In an interview conducted shortly before he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Dr. Conrad Murray says he doesn’t feel guilty about Michael Jackson dying. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” the cardiologist insists. The Today Show aired portions of an intense sit-down interview with Murray that was conducted before the guilty verdict was reached by a jury earlier this week. In it, he completely contradicts what he told police. Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary: Part 1 During the interview, Murray says he put Jackson to sleep that fateful day, then left the room to talk on the phone, because he didn’t want to wake Michael up. How courteous. Except MJ was on a hospital-grade anesthetic and shouldn’t have been unmonitored … and he told cops he only went to the can for two minutes. Murray’s admission seems to alter the timeline, again. Asked if he regretted leaving the room, he thought about it and said, “I regret that Michael has passed.” Read : I regret that I was blamed for it, due to my own gross negligence, and will now make a shameless film to slander the dead in a desperate PR move . Tonight, MSNBC aired its controversial documentary, Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship , which paints the singer in a very unflattering light . Among other things, it reveals potentially embarrassing medical details and shows Murray’s legal strategy meetings. Watch part one above and the rest below: Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary: Part 2 Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary: Part 3 Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary: Part 4 Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary: Part 5
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Dr. Conrad Murray in Shocking Documentary: I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong!