Tag Archives: bronx-criminal

Exclusive: Bobby Shmurda Gets More Time To Mull Prison Shank Deal Due To THIS Bizarre Reason

Troubled Rapper Accused Of Possessing Jail House Shiv Bobby Shmurda will get a few more weeks to think over whether he should take a deal in his prison knife and perjury case – but it’s not what you think. The “Hot N***a” rapper was in Bronx Criminal Court this week for a “decision” hearing on his prison shank and perjury case. Prosecutors offered him a deal of 1.5 to four years, to run concurrently with his current seven-year sentence for gang conspiracy and weapons possession. But Shmurda’s lawyer, Paul London, called the court that morning and said he had a bad case of the flu, and asked for the hearing to be postponed so he could recover. “Mr. London called this morning,” the judge said. “He’s got the flu and is requesting a two-week adjournment.” The Bronx District Attorney’s Office accused Shmurda’s gal pal of trying to pass him a “sharpened metal object” while in the visiting area of Riker’s Island in 2015 – and then lying about the incident to the Grand Jury. The gal pal, Kimberly Russeau, has already pled guilty to promoting prison contraband. Shmurda, dressed in khakis, and button-down crisp white shirt and flanked by two court officers, said “aight,” after the judge informed him of his lawyer’s illness. The Brooklyn artist is due back in court next month, where he’ll reveal whether or not he’ll take the deal.

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Exclusive: Bobby Shmurda Gets More Time To Mull Prison Shank Deal Due To THIS Bizarre Reason

XXL Gangster Named “Wobbles” Can’t Fit In The Courtroom For Arraignment

550 Pound Suspect’s Wheelchair Won’t Fit Into Court Remember Wobbles, the 550-pound kingpin caught flipping guns in New York? It seems his weight is already presenting problems for him while he’s in police custody. Via NYPost : He’s (almost) too tubby for justice. The 550-pound gangster accused of operating a massive gun-running ring couldn’t make it to his Friday arraignment — because his wheelchair wouldn’t fit through the elevator doors at Bronx Criminal Court. Instead, William “Wobbles” Soler, 33, was arraigned in a cramped, 8-by-10-foot room in front of the facility where prisoners are held. His huge frame engulfed the wheelchair he was shackled to as he pleaded not guilty to the charges. Judge George Villegas said he’d never seen anything like it in his 12 years on the bench. “He’s on a [double-wide] wheelchair,” he remarked before the proceedings. “Basically it’s a love seat on wheels.” Soler’s lawyer, Brian Sullivan, said they had no other option but to bring the arraignment to Soler. “Did you see his wheelchair?” he said afterward, stretching his hands out. “It wouldn’t fit through the elevator.” Even if he’d made it into the lift, Soler wouldn’t have been able to fit through the courtroom door prisoners enter through, a court officer explained. Wonder how well he’ll adjust to that regular-person-sized prison cell he’s more than likely headed to? NYPost

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XXL Gangster Named “Wobbles” Can’t Fit In The Courtroom For Arraignment

Shady Cop Who Was Also A Pastor Popped For Chopping Down Teen And Ruining Her Life!

NYPD Cop Who Was Also A Pastor Arrested For Sexual Relationship With Minor SMH… A 38-year-old Bronx police officer who also happened to be a pastor is in deep trouble after being accused of carrying on a 7-month-long affair with a 16-year-old girl he met through a youth church program. According to NY Daily News reports : Officer Vladimir Sosa, a seven-year NYPD veteran, was arraigned Tuesday night in Bronx Criminal Court on third-degree rape, sexual misconduct and child endangerment charges. Sosa is an evangelist who studied theology at the United Christian College in North Carolina, according to his Facebook page. He is affiliated with the Iglesia Metodista Libre El Remanente on E. 180th St. in Tremont, the Bronx, where he met the teen, but often travels to preach at other houses of worship, said colleague Fernando Gonzalez, who helped found the church in 2001. Gonzalez couldn’t believe the charges the Bronx cop is facing. “It’s not true,” he said, adding that he’s always trusted Sosa with his three daughters. “It’s being made up.” “Vladimir might have been trying to help the female in question with her spiritual life,” he said. “It might have happened that because of her young age, she confused the situation. SMH @ the idea that the girl confused the situation. According to reports, Sosa came under scrutiny after the girl’s parents found some incriminating text messages. After her mother confronter her she revealed the unsavory relationship and police were alerted about the situation. While Sosa maintains he’s innocent and claims he and the girl were never alone a family friend of the victim, who asked to remain anonymous says that’s not true. “She’s doing very bad … she used to be a top student, a virgin, a girl that was in love with God and this man seduced her,” said a family friend of the girl, who also knew Sosa. “She is crying, very depressed … I can say that he destroyed her life.” The NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau took Sosa in for questioning at the apartment he shares with his mother at the Bronx River Houses on Tuesday morning, officials said. It’s believed that Sosa, who works at the 46th Precinct in Fordham, and the girl were romantically involved for at least seven months last year. He had consensual sex with the minor at least three times, thesources said. All of the illicit hookups took place at Sosa’s apartment, according to court papers. So wait, he was having sex with a teenager at his apartment… where he lives with his mother??? This situation is just so many levels of wrong!!! And in the meantime Sosa was released on his on recognizance — he didn’t even have to post bail! Facebook/ Shutterstock

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Shady Cop Who Was Also A Pastor Popped For Chopping Down Teen And Ruining Her Life!