Tag Archives: the bachelor spoilers

The Bachelor Spoilers 2017: Final Rose Winner CONFIRMED! Who Does Nick Viall Choose?

The Bachelor is just beginning with its January 2 premiere. The magical, journey-ending Final Rose ceremony has already been filmed, however, and customarily, The Bachelor spoilers have already leaked. Raise your hands if you’re surprised … anyone?! Hello? No. By this point,  The Bachelor spoilers  leaking before the season is almost as much of a foregone conclusion as the winners breaking up! We kid … mostly. But the show’s track record is not great. Just saying, people. Anyway, back to the lecture at hand: Nick Viall has finished filming his starring turn as The Bachelor, and we know the outcome. After being rejected by Andi Dorfman and Kaitlyn Bristowe on back-to-back  The Bachelorette  finales, will he finally find love this time? Oh yes. With Nick in the lead role and doling out the roses, it was finally his time (whether it lasts is another story, but we’ll get to that later). Anyway, ready to meet Nick’s final four – and the winner?! 1. Rachel Lindsay from Dallas, Texas. 2. Corinne Olympios of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 3. Raven Gates from Hoxie, Arkansas. 4. Vanessa Grimaldi of Montreal, Canada. Nick goes on hometown dates with these four on the ninth episode of the season. Thanks to Reality Steve , we know how it plays out from there. Hometown Elimination: Corinne Olympios. According to Steve, the Oracle of Bachelor and Bachelorette spoilers, insiders were surprised that Corinne made it as far as she did. Perhaps, then, it wasn’t a shock that her hometown date was the one that didn’t translate to an overnight date and the Fantasy Suite. Steve also notes that Corinne is 100 percent the “villain,” that she wasn’t liked by a lot of the other girls, and will be the talk of this season. Anyway, she’s out. And then there were three … In Episode 10, the remaining women travel to Finland, where Nick probably gets naked with all three once the cameras stop rolling. We kid … sort of. We have no idea honestly. Remember that it’s Nick we’re talking about, though, so it’s fairly likely he’s not opposed to going there with his final trio of girls. At all. Fantasy Suite Elimination: Rachel Lindsay. The first African-American contestant to make the final four (or three) will be a contender to be the next Bachelorette, and for good reason. She will not get engaged to Nick, however. The finale will pit Raven Gates against Vanessa Grimaldi, and well, the rumors were true … Nick Viall is engaged to Vanessa Grimaldi! Weeks ago, we heard that much like Ben Higgins picking Lauren Bushnell and JoJo Fletcher taking Jordan Rodgers, this was a sure bet. Vanessa was his favorite early on, according to the man with all the inside connections, and like Lauren and Jordan, she got the final rose. Now, of course, we don’t know for sure . Until it plays out on ABC, we can’t be 100.00 percent positive that the information above is correct. But we would bet heavily that it is. While the contestants’ romantic futures often fade fast, with a few notable exceptions, The Bachelor spoilers are pretty close to a lock . This doesn’t mean there won’t be drama, of course. You can take it to the bank that ABC promos, tabloids and other fan speculation will hint at various alternate outcomes all winter long. Does Raven actually win in the end? Nick leave both his finalists hanging? Does he get rejected once again in what would be an epic twist? No. Steve is not “worried about being wrong,” which is a telling sign. Speaking of signs, they don’t look so hot for the winning duo’s future. The word on this street is that Nick has been bitten by the Hollywood bug, wants to be an actor and model, and is set on moving to L.A. Doesn’t bode well if you’re Vanessa. View Slideshow: The Bachelor Season 21 Contestants: Meet Nick’s Ladies! How can we be sure they won’t last as a couple before we’ve even seen them as a couple? We can’t. Nothing is set in stone, obviously. Let’s just say that the odds are against it. Despite all the talk that Nick “earned” the job or takes the process seriously, the trappings of fake and finding love on TV are real obstacles. We wish them well, don’t get us wrong. But to state the obvious, based on what we know, we aren’t holding our collective breath for the LIVE TV WEDDING EVENT of the year. What about you, Bachelor Nation? Do you think it can possibly last? Check out the full gallery of contestants above, and tell us if you believe Nick and Vanessa even stand a chance, given his … history: View Slideshow: 7 Girls From The Bachelor Franchise That Nick Viall Has Slept With

The rest is here:
The Bachelor Spoilers 2017: Final Rose Winner CONFIRMED! Who Does Nick Viall Choose?

