Tag Archives: bikini-contest

Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian for Chanel Erotica of the Day

Kristen Stewart is boring….she can channel her inner Parisian hooker from the 20s all she wants…showing some hosiery with her shirt undone…like she’s just been paid to do some striptease…while she’s actually just been paid by a brand, probably 4-5 million dollars…to be their spokesperson thanks to having a strong team pushing her “celebrity”…aggressively to the ad agency, when the truth is she influences zero people on fashion, trends or anything, except maybe the freakish lesbian she’s dating…but that’s probably just because the Lesbian can’t K-Fed her with an accidental knock up – or Megan Fox her with an accidental knock up to establish a future together…their lesbian baby requires science labs and shit…. The post Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian for Chanel Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kristen Stewart’s Lesbian for Chanel Erotica of the Day

Natalie Imbruglia VS Izabel Goulart Bikini Contest of the Day

How about a little bikini contest… Natalie Imbruglia is not lying naked on the floor…she’s 41 years old and has been fucked by David Schwimmer, which is terrifying, but he’s rich…I don’t remember ever fantasizing about her laying naked on the floor song, but at 41…she’s looking pretty fucking awesome, probably because she moved to the UK from Australia before drying up into some shrivelled raisin from the sun….and her body is probably from choosing not to have kids…always the right choice.. Versus Izabel Goulart is ripped…she’s a fitness pornographer, Victoria’s Secret fashion show model, based in Brazil and has a fucking ridiculous low fat percentage….thanks to fitness everyday…these pics are impressive, but she’s a bikini model, so she’s got a higher standard to uphold…of course she looks fit and thin in a bikini – she makes 1,000,000 a year doing this….. HONORABLE MENTION BUT NO LONGER IN THE SAME LEAGUE – HEIDI KLUM: AND THE WINNER IS…..LYING NAKED ON THE FLOOR… Imbruglia…because she’s older, not a bikini model, and her clit isn’t pulsating like an erection from all the testosterone in her veins… The post Natalie Imbruglia VS Izabel Goulart Bikini Contest of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natalie Imbruglia VS Izabel Goulart Bikini Contest of the Day

Barbara Palvin is Fun of the Day

#492843091 / gettyimages.com Everyone is talking about 18 or 19 year old Barbara Palvin , like this was 2 years ago and she was caught up in a bullshit scandal… I’m more interested in her modelling She obviously takes a good picture, which would explain why she gets paid heavy and why someone would import from Hungary like she was your grandmother’s goulash recipe…back during the second world war…because the Hungarian prostitute ring comes in various forms, from the low level “model” I met at a Miami bikini contest and who was in America on a 3 month tourist visa, which she felt was enough time to find a sugar daddy, to Palvin, who rolls with hip hop stars and athletes, because she’s into black like that… I guess not everyone has the same fate…and instead of being in a cold water flat back home, she’s in Cannes red carpet hustling…being all fun and hot enough…even though I’ve been told she’s not hot in person…and only takes a good picture…all barefoot and orphan-like… #492803599 / gettyimages.com #492803583 / gettyimages.com #492775669 / gettyimages.com #492739805 / gettyimages.com #492739811 / gettyimages.com #492739255 / gettyimages.com BONUS – HER TAKING A SELFIE #492636197 / gettyimages.com Oh Shit…I think she’s had work done… #492607931 / gettyimages.com She’s got a Belly!! Getting Fat for her Brothers… #492607943 / gettyimages.com #492608369 / gettyimages.com #492608925 / gettyimages.com #492748357 / gettyimages.com

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Barbara Palvin is Fun of the Day

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Wipeout!

Now that’s got to hurt! *Submit sexy, funny, interesting videos here Bikini Contest Wipeout Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Wipeout!

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Babes

For the Jewish holidays, here are some shigtzas in bikinis to bring in the New Year. Mazel Tov! Bikini Contest Babes Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Babes

What The Hell Happened to Christina Ricci?

I’m not asking what’s happened to Christina Ricci because I want to find out what she’s been working on professionally or who her new boyfriend is, I’m asking because she looks too wholesome. Where’s the chick in trashy bikini pictures with stripper tattoos on her boobs? That’s the Christina Ricci I want to see, not this lady dressed in a frumpy lame ass Real Housewives Of Pennsylvania Dutch Country dress. She looks like she should be handing out samples of cheese at the supermarket.

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Daisy Dukes Contest

If there is one thing better than a bikini contest, it’s a Daisy Dukes contest. Enjoy Daisy Dukes Contest Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Daisy Dukes Contest

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Winner

Meet the winner of the Charleston Hooter’s Bikini Contest. Perfection! Bikini Contest Winner Video More AmaTuna

Originally posted here:
Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Bikini Contest Winner

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Flexible Bikini Girl

Ladies, watch and learn. If you want to win a bikini contest, this is the move you must learn to do. Winner! Flexible Bikini Girl Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Flexible Bikini Girl

Las Vegas Bikini Contest — All You Need to Know

Filed under: Hot Bodies , Hot Vegas , Photo Galleries Wet Republic at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino was home to some kind of bikini contest yesterday. We’re not sure why, but then again … does it matter? Read more

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Las Vegas Bikini Contest — All You Need to Know