You might remember the name Sydney Leathers from the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal that derailed the once-beloved politician’s 2013 New York City mayoral campaign. Leathers went on to fully capitalize on her 15 minutes, at one point even starring in a porn entitled Weiner and Me . Her brief career in adult film came to an end when Leathers was exposed to HIV during a shoot, less than one week after she made her debut. But don’t worry, she ended up testing negative, and it’ll take more than a near-miss with a horrible disease to stop Leathers from worming her way into the headlines. Leathers claims she’s moved on to a new sugar daddy, and though he’s hardly as high-profile as Weiner, he’s another young, ambitious politician, and once again, Leathers is more than happy to talk to the press. It all started when Leathers tweeted that she is looking for a “financial domination” slave – basically, a man who is aroused by being used for his money. She tells Radar Online that she quickly received a response from a man who insisted on remaining anonymous. “He didn’t want me to know who he was,” Leathers says. “He wouldn’t pay me normally through PayPal. he would just get prepaid stuff. He even said something like, ‘I’m not trying to be weird, but I can’t tell you who I am.'” Yeah, the anonymity is the weird part of all this. Sure. Anyway, Leathers eventually found out the man’s name through “some billing stuff,” and it turns out he is Justin Moed – a 31-year-old member of the Indiana House of Representatives. Like Weiner, he’s a Democrat with a (formerly) bright future, and some serious explaining to do. Also like Weiner, he never had any physical contact with Leathers, but she says she’s willing to spill the beans about their very explicit online interactions. Take note, young politicians of America – this is what happens when you let Weiner be your guide. 7 Celebrities Who Used Sex For Fame! 1. Kim Kardashian View Photo Kim Kardashian has slept with plenty of famous guys. Her sex tape wih Ray J provided the blueprint for using bedroom antics to gain international fame 2. Farrah Abraham View Photo Farrah made a porn disguised as a “celebrity sex tape.” While everyone on this list used sex to boost their career, Farrah is the only one delusional to lie to herself about it. 3. Paris Hilton View Photo Kim’s former BFF Paris also skyrocketed to A-list status thanks in part to her sex tape. Paris, of course, wasn’t as adept at sustaining her fame. 4. Kendra Wilkinson View Photo These days Kendra is in news thanks to her husband’s sexual proclivities. But there was a time when an unknown Kendra decided – like so many women before her – to sleep with Hugh Hefner in exchange for fame. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Chelsea Handler View Photo Chelsea was sleeping with Comcast CEO Ted Harbert at the time she landed her own late night show. Handler admits that her relationship helped her career, but claims that Harbert merely “recognized talent.” 6. Scott Disick View Photo Yes, Disick began sleeping with Kourtney just before she rose to fame on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The fact remains, Disick is now a household name simply because he sleeps with someone much more famous than himself. 7. Lil Kim View Photo We start and end the list with Kims. Lil Kim is undeniably talented in her own right, but may have never gotten her start in the music biz were it not for her sexual relationship with Notorious B.I.G. It just goes to show – if you’re gonna try and sleep your way to the top, choose your partners carefully. The End. Up Next: ” 7 Celebrities Who Used Sex For Fame! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…
In what host Chris Harrison heralded, with uncharacteristic accuracy, as a shocking twist that will change everything, ABC announced two Bachelorettes Monday. Yes, Britt Nilsson and Kaitlyn Bristowe will both star as The Bachelorette this summer, but for one of the two beauties, it will be a short stint in the spotlight. Britt Nilsson: The Next Bachelorette! 1. Britt Nilsson: The Bachelorette 2015! View Photo Britt Nilsson will be The Bachelorette in 2015! She will at least start out that way, along with Kaitlyn Bristowe, and the 25 guys will choose who to pursue. 2. Britt Nilsson Instagram View Photo A cute photo of The Bachelor hopeful Britt Nilsson on Instagram. 3. Britt Nilsson on Instagram View Photo Britt Nilsson on Instagram in one of many photos before she became a big name on The Bachelor 2015 and then The Bachelorette. 4. Beautiful Britt Britt Nilsson is beautiful, that’s for sure. Polarizing and controversial, too. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Cute Britt View Photo Britt Nilsson before she was a star on The Bachelor 2015. 6. Britt N. Who would have ever guessed Britt Nilsson would go on to be The Bachelorette! 7. Britt Nilsson Modeling View Photo Britt Nilsson, the new star of The Bachelorette, doing some modeling. 8. Britt on The Bachelor View Photo Britt Nilsson on The Bachelor in 2015. She made quite an impression. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Britt Nilsson Eyes View Photo Britt Nilsson wears a lot of eye makeup. Anything looks good on her, but we’re just saying. 10. Britt Nilsson Lips View Photo They are moving, and possibly telling lies … but Britt Nilsson’s lips always look amazing. 11. Britt Nilsson on The Bachelor 2015 View Photo Britt Nilsson on The Bachelor 2015. She got the rose. Now she will be handing them out … maybe. 12. Chris Soules, Britt Nilsson View Photo Chris Soules and Britt Nilsson on The Bachelor. They’ve both enjoyed quite a run so far on the hit show. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Britt Nilsson Photo View Photo Britt Nilsson is a contender on the new season of The Bachelor. Chris Soules loves to hug her so hard. The End. Up Next: ” Britt Nilsson: The Next Bachelorette! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… It’s not entirely clear how, or at what point in the process, but Harrison indicated that the men cast on the show will choose which star they want to pursue. In other words, get ready for The Bachelorette: Hunger Games Edition . This could be a total toss-up when it comes to a relatively small sample size of single men on a reality show. We can’t even handicap a favorite. Quite an interesting move, in any case, for the long-running franchise, whose fans collectively gasped when the shake-up was revealed late last night. Harrison’s announcement on the annual live After the Final Rose special that follows The Bachelor season finale was met with confusion and crickets. Former Bachelorette star Andi Dorfman and Bachelor star Sean Lowe were quick to slam the move by the producers and declare themselves Team Kaitlyn. Britt Nilsson or Kaitlyn Bristowe were diplomatic about the twist, but both women seemed to be taken aback by it and reacted awkwardly on the air. Kaitlyn said her gut reaction was that this is “less than ideal.” Ya think? Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! 1. Hot Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015, and it’s not hard to see why she got so far on Chris Soules’ season, or picked for the starring role. 2. Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, premiering in the summer of 2015. She certainly looks, and acts, the part. 3. Kaitlyn Bristowe Drinking View Photo Expect a lot of this on The Bachelorette. We hope. If the producers know at all what they’re doing. 4. Kaitlyn The Bachelorette View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Come summer 2015, she will hand out the roses. And be hot. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Kaitlyn Bristowe Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe posts a selfie with an interesting filter and facial expression. 6. Bristowe, Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the Summer 2015 season. She sure is a good choice for it, don’t you agree? 7. Kaitlyn Bristowe Image View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, beginning in May 2015. Chris Soules let this one get away! 8. Kaitlyn Bristowe Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 2015 season. She has amazing eyes. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Here she is competing for Chris Soules’ heart on The Bachelor. 10. Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe’s eyes are a sight to behold. The Bachelorette star knows how to entice fans. 11. Kaitlyn Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015. Here’s yet another cute photo of her. 12. The Buried Life View Photo Before Kaitlyn Bristowe met Chris Soules on The Bachelor, she was on a show called The Buried Life. For reals. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, meeting Chris Soules for the first time. She made it all the way to his final three. 14. Kaitlyn Bristowe Picture View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor 2015. She will soon be The Bachelorette! 15. Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules on one of their exotic dates. 16. Kaitlyn and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. His loss is The Bachelorette viewers’ (and contestants’) gain! Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. You’ve Got a Sparkle! View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. No YOU’VE got a sparkle, Kait … 18. Kaitlyn and Chris Get LOW View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules after meeting him for the first time. Clearly they hit it off well. 19. Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe is a contender on The Bachelor. Will she win Chris Soules’ heart? 20. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor Pic View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her facial expressions and quotes that has fans so in love with her. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor 2015 View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her hilarious facial expressions. The End. Up Next: ” Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… For Britt, a one-time favorite on Chris Soules’ “journey” who rapidly fell out of favor with him, the other women and many fans, it’s a dramatic comeback. She remained popular with some card-carrying members of Bachelor Nation, but the eccentric Hollywood waitress was a polarizing figure at best. Nilsson made it to the final six, only to be basically run out of town following a series of bizarre antics and controversies, many of her own making. Now she’s got a chance – and a good one, given her obvious appeal to men – to hand out the roses as The Bachelorette . Pretty amazing turnaround. For Kaitlyn, conversely, it has to be a very, very tough pill to swallow. All but confirmed as The Bachelorette and universally beloved by Bachelor viewers, and Soules, she now finds herself competing with Britt … again. Can she get the best of her once more, in this unprecedented format? We’re guessing that’s what fans are hoping for, but all we can do is wait and see. In the meantime, hit the comments and vote in our poll below … And the Winner is? Kaitlyn Bristowe Click Here To Vote for Kaitlyn Britt Nilsson Click Here To Vote for Britt Who should be The Bachelorette, Kaitlyn Bristowe or Britt Nilsson? The 25 men cast on the show will get to make that call, but until they do, cast your votes! View Poll »