The Bachelor Spoilers: Who’s on the Phone?!

Tomorrow night on ABC, after many weeks of drama, tears and meltdowns, it is time for Ben Higgins’ final rose ceremony at last. Will he choose Lauren Bushnell and JoJo Fletcher – and is there a surprise twist in the mix? Well, The Bachelor spoilers say … Obviously, Lauren Bushnell and JoJo Fletcher have both made it this far for a reason, and obviously, there is only one final rose. The Bachelor openly admits that he is in love with both women. But how will it end for Higgins, and will Ben choose Lauren or Jojo ? Moreover, is there an additional jaw-dropper in store beyond Higgins’ final rose presentation – and the inevitable soul-crushing breakup? WARNING : The Bachelor spoilers await. Obviously .  Insiders confirm that both Lauren and Jojo will be introduced to Ben’s parents on the March 14 season finale of the ABC reality staple. You don’t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you that the man of the hour will consult with his folks about his incredibly tough decision. He will full-on AGONIZE over it, again and again. Both girls will go on last chance dates with Ben as well, and you can bet your a$$ that these will be as romantic and intense as it gets. Will the final dates be enough to clear his mind? Doesn’t look like it. Previews show (or appear to show) Ben bidding farewell to a broken-hearted runner-up, without ID’ing her of course. He looks like he may have made a mistake, or that he’s unsure of himself, or is just sad … or perhaps a little from Columns A, B and C. The show’s writers and editors (yes, a reality show has both) want you to buy into narrative this, at least. But is there anything to it? Fueling fan theories that something CRAZY is about to go down on the finale is a phone call Ben receives (or makes) at the 11th hour. Specifics about this particular call are not clear, but the network (of course) teases that it could change everything. EVERYTHING. The Bachelor Season Finale Sneak Preview: Ben Higgins Proposes to … Does Ben call his mom? One of the two finalists? Does he receive a new tidbit of information that potentially alters the course of history? All we know is that the possibilities are endless . Is Ben really going to pull a Jason Mesnick and change his mind? Or get dumped by his fiancee after his love for her rival was exposed? At the end of the day … we don’t think so. According to the Oracle of The Bachelor Spoilers, Reality Steve himself, the hype machine may be in overdrive, but that’s all it is: Hype. Ben dumps one blindsided young woman, proposes to the other, they get engaged, and they are happy to this day. Or so we’re told. As for which woman wins? Jojo Fletcher gets sent packing, while Lauren Bushnell receives the fairy tale proposal and Neil Lane ring. Tomorrow night’s “After the Final Rose” special will answer all of these questions officially (and confirm  Caila Quinn as The Bachelorette ). Until then … hit the comments and share your thoughts, predictions, guesses and theories as to what we can expect tomorrow evening. View Slideshow: The Bachelor & Bachelorette: 26 Most Stunning Exits

Continued here:
The Bachelor Spoilers: Who’s on the Phone?!

Justin Bieber Loves Beck, Throws Shade at Kanye?

Despite the fact that the man has recorded 12 award-winning albums during his 20-plus years in the music industry, for many young people the name Beck will forever be associated with Kanye West’s rant at the 2015 Grammy Awards . While many artists have pointed out that Kanye acted like a douche by publicly disparaging one of the most-respected singer-songwriters of our time, Yeezy maintained that he actually helped by Beck by raising his public profile. Sounds like the usual Kanye-BS justification, but if Justin Bieber is any indication, Yeezus may have spoken the truth. Earlier today, Justin tweeted, “This Beck album is incredible.” Presumably, he’s talking about Beck’s latest, Morning Phase, which won Best Album at the Grammy’s, thus sending ‘Ye into an inexplicable fit of rage. The album was released over a year ago, and it seems from his tweet that Bieber just listened to it for the first time today. Justin didn’t specify what got him to take notice of the album, but we wouldn’t be surprised if the Kanye tantrum played a part in his newfound appreciation for Beck. This is yet another indication that we’re experiencing the dawn of a kinder, gentler “pure” Bieber .  Surely, the Biebs of years past would’ve sided with Kanye and his ignorant “swag.” Biebs 2.0, however, sought out the controversial album, gave it a listen, and recommended it to his fans. It’s a subtle change, but an important one. Now if only 37-year-old Kanye would take a cue from this kid who just reached drinking age last week.  Justin Bieber Parties with Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner 1. Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West View Photo Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West party in Ibiza like the awesome people they are. 2. Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner View Photo Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner in Ibiza partying with his friend Khalil. 3. Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian View Photo Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian (and Kris Jenner and Kendall Jenner) in Ibiza partying. Dude is just trolling gossip sites at this point. 4. Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner Pic View Photo Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner get cozy. We get nauseous. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Justin Bieber and Kris Jenner View Photo Justin Bieber and Kris Jenner flirt in Ibiza. These two deserve one another. 6. Bieber Skateboarding View Photo Justin Bieber skateboards in Ibiza as none other than Kim Kardashian looks on. The End. Up Next: ” Justin Bieber Parties with Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

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Justin Bieber Loves Beck, Throws Shade at Kanye?

Apple Watch: Everything You Need to Know!

The Apple Watch is HERE! Okay, the Apple Watch is almost here. But Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage on Monday in San Francisco to unveil the final details regarding the much-hyped product that will be available to own on April 24. But interested users will be able to pre-order to Apple Watch on April 10 and try it on in stores on that date. The most basic version of the item (Apple Watch Sport) will retail at $349, while upgrading face sizes and material will cause the price to rise accordingly. For instance, a stainless steel version will cost $549, while the 18-karat gold Apple Watch Edition starts at $10,000. Seriously. As for why one would want to own the Apple Watch? Its main features will include… A built-in Activity app that depicts how many calories one has burned in a day; how much exercise one has undergone; and how much one has stood up. The Apple Watch will also summarize one’s workout week and offer tips for how to improve. User will be able take their finger and swipe up from the bottom of the watch face to check the weather, take a peek at one’s calendar and/or control one’s music. The Apple Watch will support third-party apps (yes, you’ll be able to summon an Uber car from your wrist). Siri will be in the house! Or inside the watch, as the case may be. Any notification you receive on your iPhone will be viewable on the Apple Watch, just a tap away. Apple Watch owners will have the option to communicate with one another by drawing on the device’s screen. These doodles will be animated, illustrating how they were drawn and then they will vanish from the display. Through a speaker and microphone, one will be able to answer a phone call via the watch. The battery will last for 18 hours. The Apple Watch is named after Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter, Apple. That last one is a joke. Will you be purchasing an Apple Watch?

Read more from the original source:
Apple Watch: Everything You Need to Know!

The Bachelor Season Finale Recap: Who Did Chris Soules Choose?

