Tag Archives: celebrity-hair

13 SHOCKING Celebrity Hair Transformations from 2014

It was a year of racial unrest and major computer hackery. It was a year that saw Kylie and Kendall Jenner abandon the attention-hogging shadow of their half-sister. And it was a year in which various celebrities shocked their fans and followers by undergoing some extreme hairstyle changes. 13 Wild Celebrity Hair Transformations 1. Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson started dating FKA Twigs in 2014. Incredibly, though, his hairstyle ended up stranger than his new girlfriend’s name. Who shaved the back of his head (SPOILER ALERT: see above)? Who dyed her hair blue? Who went bobbing for a new look? Who simply could not make up her stylish mind? From a Twilight Saga hunk… to an E! reality star… to a CBS sitcom actress… to a former sex tape maven, flip through the photo gallery featured here to see which actors, actresses and singers experimented with the top of their heads in 2014. Whose hairy situation came out best?

Originally posted here:
13 SHOCKING Celebrity Hair Transformations from 2014

The Hair Evolution of Ms. Mary J. Blige

See the original post here:
The Hair Evolution of Ms. Mary J. Blige

These Celebrities Give Us Hair Envy

These celebrity women have captivated us with their hair (both natural and not so much). Behind the simple cuts, layered masterpieces and lengthy curls, they have inspired legions of women to follow their follicles’ lead. What is their formula for such a perfect hairstyle that gives you hair envy? Whether it’s the fame, fortune or their fiery red carpet glamor, they seem to pretty much always have it together when it comes to hair. Check it out at MadameNoire.com

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These Celebrities Give Us Hair Envy

Kate Gosselin Wastes Money on New Haircut Again

Kate Gosselin spends money like it’s going out of style. That’s not unusual for a famous person, of course. Or for an American in general. Nor is it necessarily a bad thing. But when you’ve got eight mouths to feed and you’re feeding those mouths moldy sandwiches , your priorities are suspect. That said, check out Kate’s $950 haircut!!!!!!! Kate Gosselin sure looks … gopd? It’s hard for us to say. The angular, shag-style cut comes courtesy of celebrity hair stylist Ted Gibson (who’s worked with Angelina Jolie and other stars) and colorist Jason Backe. On a side note, the tanning-salon devotee also sported a particular orange, non-seasonal skin tone. She is now the Snooki of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Gibson says of his famous client, “She loves her new look, and it’s so much fun to work with her!” With that kind of hourly rate, that’s not a huge shock.

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Kate Gosselin Wastes Money on New Haircut Again

TMZ’s Blonde Bombshell Contest — Final 5!

Filed under: Photo Galleries The platinum pictures from TMZ’s Blonde Bombshell Contest have been narrowed down to the top five — and now it’s up to you to pick the winner!Which of these sassy snapshots should score the $250 prize and some super secret mystery gifts from … Permalink

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TMZ’s Blonde Bombshell Contest — Final 5!

TMZ’s Blonde Bombshell Contest — Have Fun!

Filed under: Photo Galleries The platinum pictures poured into the TMZ newsroom for our Blonde Bombshell Contest and proved one more time… blondes really do have more fun!Be sure to check back on Monday to help decide which golden girl or guy should score the $250 prize and … Permalink

Originally posted here:
TMZ’s Blonde Bombshell Contest — Have Fun!

Color Me Bad

Filed under: Photo Galleries Can you guess which celebrities took their hair color to a whole new level?

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Color Me Bad

Holiday Sweaters — The Man-Made Version

Filed under: Beauty , Photo Galleries Can you guess which Hollywood hunks are sportin’ these fuzzy fronts?

Here is the original post:
Holiday Sweaters — The Man-Made Version

Oh, Dougie!

We snapped Doug Reinhard t and Paris Hilton leaving Villa last night after promoting her new line of products. Seriously, is there anything that PHil doesn’t put her stamp on?

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Oh, Dougie!