Despite the fact that the man has recorded 12 award-winning albums during his 20-plus years in the music industry, for many young people the name Beck will forever be associated with Kanye West’s rant at the 2015 Grammy Awards . While many artists have pointed out that Kanye acted like a douche by publicly disparaging one of the most-respected singer-songwriters of our time, Yeezy maintained that he actually helped by Beck by raising his public profile. Sounds like the usual Kanye-BS justification, but if Justin Bieber is any indication, Yeezus may have spoken the truth. Earlier today, Justin tweeted, “This Beck album is incredible.” Presumably, he’s talking about Beck’s latest, Morning Phase, which won Best Album at the Grammy’s, thus sending ‘Ye into an inexplicable fit of rage. The album was released over a year ago, and it seems from his tweet that Bieber just listened to it for the first time today. Justin didn’t specify what got him to take notice of the album, but we wouldn’t be surprised if the Kanye tantrum played a part in his newfound appreciation for Beck. This is yet another indication that we’re experiencing the dawn of a kinder, gentler “pure” Bieber . Surely, the Biebs of years past would’ve sided with Kanye and his ignorant “swag.” Biebs 2.0, however, sought out the controversial album, gave it a listen, and recommended it to his fans. It’s a subtle change, but an important one. Now if only 37-year-old Kanye would take a cue from this kid who just reached drinking age last week. Justin Bieber Parties with Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner 1. Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West View Photo Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West party in Ibiza like the awesome people they are. 2. Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner View Photo Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner in Ibiza partying with his friend Khalil. 3. Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian View Photo Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian (and Kris Jenner and Kendall Jenner) in Ibiza partying. Dude is just trolling gossip sites at this point. 4. Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner Pic View Photo Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner get cozy. We get nauseous. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Justin Bieber and Kris Jenner View Photo Justin Bieber and Kris Jenner flirt in Ibiza. These two deserve one another. 6. Bieber Skateboarding View Photo Justin Bieber skateboards in Ibiza as none other than Kim Kardashian looks on. The End. Up Next: ” Justin Bieber Parties with Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…
The Apple Watch is HERE! Okay, the Apple Watch is almost here. But Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage on Monday in San Francisco to unveil the final details regarding the much-hyped product that will be available to own on April 24. But interested users will be able to pre-order to Apple Watch on April 10 and try it on in stores on that date. The most basic version of the item (Apple Watch Sport) will retail at $349, while upgrading face sizes and material will cause the price to rise accordingly. For instance, a stainless steel version will cost $549, while the 18-karat gold Apple Watch Edition starts at $10,000. Seriously. As for why one would want to own the Apple Watch? Its main features will include… A built-in Activity app that depicts how many calories one has burned in a day; how much exercise one has undergone; and how much one has stood up. The Apple Watch will also summarize one’s workout week and offer tips for how to improve. User will be able take their finger and swipe up from the bottom of the watch face to check the weather, take a peek at one’s calendar and/or control one’s music. The Apple Watch will support third-party apps (yes, you’ll be able to summon an Uber car from your wrist). Siri will be in the house! Or inside the watch, as the case may be. Any notification you receive on your iPhone will be viewable on the Apple Watch, just a tap away. Apple Watch owners will have the option to communicate with one another by drawing on the device’s screen. These doodles will be animated, illustrating how they were drawn and then they will vanish from the display. Through a speaker and microphone, one will be able to answer a phone call via the watch. The battery will last for 18 hours. The Apple Watch is named after Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter, Apple. That last one is a joke. Will you be purchasing an Apple Watch?