On The Bachelor season finale, Chris Soules was forced to choose between Whitney Bischoff and Becca Tilley. To whom would he give his final rose? It all came down to this on The Bachelor Season 19 Episode 12, the unforgettable conclusion, followed of course by the After the Final Rose special. And unlike a year ago, the star did not leave Bachelor Nation disappointed. Well, he might have disappointed you with his choice, but at least he proposed, and seems to love her, and is not a total asshat like Juan Pablo. Yeah. The 33-year-old Chris had the bar set pretty low for him, didn’t he? Anyway, we came into tonight with just two women remaining on this “journey,” two beautiful and engaging young ladies yearning to be … well, engaged. Would it be Becca Tilley, the 25-year-old virgin from Louisiana, whose inexperience in relationships (and life) gave Chris and his family pause? Or would it be Whitney Bischoff, the 29-year-old fertility nurse from Chicago, whose eagerness to drop her career for a life in Iowa seemed too perfect? There was only one final rose? Did Chris propose? Are they still together? Well, let’s just say that The Bachelor spoilers were pretty spot on in 2015. The longtime speculation regarding the winner was accurate, just as the details regarding the majority of the season and how we got to this point. So who won and who lost out on a life in Arlington this evening? The Bachelor Couples: Are They Still Together? 1. Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff View Photo Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff just got engaged on The Bachelor season finale in March 2015. It seems like they are still together, as happy as ever and built to last … but stay tuned. 2. Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum View Photo Ashley Hebert and JP Rosenbaum are married. He won her heart on The Bachelorette. 3. Brad Womack and Emily Maynard View Photo Brad Womack and Emily Maynard did not last. He chose no one on his first stint on The Bachelor, making in 0-for-2. 4. Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi View Video Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi got engaged on The Bachelor. They broke up in epic fashion and did not last long, to the surprise of no one. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici View Video Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici got engaged on The Bachelor in 2013. They are set to wed in early 2014. 6. Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried View Video Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried got engaged on The Bachelorette in 2013. They are still a thing! 7. Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney View Photo Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney got engaged, and married, and had a kid! After he dumped his final rose recipient Melissa Rycroft and chose Molly instead … close enough. 8. Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson View Video Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson got engaged on The Bachelor, and lasted for about a year. They broke up. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Travis Stork and Sarah Stone Travis Stork and Sarah Stone broke up before The Bachelor finale and After the Final Rose special even aired. Now that takes decidation to not making it work. 10. Emily Maynard and Jef Holm View Photo Emily Maynard and Jef Holm broke up really fast. She chose Jef with one F over Sean Lowe on The Bachelorette. Bad call. 11. Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez View Photo Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez dated for a long while. They didn’t last, however. 12. Charlie O’Connell and Sarah Brice Charlie O’Connell and Sarah Brice are obviously not still together. But they sure made a cute pairing on the early years of the ABC reality franchise. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski View Photo Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski’s engagement was short-lived. She’s better off for it. 14. Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas Jesse Csincsak and Deanna Pappas got engaged after The Bachelorette chose him over Jason Mesnick. Did not take. 15. Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter Trista Rehn and Ryan Sutter have been together so long, we forget that she was ever not Mrs. Ryan Sutter. They have been married for a decade and have two kids! 16. Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas View Photo These two lasted about four minutes. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell View Photo Juan Pablo’s now-infamous non-proposal made him persona non grata for many fans, but he and winner Nikki Ferrell were together for a good six months before she finally got sick of his crap. 18. Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray View Photo Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray split up after just six months together. Amazingly, they appeared happily together and in love just days before they called it off. The End. Up Next: ” The Bachelor Couples: Are They Still Together? .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… After lots of (probably fake) hemming and hawing, Chris did some Soules searching (sorry) and made the decision that will change his life forever: He proposed to Whitney Bischoff! And she said yes, people! OMG!!!! Both women met his family, Whitney got the ring and Becca was sent packing after Chris tried to get her to open up and say she was in love with him. Didn’t happen. Soules broke up with her with as much class as one can, then popped the question to Whitney. No last-minute drama or crazy development. Standard final rose ceremony dumping and proposal … at least for now. We were promised a big twist by host Chris Harrison on the After the Final Rose special, although Chris Harrison says that every single season. Becca handled the breakup as well as anyone could, and may or may not be a cyborg with zero human emotions. The jury is still out on that. Whitney and Chris then reunited on stage for the first time as a public couple, and seemed just as happy and in love as they were in his Iowa barn. Almost as happy as Chris’ mom and dad. Those two are so darn cute. So, THGers… hit the comments and vote in our survey below: Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff: Will it last? OMG Yes! Of course! They are made for each other! Maybe. Not sure, but they’ve got a chance. No way! I just don’t see the connection. View Poll » Oh, and ABC named Kaitlyn Bristowe The Bachelorette , as we told you a week ago … but Britt Nilsson was ALSO named The Bachelorette! What?! Yes, for The First Time in Bachelor History, there will be a pair women in the starring role, with 25 eligible men competing for either … or both? It’s unclear. But this Double Trouble be interesting, for sure! Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! 1. Hot Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015, and it’s not hard to see why she got so far on Chris Soules’ season, or picked for the starring role. 2. Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, premiering in the summer of 2015. She certainly looks, and acts, the part. 3. Kaitlyn Bristowe Drinking View Photo Expect a lot of this on The Bachelorette. We hope. If the producers know at all what they’re doing. 4. Kaitlyn The Bachelorette View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Come summer 2015, she will hand out the roses. And be hot. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Kaitlyn Bristowe Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe posts a selfie with an interesting filter and facial expression. 6. Bristowe, Kaitlyn View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the Summer 2015 season. She sure is a good choice for it, don’t you agree? 7. Kaitlyn Bristowe Image View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season, beginning in May 2015. Chris Soules let this one get away! 8. Kaitlyn Bristowe Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 2015 season. She has amazing eyes. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for the show’s 11th season. Here she is competing for Chris Soules’ heart on The Bachelor. 10. Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Eyes View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe’s eyes are a sight to behold. The Bachelorette star knows how to entice fans. 11. Kaitlyn Selfie View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe will be The Bachelorette for 2015. Here’s yet another cute photo of her. 12. The Buried Life View Photo Before Kaitlyn Bristowe met Chris Soules on The Bachelor, she was on a show called The Buried Life. For reals. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, meeting Chris Soules for the first time. She made it all the way to his final three. 14. Kaitlyn Bristowe Picture View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor 2015. She will soon be The Bachelorette! 15. Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules on one of their exotic dates. 16. Kaitlyn and Chris Soules View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. His loss is The Bachelorette viewers’ (and contestants’) gain! Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. You’ve Got a Sparkle! View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules meet on The Bachelor. No YOU’VE got a sparkle, Kait … 18. Kaitlyn and Chris Get LOW View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, with Chris Soules after meeting him for the first time. Clearly they hit it off well. 19. Kaitlyn Bristowe Photo View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe is a contender on The Bachelor. Will she win Chris Soules’ heart? 20. Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor Pic View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her facial expressions and quotes that has fans so in love with her. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Kaitlyn on The Bachelor 2015 View Photo Kaitlyn Bristowe on The Bachelor, making one of her hilarious facial expressions. The End. Up Next: ” Kaitlyn Bristowe: The Bachelorette 2015! .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

