Tag Archives: cenk uygur

Obama’s Palace Guards: Desperate Maher, Colbert, Jon Stewart Go All In to Save Dems

Remember when American comedians went after the powerful in an effort to bring them down to earth with the sharp satire of accountability? Today, they appear to only protect the powerful. Well, unless the powerful aren’t liberal enough. As things stand now you have the likes of David Letterman and Louis C.K. savaging Sarah Palin’s family, SNL terrified to rip Obama with any real zeal, cartoonists proclaiming President Teleprompter  too cool to mock , and Will Ferrell films  flaking for corrupt public unions , all in an effort to protect the corrupted leftist elitists currently holding power. It’s like we now live in an alternate universe you might call …  North Korea . In desperate Hail Mary moves to protect Obama and Democrats from what’s looking like a November rout, three of the left’s most beloved Palace Guards have just upped their game considerably. Bill Maher’s now openly blackmailing Delaware Republican Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell, threatening a weekly drip-drip-drip of videos he thinks will ruin her candidacy unless she agrees to appear on his show – which is where he’ll really pull out the stops to finally  win that Emmy  by attempting to destroy her: ABC News : On Friday, Maher released on his new HBO show, “Real Time,” an unaired clip of O’Donnell admitting to a brief dalliance with witchcraft. “I dabbled into witchcraft – I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do,” she said. “One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s little blood there and stuff like that,” she said. “We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.” O’Donnell appeared on the political talk show on 22 different episodes, and Maher has said he will air a clip of O’Donnell every week until she agrees to appear on his show. “It’s like a hostage crisis,” Maher said. “Every week you don’t show up, I’m going to throw another body out.” Does anyone find a young naive girl (or woman) under the influence of a guy she digs temporarily taking a wrong turn into witchcraft even a tenth as creepy as a grown man taking his children into Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church? How about Ms. O’Donnell’s opponent dabbling, as an adult,  in Marxism ? Meanwhile over at Comedy Central, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have just announced dueling Beck-like rallies. Obviously their real goal is to mock the hundreds of thousands of everyday people who gathered last month to worship God and love their country. What better way to make average Americans who dare to oppose socialism feel like freaks than with big rallies called “Keep Fear Alive” and “The Million Moderate March” (I guess Stewart won’t be attending that one).     And yet, as NewsBusters reports, it sure isn’t going to be moderates organizing Stewart’s “Million Moderates March.” Meet Stewart’s  very own Clintonistas : We’ve discovered that a permit application was submitted for the Oct. 30 rally rivalry, on Sept. 8 to the National Park Service by Minassian Media, Comedy Central and Chris Wayne and Associates. Craig Minassian is a former Clinton administration press aide who is now a consultant to Comedy Central. Wayne is a former Clinton White House event organizer who works on large-scale media events and promotions. Undoubtedly, the only outcome any of this will achieve will be to further energize those of us backing O’Donnell and the Tea Party. The beauty of this election cycle is that the left has had no Republican leader or figurehead to marginalize and demonize, forcing them to attack and Alinsky the voters directly. For some reason, these ethereal idiots still haven’t figured out that is why their poll numbers and futures are circling closer and closer to the drain. Not sure who the genius was who sent out the talking points to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their MSM/Hollywood minions suggesting that a good campaign slogan might be: “We’re Superior To You Racists, So Vote For Us” – but I’m sure glad they did. This is one racist extremist who can’t wait to vote… How about you racist extremists? Do Maher, Stewart, and Colbert make you feel all awkward and embarrassed in your shameful love for the Constitution, or will you risk their withering disapproval and turn out in droves November 2nd? Crossposted at Big Hollywood  

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Obama’s Palace Guards: Desperate Maher, Colbert, Jon Stewart Go All In to Save Dems