On The Bachelor season finale, Chris Soules was forced to choose between Whitney Bischoff and Becca Tilley. To whom would he give his final rose? It all came down to this on The Bachelor Season 19 Episode 12, the unforgettable conclusion, followed of course by the After the Final Rose special. And unlike a year ago, the star did not leave Bachelor Nation disappointed. Well, he might have disappointed you with his choice, but at least he proposed, and seems to love her, and is not a total asshat like Juan Pablo. Yeah. The 33-year-old Chris had the bar set pretty low for him, didn’t he? Anyway, we came into tonight with just two women remaining on this “journey,” two beautiful and engaging young ladies yearning to be … well, engaged. Would it be Becca Tilley, the 25-year-old virgin from Louisiana, whose inexperience in relationships (and life) gave Chris and his family pause? Or would it be Whitney Bischoff, the 29-year-old fertility nurse from Chicago, whose eagerness to drop her career for a life in Iowa seemed too perfect? There was only one final rose? Did Chris propose? Are they still together? Well, let’s just say that The Bachelor spoilers were pretty spot on in 2015. The longtime speculation regarding the winner was accurate, just as the details regarding the majority of the season and how we got to this point. So who won and who lost out on a life in Arlington this evening? The Bachelor Couples: Are They Still Together? 1. Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff View Photo Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff just got engaged on The Bachelor season finale in March 2015. It seems like they are still together, as happy as ever and built to last … but stay tuned. 2. Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum View Photo Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum are married. He won her heart on The Bachelorette. 3. Brad Womack and Emily Maynard View Photo Brad Womack and Emily Maynard did not last. He chose no one on his first stint on The Bachelor, making in 0-for-2. 4. Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi View Video Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi got engaged on The Bachelor. They broke up in epic fashion and did not last long, to the surprise of no one. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici View Video Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici got engaged on The Bachelor in 2013. They are set to wed in early 2014. 6. Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried View Video Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried got engaged on The Bachelorette in 2013. They are still a thing! 7. Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney View Photo Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney got engaged, and married, and had a kid! After he dumped his final rose recipient Melissa Rycroft and chose Molly instead … close enough. 8. Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson View Video Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson got engaged on The Bachelor, and lasted for about a year. They broke up. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Travis Stork and Sarah Stone Travis Stork and Sarah Stone broke up before The Bachelor finale and After the Final Rose special even aired. Now that takes decidation to not making it work. 10. Emily Maynard and Jef Holm View Photo Emily Maynard and Jef Holm broke up really fast. She chose Jef with one F over Sean Lowe on The Bachelorette. Bad call. 11. Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez View Photo Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez dated for a long while. They didn’t last, however. 12. Charlie O’Connell and Sarah Brice Charlie O’Connell and Sarah Brice are obviously not still together. But they sure made a cute pairing on the early years of the ABC reality franchise. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski View Photo Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski’s engagement was short-lived. She’s better off for it. 14. Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas got engaged after The Bachelorette chose him over Jason Mesnick. Did not take. 15. Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter have been together so long, we forget that she was ever not Mrs. Ryan Sutter. They have been married for a decade and have two kids! 16. Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas View Photo These two lasted about four minutes. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell View Photo Juan Pablo’s now-infamous non-proposal made him persona non grata for many fans, but he and winner Nikki Ferrell were together for a good six months before she finally got sick of his crap. 18. Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray View Photo Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray split up after just six months together. Amazingly, they appeared happily together and in love just days before they called it off. The End. Up Next: ” The Bachelor Couples: Are They Still Together? .