See the rest here:
The Bachelor Season Finale Recap: Who Did Chris Soules Choose?

Kanye West Ditches Kim Kardashian and North West at Disney on Ice!

If you didn’t believe the first reports about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West hitting a “rough patch” in their marriage, then maybe Kanye’s recent behavior will convince you. First K anye ditched Kim on Thanksgiving  to attend to some unspecified work obligation. Then, they allegedly spent a month apart, again, due to Kanye’s hectic schedule. Now, there are rumors circulating the web that Yeezy ditched Kim and his 18-month-old daughter during some scheduled family time at Disney on Ice.  His reason? You guessed it – work!  “Kanye bailed after 30 minutes because he had work commitments,” a source tells Radar Online. “Kim was absolutely furious with Kanye for leaving after only such a short period of time.” “Kim was embarrassed by Kanye’s actions. Luckily, she had friends there to support her, and tried to keep the focus on North. In the end, Kim ended up leaving before the show ended too, because she was in a bad mood.” Well, we guess that’s what happens when you marry a guy who famously said, “Let’s have a toast to the jerk-offs that’ll never take work off.” Or maybe that was Shakespeare. We get Shakespeare and Yeezy confused sometimes. We’re sure Yeezy does too. Anyway, the source confirms that Kim and ‘Ye “aren’t in a very good place right now. Hey, maybe we’ll get to see that $250 million divorce , after all! 39 Kute and Kuddly Kimye Photos 1. Kim and Kanye on a Motorcycle Kim Kardashian sort of gets it on with Kanye West in this music video still. She’s topless!

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Kanye West Ditches Kim Kardashian and North West at Disney on Ice!

The Bachelor Spoilers 2015: Chris Soules’ Final Four, WINNER Revealed!

Bachelor Nation, it is that time of year once again. No, not for Chris Soules’ journey for love on The Bachelor itself, which doesn’t start until January 5. For The Bachelor spoilers, however? Oh, it’s game ON Now! As is the case each fall, without fail, the details of the season leak early, revealing the results of the ABC dating show in painstaking, mostly accurate detail. What can fans expect from the 2015 season, the 19th iteration of the massively edited, highly scripted series full of drama, cat fights and oh yeah, romance too? Read on to find out The Bachelor spoilers we know so far! After a journey that took place over the course of several months, and brought him from Iowa, to L.A., across the country and back to Iowa, is Chris Soules engaged? First, let’s look at the 30 women he started off with … Alissa, 24, flight attendant, Hamilton, N.J. Amanda, 24, ballet teacher, Lake in the Hills, Ill. Amber, 29, bartender, Chicago, Ill. Ashley I., 26, nanny, Wayne, N.J. Ashley S., 24, hair stylist, Brooklyn, N.Y. Becca, 25, chiropractic assistant, San Diego, Calif. Bo, 25, plus-size model, Carpinteria, Calif. Britt, 27, waitress, Hollywood, Calif. Brittany, 26, WWE diva-in-training, Orlando, Fla. Carly, 29, cruise ship singer, Arlington, Texas Jade, 28, cosmetics developer, Los Angeles, Calif. Jillian, 25, news producer, Washington, D.C. Jordan, 24, student, Windsor, Colo. Juelia, 30, esthetician, Portland, Ore. Kaitlyn, 29, dance instructor, Vancouver, BC Kara, 25, high school soccer coach, Brownsville, Ky. Kelsey, 28, guidance counselor, Austin, Texas Kimberly, 28, yoga instructor, Long Island, N.Y. Mackenzie, 21, dental assistant, Maple Valley, Wash. Megan, 23, makeup artist, Nashville, Tenn. Michelle, 25, wedding cake decorator, Provo, Utah Nicole, 31, real estate agent, Scottsdale, Ariz. Nikki, 26, former NFL cheerleader, New York City, N.Y. Reegan, 28, cadaver tissue saleswoman, Manhattan Beach, Calif. Samantha, 27, fashion designer, Los Angeles, Calif. Tandra, 30, executive assistant, Sandy, Utah Tara, 26, sport fishing enthusiast, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Tracy, 29, fourth grade teacher, Wellington, Fla. Trina, 33, special education teacher, San Clemente, Calif. Whitney, 29, fertility nurse, Chicago, Ill. The Bachelor: Season 19 Conestant Photos 1. Alissa Alissa, 24, is a flight attendant. From those 30, he eventually whittles the field down to four. We don’t exactly know in which order, and won’t until Reality Steve reveals all later this winter. He has, however, gotten down to the real nitty gritty already. To wit: The four ladies who went on hometown dates are … Becca Tilley, of Shreveport, Louisiana! Kaitlyn Bristowe, of Vancouver, B.C.! Jade Roper, of Gering, Nebraska! Whitney Bischoff, of Chicago, Illinois! At the rose ceremony (in Dubuque, Iowa, rather than the exotic locales usually seen on The Bachelor), Chris said goodbye to Jade Roper. And then there were three. On the overnight dates, the group traveled to Bali, the only international trip of the season. Before returning to the U.S., Chris Soules axed Kaitlyn Bristowe. The finale, therefore, pits Becca Tilley against Whitney Bischoff, both of whom showed up for the final rose ceremony in or near his home town of Arlington, Iowa. Is there a big twist? Possible. But not likely. It sounds straightforward. When all is said and done this spring … Chris Soules is ENGAGED! To WHITNEY BISCHOFF! Prince Farming has found a Princess! Chris Soules Photos: The Bachelor 2015! 1. Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015 Chris Soules is The Bachelor 2015. Here he is, leaving no doubts about it. As always, you can never be sure about The Bachelor spoilers. Sometimes they’re wrong. See Desiree Hartsock’s season of The Bachelorette , or Brad Womack’s season of The Bachelor . But most of the time? Spot on. Andi Dorfman , Juan Pablo Galavis, Sean Lowe, Emily Maynard. The list goes on and on, and the spoilers were more or less correct for all of them and more. Sure, there are always wrinkles and variations. But the end predictions that hit the web thanks to Steve’s sources in mid-December are very rarely wrong. We’ll be updating The Bachelor spoilers either way, with updates from the earlier episodes as well as any new intel that becomes available in the coming weeks . Congratulations, most likely, to Chris and Whitney. Will it last?!

