Tag Archives: chronic

Kate Moss Wasted Living the Rockstar Life of the Day

I think Kate Moss is the best…she’s hot….even now that she’s an old washed up mom…an ex model who has seen her best years…It may have to do with the rockstar lifestyle, or the fact that she’s always topless on her chronic vacation of a Life , or that video of her doing coke, just made her cooler, or more importantly, that she’s likely had a lot of fucking sex, probably some STDS, cuz models and rockstars don’t use condoms… not counting her kid, but she manages to still look good…and seeing her leave a party, wasted, destroyed, a wreck with some haggard dude, makes me like her even more….

Originally posted here:
Kate Moss Wasted Living the Rockstar Life of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger Is A Sexy Badass

Here’s Nicole Scherzinger looking like a badass at some radio station party the other day. Normally I wouldn’t find a leather smock all that attractive, it seems like something a serial killer would wear, but I’ve got to say that paired with those thigh high boots it’s really working for me. I wouldn’t fight her if she tried to abduct me in a Home Depot parking lot or anything like that. As long as she’s wearing those boots. more pictures of Nicole Scherzinger here

Candice Swanepoel, Adriana Lima And Erin Heatherton Are Topless

You know it’s a good day when you’ve got pictures of a trio of Victoria’s Secret hotties hanging out together with their tops off. Here are Candice Swanepoel , Adriana Lima and Erin Heatherton airing out their lady lumps in some cute little undies. This is good stuff, all that’s missing is a celebrity blogger wearing nothing but a smile and wrist brace for his chronic carpal tunnel syndrome and we’ve got ourselves one hell of a foursome. Call me. more pictures of Candice Swanepoel here

Candice Swanepoel, Adriana Lima And Erin Heatherton Are Topless

You know it’s a good day when you’ve got pictures of a trio of Victoria’s Secret hotties hanging out together with their tops off. Here are Candice Swanepoel , Adriana Lima and Erin Heatherton airing out their lady lumps in some cute little undies. This is good stuff, all that’s missing is a celebrity blogger wearing nothing but a smile and wrist brace for his chronic carpal tunnel syndrome and we’ve got ourselves one hell of a foursome. Call me. more pictures of Candice Swanepoel here

MJ Anniversary Memorial — Up In Smoke

Filed under: Michael Jackson , drugs Chronic Michael Jackson fans have found their own way to honor the King of Pop — and the plan involves copious amounts of Thelonious Skunk. While thousands of fans pay tribute at Forest Lawn in Glendale, a dude calling himself NJ Weedman is hosting a… Read more

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MJ Anniversary Memorial — Up In Smoke

Amanda Seyfried’s My New Internet Girlfriend

Here’s one of my new favorite hotties Amanda Seyfried taking her sad looking dog for a walk the other day. Poor dog must be so embarrassed wearing that retard cone, there’s got to be a better way to keep them from biting their stitches, like making the stitches electronically charged so that if he bites them he gets zapped. I guess that’s considered cruel, but it’s just a first draft. I know it worked for me with my chronic masturbation. Anyhow, the good news is that Amanda looks pretty cute so who gives a crap about the dog. Enjoy.

Dr. Dre Sues Suge Knightless Death Row Records

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Dr. Dre claims it’s been 14 years since he’s seen a penny from his game changing record, “The Chronic” — and he’s belatedly waging a war against the new Death Row Records. Why you ask would the good Dr. wait so long? We’re guessing there’s a fear … Permalink

See the original post here:
Dr. Dre Sues Suge Knightless Death Row Records

Rachel Specter in her Underwear for Bald of the Day

It is thanksgiving and I give thanks that straight to DVD, shitty written movies always feature aspiring actors who think they have what it takes to be the next big thing, and strips them down and puts them in their place cuz they are eager after they’ve been in Hollywood for 6 months and tired of waiting tables and not getting auditions for much more than internet porn….


Originally posted here:
Rachel Specter in her Underwear for Bald of the Day