Matthews Jokes About Obama Bringing Gun to Knife Fight When Dealing with GOP

On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, as the group discussed how a budget fight between a Republican Congress and President Obama might play out politically, host Matthews joked about the Chicago saying about bringing a gun to a knife fight and putting people in the morgue as a metaphor for how Obama might deal with Republicans politically – a saying President Obama also has a history of using : CLARENCE PAGE, CHICAGO TRIBUNE: But Obama knows how to play confrontation politics the Chicago way, and this is the kind of thing that, this is where the rubber meets the road. MATTHEWS: You mean like Jimmy the Cop, “They come at you with a knife, you go at them with a gun”? PAGE: You’ve got it. And remember- MATTHEWS: “They put you in the hospital, you put them in the morgue”? Is that what we’re talking here? Notably, some MSNBC liberals like Keith Olbermann have a history of accusing Republicans of inciting violence by using metaphors, and just a few weeks ago, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks filled in on MSNBC’s The Ed Show and went to lengths to accuse Republicans of inciting violence with metaphorical rhetoric, all while ignoring Obama’s own similar history. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Sunday, September 19, syndicated Chris Matthews Show: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Clarence, does he have Bill Clinton’s finesse and plainness like Clinton did? The minute it got to the tough- CLARENCE PAGE, CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Nobody’s got Bill Clinton’s finesse, but- MATTHEWS: He was good at that stuff. He was good when it got to Newt. PAGE: But Obama knows how to play confrontation politics the Chicago way, and this is the kind of thing that, this is where the rubber meets the road. MATTHEWS: You mean like Jimmy the Cop, “They come at you with a knife, you go at them with a gun”? PAGE: You’ve got it. And remember- MATTHEWS: “They put you in the hospital, you put them in the morgue”? Is that what we’re talking here? PAGE: Just look at Clinton versus Gingrich. They faced each other down, and who got blamed for the shutdown? It was Gingrich and the Republicans.

Matthews Jokes About Obama Bringing Gun to Knife Fight When Dealing with GOP

Cenk Uygur: The Next Leftist MSNBC Star?

Cenk Uygur (pronounced Jenk You-gurr) is profiled by media reporter James Rainey  in Wednesday’s Los Angeles Times, and it becomes quite clear the exotically-named Young Turks radio host could be the next leftist star at MSNBC. Since his friendship with Dylan Ratigan led to some guest-hosting gigs (in which he bested Ratigan in the ratings), Uygur is now part of the “family” of Bush-hating radicals: Cable executives hope fill-in hosts can at best hold on to the audiences they inherit. But MSNBC insiders said they believe Uygur did so well because many of those who watch his three-hour weekday Web program, (3 to 6 p.m. PDT) or clips on his YouTube channel jumped to MSNBC when Ratigan was out…. MSNBC President Phil Griffin called Uygur “part of our family” and expects him to get “more and more” air time, though he declined to specify in what time slots. Inside Cable News guesses it wouldn’t be any place in day time (might they dump the Hardball rerun at 7?) Or they could do an MSNBC version of  Red Eye in late night? In any case, Cenk wants to be seen on Obama’s left: “Obama spent the first two years of his administration practicing political unilateral disarmament,” he said in one salvo. “He laid down his arms to reach out to Republicans, and they ripped his arms off and clubbed him over the head with them.” Uygur has also offered these oddball utterances: Unlike Fox, MSNBC is “straight news.” He made this case with a straight face: “Is there a chance that Obama is actually more conservative than Reagan?” Days later, he added this Obama dismissal: “I didn’t realize we elected a Republican president.” As a Republican electoral wave approaches, the Tea Party is the “cancer of the Republican Party.” Most recently, he asked, “What black person, gay guy or girl, immigrant or Muslim-American in their right mind would vote for the Republican party? They might as well hang a sign around their neck saying I hate myself.” Eventually, MSNBC is going to be just wall-to-wall leftist wailers, many of them from failed talk-radio shows.

See original here:
Cenk Uygur: The Next Leftist MSNBC Star?

MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur Rants: The Tea Party Is the ‘Cancer’ of the GOP

MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur railed against the Tea Party on Friday, attacking their members as the ” cancer of the Republican Party .” The liberal radio host was completing his final day as guest anchor of the 3pm hour of News Live. During each show’s program he would offer three short commentaries railing against conservatism or President Obama for not being liberal enough. Uygur, the host of the liberal Young Turks radio show, asserted that the Tea Party will “kill” Republicans after 2010, allowing that the midterms might result in a “slight bump up for the GOP.” In contrast, the Cook Report currently predicts a 32 to 42 seat pickup for the Republicans in the House. In a second commentary, Uygur hit Obama for not being liberal enough: “We challenged the Republicans and the President all week long. We took Obama to task for TARP Elizabeth Warren, civil liberties and many other issues. But, I did want to give the President some parting advice. Please, no more half measures!” He then dismissed Obama’s left-wing accomplishments, scoffing, “Instead we got pocket change.” Fox News’ 3pm host is the low key Shepherd Smith. MSNBC now seems to be experimenting with hard left anchors for midday as well as primetime. A transcript of Uygur’s two August 6 commentaries follows: 3:45pm EDT MSNBC Graphic: My Take CENK UYGUR: Now, look, I like to make predictions, so here’s a nice controversial one for you. The Tea Party is the cancer of the Republican Party . If they were actually fighting against corruption in government, it would be a positive movement as I just explained. But if all they do is drive the GOP further and further to the right, they’re going to kill the party. 2010 might be a slight bump up for the GOP given the circumstances, but that will only hurt them more in the long run as they become convinced that radicalism is the right answer. After 2010, the long, sad decline of the Republican Party will begin and we will look back and say it started at a party, the Tea Party. We’ll be right back. 3:54pm EDT MSNBC GRAPHIC: Cenk’s Takeaway UYGUR: At the beginning of the week I told you we would be challenging the government on the show. And I think we delivered. We challenged the Republicans and the President all week long. We took Obama to task for TARP Elizabeth Warren, civil liberties and many other issues. But, I did want to give the President some parting advice. Please, no more half measures! This country elected you because you ran on the message of change. They gave you huge majorities in the House and Senate. It was a clear mandate. And what did you use it for? Health care reform with the private insurers are still the only option. Yes, there were positive parts to the bill. But the system remains the same. And how about financial reform? Where the banks are still too big to fail. Don’t you get it? If and when they crash the economy again, they’re going to blame you! And that’s my point. If banks and insurance companies and t he Republicans and conservative media all attack you with 100 percent ferocity no matter what you do, why didn’t you try for 100 percent change? Instead we got pocket change. And now if it’s not good enough to pull us out of the rut, then they’re going to say progressive ideas didn’t work. But it ain’t over. You still have two and a half years to take the fight to them. Remember when you did you didn’t want to play the same old Washington games a little better? You wanted to change the game, I’m sorry, but right now the game is exactly as it was before. So, I’m asking for your own good and from now onto have the courage to give the American people the change you promised them.

View original post here:
MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur Rants: The Tea Party Is the ‘Cancer’ of the GOP

Dobbs Calls MSNBC’s Ratigan ‘Insane and Inane’

In a July 9 post on www.loudobbs.com , Dobbs let fly bashing the staff at his one-time competitor for “two gems that can’t be ignored.” “MSNBC guest anchor Cenk Uygur filled in for the equally insane and inane Dylan Ratigan and pushed the crazy idea that President Obama is a conservative,” he wrote. The video of the segment is all there because Dobbs embedded it from the Media Research Center. Dobbs, who still has a talk radio show, then went on to criticize Uygur’s twisted logic that, Uygur’s words Obama “seems to have bought into the Republican talking point on deficits.” Then he went on criticize “the old-standby, Mr. Tingle Up His Leg Chris Matthews” for saying there are only two camps in the nation – “those who want things to improve and those who want to see the country, and therefore the president, fail.” Dobbs summed it up with a good question: “How can anyone watch this nonsense?” Dobbs, you may recall, was pushed out by CNN for his own opinionated statements that ran counter to lefty orthodoxy on immigration especially.

See the article here:
Dobbs Calls MSNBC’s Ratigan ‘Insane and Inane’