Excerpt from:
The Bachelor Spoilers 2015: Chris Soules’ Final Four, WINNER Revealed!

Jimmy Kimmel Recommends "Rozac" to Treat The Bachelor Depression

Jimmy Kimmel has a lot of fun with The Bachelor on his very own ABC network. His latest spoof of the hit show? A faux cure for the Bachelor-related blues. He aired a fake ad for “Rozac,” a medication for “Bachelor-related depression” last night, and after The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 8 , Renee could use it … The Bachelor: Rozac Kimmel, who is expecting a baby with Molly McNearney, accurately notes that the show features a lot of bawling, especially in Juan Pablo’s season. The clip shows each of the the show’s remaining contestants breaking down while a voiceover asks, “Are you crying in front of millions of strangers?” “Is it because you’re boyfriend is dating a half dozen other women? Does your self-esteem depend on whether or not he gives you a flower on TV?” The commercial then introduces “Rozac … for when you don’t get the rose.” Who’ll be crying after the Fantasy Suite nightmares on tonight’s episode: Nikki Ferrell, Andi Dorfman, Clare Crawley … or even Juan Pablo Galavis himself?! The Bachelor spoilers shed some light on that … if you dare to read on! Also, you can peep the promo for Tuesday’s train wreck episode, starting in just a few hours … The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 9 Promo

Originally posted here:
Jimmy Kimmel Recommends "Rozac" to Treat The Bachelor Depression

The Bachelor Promo: What Happens in the Fantasy Suite DOESN’T STAY in the Fantasy Suite!