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… After lots of (probably fake) hemming and hawing, Chris did some Soules searching (sorry) and made the decision that will change his life forever: He proposed to Whitney Bischoff! And she said yes, people! OMG!!!! Both women met his family, Whitney got the ring and Becca was sent packing after Chris tried to get her to open up and say she was in love with him. Didn’t happen. Soules broke up with her with as much class as one can, then popped the question to Whitney. No last-minute drama or crazy development. Standard final rose ceremony dumping and proposal … at least for now. We were promised a big twist by host Chris Harrison on the After the Final Rose special, although Chris Harrison says that every single season. Becca handled the breakup as well as anyone could, and may or may not be a cyborg with zero human emotions. The jury is still out on that. Whitney and Chris then reunited on stage for the first time as a public couple, and seemed just as happy and in love as they were in his Iowa barn. Almost as happy as Chris’ mom and dad. Those two are so darn cute. So, THGers… hit the comments and vote in our survey below: Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff: Will it last? OMG Yes! Of course! They are made for each other! Maybe. Not sure, but they’ve got a chance. No way! I just don’t see the connection. View Poll » Oh, and ABC named Kaitlyn Bristowe The Bachelorette , as we told you a week ago … but Britt Nilsson was ALSO named The Bachelorette! What?! Yes, for The First Time in Bachelor History, there will be a pair women in the starring role, with 25 eligible men competing for either … or both? It’s unclear. But this Double Trouble be interesting, for sure! Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! 1. Hot Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015, and it’s not hard to see why she got so far on Chris Soules’ season, or picked for the starring role. 2. Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, premiering in the summer of 2015. She certainly looks, and acts, the part. 3. Kaitlyn Bristowe Drinking View Photo Expect a lot of this on The Bachelorette. We hope. If the producers know at all what they’re doing. 4. Kaitlyn The Bachelorette View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Come summer 2015, she will hand out the roses. And be hot. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Kaitlyn Bristowe Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe posts a selfie with an interesting filter and facial expression. 6. Bristowe, Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the Summer 2015 season. She sure is a good choice for it, don’t you agree? 7. Kaitlyn Bristowe Image View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, beginning in May 2015. Chris Soules let this one get away! 8. Kaitlyn Bristowe Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 2015 season. She has amazing eyes. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Here she is competing for Chris Soules’ heart on The Bachelor. 10. Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe’s eyes are a sight to behold. The Bachelorette star knows how to entice fans. 11. Kaitlyn Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015. Here’s yet another cute photo of her. 12. The Buried Life View Photo Before Kaitlyn Bristowe met Chris Soules on The Bachelor, she was on a show called The Buried Life. For reals. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, meeting Chris Soules for the first time. She made it all the way to his final three. 14. Kaitlyn Bristowe Picture View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor 2015. She will soon be The Bachelorette! 15. Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules on one of their exotic dates. 16. Kaitlyn and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. His loss is The Bachelorette viewers’ (and contestants’) gain! Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. You’ve Got a Sparkle! View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. No YOU’VE got a sparkle, Kait … 18. Kaitlyn and Chris Get LOW View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules after meeting him for the first time. Clearly they hit it off well. 19. Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe is a contender on The Bachelor. Will she win Chris Soules’ heart? 20. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor Pic View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her facial expressions and quotes that has fans so in love with her. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor 2015 View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her hilarious facial expressions. The End. Up Next: ” Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…