Austin Vesley, who directed Chance the Rapper’s “Angels” video, explains the concept behind the visual, how the got Chance on top of a CTA train and more.
If you’re active on social media, I’m sure you’ve noticed the whole “waist training” craze. The concept behind waist training involves wearing a “trainer” that…
I figure today is a good day to revisit the days we used to jerk off to Victoria’s Secret catalogs, you know afer signing up to them with fake girl names, back before the internet existed, because the caliber and concept behind the catalog shots is like a fucking time warp, even if the models have changed….and I guess I am thinking about old masturbation memories because it was a simpler time when busting nut came without digging deep into dirty places that are borderline criminal places thanks to being desensitized as shit…. Doutzen Kroes…is pretty alright…..
To document border crossings, Christof Putzel needed a “fixer” — a contact who helps a journalist manage logistics on the ground. His turned out to be the local priest.
Want to participate in the world’s first TV show created by its audience? Creator Will Wright explains the concept behind “television of tomorrow,” Walt Disney-style. TV YOU CONTROL: BAR KARMA PREMIERES SATURDAY at 11/10c
The Hollywood Gossip offers readers a unique perspective on various celebrities, including breaking news, countless photos, polls, videos and so much more. But once you get your fill of entertainment scoop, where should you go to next on the Internet? Adam Lambert has an idea