Tonight on The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 9, what happens in the Fantasy Suite doesn’t stay in the Fantasy Suite. And whatever it is goes horribly wrong. Juan Pablo met the families of the four remaining ladies during Monday night’s hometown dates, gave Renee Oteri the pink slip and moved on to St. Lucia. The overnight dates are typically a deal-breaker on the ABC reality series, but never before have we seen anything like what’s being teased in this promo: The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 9 Promo The Bachelor spoilers have hinted all winter long that there’s drama in store for fans when we hit St. Lucia, and this teaser would certainly attest to that: Clare Crawley and Nikki Ferrell appear to be loving life with Juan Pablo Andi Dorfman appears to be in the exact opposite boat and freaks out Nikki is seen crying too, but that looks like the work of clever editing It’s almost accepted that Andi Dorfman bounces, based on this and offhand comments from Chris Harrison about Clare and Nikki on the After the Final Rose special. The question is why? What makes this such an epic disaster? The Bachelor Final Four: Juan Pablo Galavis’ Girls Open Slideshow 1. Nikki Ferrell of The Bachelor Nikki Ferrell is a frontrunner on The Bachelor Season 18. Think she has what it takes to win? View As List 1. Nikki Ferrell of The Bachelor Nikki Ferrell is a frontrunner on The Bachelor Season 18. Think she has what it takes to win? 2. Nikki Ferrell Underwear Photo Nikki Ferrell in her underwear. Juan Pablo Galavis knows how to pick ’em. 3. Nikki Ferrell Pic Nikki Ferrell is one of the contestants on The Bachelor Season 18. And she’s a contender, unquestionably. 4. Nikki Ferrell Bikini Shot Nikki Ferrell in a bikini on the beach. The Bachelor frontrunner shows off her assets! 5. Nikki Ferrell Photo This is Nikki Ferrell. The Bachelor contestant is emerging as one of the favorites this season. 6. Nikki Ferrell on The Bachelor Nikki Ferrell on The Bachelor with Juan Pablo Galavis. She is totes the villain this year. 7. Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Farrell Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Farrell on the set of The Bachelor. Well done Juan Pab. 8. Renee Oteri Photo Renee Oteri is one of Juan Pablo Galavis’ final four on The Bachelor. Think she has what it takes to win? 9. Andi Dorfman Picture Andi Dorfman may be the top frontrunner to be the next star of The Bachelorette on ABC. She’s got the looks for it! 10. Andi Dorfman Photo Andi Dorfman may be the frontrunner to become the next star of The Bachelorette on ABC. 11. Andi and Juan Pablo Andi Dorfman and Juan Pablo meet on The Bachelor. Will she win this season? 12. Clare Crawley Picture Clare Crawley of The Bachelor sure knows how to make an impression. 13. Juan Pablo and Clare Juan Pablo and Clare Crawley on The Bachelor. These two are so HOT. 14. Juan Pablo Galavis and Clare Crawley Juan Pablo Galavis and Clare Crawley on The Bachelor. These two have totally boned already. 15. Clare Crawley Pic Clare Crawley is one of the contestants on The Bachelor Season 18. And she’s a contender, unquestionably. Apparently, it goes south after Juan Pablo opens up about his Fantasy Suite experiences with a different contestant. That’s not awkward at all, dude. He also informs Andi Dorfman (or so the spoilers say) that she BARELY made it this far, and talks about himself so much that she gets pissed and bolts. Not before calling him “immature, rude and inappropriate,” though. “There’s a difference between being honest and being and a–hole,” she allegedly proclaims, becoming the second contestant to dump JPG thus far. Sharleen Joynt did the honors before hometowns. Now Andi? We’ll have to wait and see how The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 9 shakes out in a matter of hours, but it sounds like things are gonna get ugly, fast. In the meantime, follow this link to watch The Bachelor Season 18 Episode 8 and see how we got to this point … then vote on who you want to win below! And the Winner is? Nikki Ferrell Click Here To Vote for Nikki Clare Crawley Click Here To Vote for Clare Andi Dorfman Click Here To Vote for Andi Who should Juan Pablo pick on The Bachelor of the Final 3? View Poll »

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The Bachelor Promo: What Happens in the Fantasy Suite DOESN’T STAY in the Fantasy Suite!

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Spotted Together!

A week after spending their sixth wedding anniversary apart, and days after a tabloid story exploded the Internet with rumors of their demise , Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were spotted at the same place on Friday. Described as “tense,” but each donning his/her wedding ring, the stars attended a private meeting at a Los Angeles-area Kaballah center, sources confirm to Us Weekly . Sorry, Demi. Ashton may have already moved on. The couple has received “counseling from Kabbalah over the summer to try to fix their marriage,” another insider claimed last week, leading many to believe Moore and Kutcher might still try to work this out, despite reports that the latter gave it to Sara Leal in a San Diego Hotel on September 23. Then again, we really shouldn’t make that assumption, right, Ashton? Via Twitter, the socially inept actor warned that one makes “an ASS out of U and ME” when one does so. Our bad, man.

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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Spotted Together!