court battle, Jon says he wants to resolve things amicably with his ex-wife regarding future child support and custody terms. Reports that Jon was about to drop his custody lawsuit surfaced yesterday, and sources say Jon and Kate are working behind the scenes on this. At issue: Jon being broke, and wanting to spend more time with the kids. We’ll see how that all shakes out. Vidas will represent Jon Gosselin at his next custody hearing at Berks County Court in Reading, Pa., next month. Better bring a bodyguard … Hailey Glassman may try to take him out.

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Jon Gosselin Lawyers Up For Custody Fight (Again)

Iron Man 2 Premieres in Hollywood

It’s likely to be the highest-grossing movie of 2010, and the hype for Iron Man 2 has just begun. Last night in Hollywood, a contingent of stars posed on the red carpet at the world premiere of this blockbuster. Among those pictured at the event? Scarlett Johansson. She looks great, but nothing compares to her appearance in the sequel, as Black Widow. See what we mean NOW . You can also check out other stars from the film, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. below… [Photos: Splash News]

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Iron Man 2 Premieres in Hollywood

Jon and Kate Gosselin to Get Schooled

Jon and Kate Gosselin are about to get their learn on. The reality TV parents have each been required to go to a court-mandated parenting class, and we hope for the sake of the couple’s eight children that: Jon postpones his rich cougar search long enough to show up Kate listens better than she did on Dancing with the Stars The judge presiding over the bitter custody dispute ordered both Jon and Kate to complete a three-hour parenting class titled “Children in the Middle.” These two could use a parenting lesson or 30 . It’s a requirement for all parents involved in a custody war in Berks County, Pa., although the twosome will not be required to take the class together. Parents are often encouraged to take it separately … for obvious reasons.