Tag Archives: costume

Britney Spears Intense Costume of the Day

I like Britney Spears….she represents all that is right witch celebrity…. From being a dancing puppet your parents exploit at 8 years old, despite not being exceptional really at anything…. TO being a dancing puppet for an evil corporation in the Disney Channel’s bullshit into your teen years in the 90s…. To being a massive pop success with canned, shitty music that everyone fucking loved, and that made millions and millions of dollars… Only to fall the fuck off because she was manipulated by one of her dancers, because she had no real friends, how could she know it wasn’t love, especially after he came in her every chance he could get, because he knows the law and knows it’s a good strategy for a future life worth living… Before the breakdown that led to her parents being like “we can’t let the dancing puppet stray off course, we need the revenue stream”….only to basically take back her life…and own her….and dress her up like this…for all of us to jerk off to and distract from her cries for help…because America only likes people when they die….and appreciate them suffer through life…you’re all evil…but this costume, it’s from heaven..but maybe I’m just saying that because I like sex toys… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Britney Spears Intense Costume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Britney Spears Intense Costume of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Does Halloween Because She’s a Nightmare of the Day

It’s safe to say that Lindsay Lohan doesn’t need Halloween to be a fucking nightmare, I mean she’s consistently been a nightmare, she will consistently be a nightmare, and her life and career are just as fucking bad…I mean if you think being a famous actress who doesn’t act, but who has a lot of family drama, family issues, drug addiction, rehab issues, is bad…I think it’s good enough if you can ride that shit out and never have to work again….who needs to be famous forever….when you can live off the residuals of being famous for 5 minutes after your parents prostituted you….right… Either way, her costume wasn’t a giant gaping asshole trying to get work…so it’s not as good as it could have been…but I guess that’s the story of her life – in every aspect of her life – not as good as she could have been…always missing the mark…and part of me loves her, or at least her tits for that… TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP FOR HALLOWEEN CLICK HERE

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Lindsay Lohan Does Halloween Because She’s a Nightmare of the Day

Super Last Minute Halloween Costume: Cara Delevingne

AHHHH, IT’S HALLOWEEN. If you woke up today totally stressin’ on what to wear tonight, we have the perfect last-minute ensemble: Cara Delevingne. Our favorite model is known for her statement graphic tees paired with a beanie, skinny jeans and sneakers (which 99% of us already have in our wardrobes), but what makes Cara, well,… Read more »

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Super Last Minute Halloween Costume: Cara Delevingne

6 Insanely Expensive Halloween Costumes

Halloween partygoers in search of an, ahem, richer experience can pick their costume from one of these outrageously pricey options.

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6 Insanely Expensive Halloween Costumes

Topless Girls at TSA for LAX of the Day

So LAX is an airport I’ve been going to more than any other Airport the last 6 months, because I am all Hollywood and shit…and they got shot up today, one of the friendly TSA guys who may or may not have fondled my balls last Sunday, was killed, and the whole story is very very sad…insane and makes you wonder how good Airport security actually is, because homie shouldn’t even be at TSA with a gun, but now that this has happened, security at Airports is going to get a hell of a lot more annoying…the only tragedy is that they could have taken out a Kardashian but instead took out a poor bastard at work…. But I don’t believe in Sadness so here is a video of a girl taking “take off your shirt” literally…the ay all girls should take “Take Off Your Shirt”… If you don’t like that here’s a dude getting sexually molested by a soldier…

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Topless Girls at TSA for LAX of the Day

Nicki Minaj’s Amazing Costume of the Day

Nicki Minaj understands Halloween…if you dress slutty 365 days a year…step that shit up on Halloween and dress real slutty…I am just bummed her costume isn’t a girl with a spread asshole…because the asshole is gateway to woman’s soul…and I like staring at it…

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Nicki Minaj’s Amazing Costume of the Day

Anna Rexia Halloween Costume: The Worst Idea of All Time?

The “Anna Rexia” Halloween costume, which sparked controversy a couple of years ago when it was first unveiled, is back and more offensive than ever. The costume, if the name didn’t make this clear, is a play on anorexia nervosa, a serious eating disorder. This did not go over well in 2011, but has resurfaced. Anna Rexia Halloween Costume Halloweenparty13 (dot) com is selling the “Anna Rexia” costume for $39.99, using the same contentious tagline: “You can never be too rich or too thin.” Featuring a glitter screen-print skeleton mini-dress, a choker neckband, measuring tape belt and an “Anna Rexia” badge, the outfit is begging for backlash. Dreamgirls International, the costume manufacturer, said in an earlier statement: “We understand that some people will not find the dark humor funny.” Calling Halloween “an eccentric holiday” for people to express themselves in “myriad ways,” they dismiss criticism as “a matter of taste and personal discretion.” It seems Dreamgirls has changed its tune since, however. Hypervocal recently spoke to Dreamgirls Director of Marketing Lar Hovsepian, who told them that the “Anna Rexia” costume has been discontinued. “At this point it’s out of our control,” he said. There are still units being sold by retailers, however. One of them Halloweenstore (dot) com has responded to the backlash on its Facebook page: “We have received emails and Facebook attacks for a costume that has not been sold since 2011 … We did NOT design, manufacture, etc this costume.” “We are a small family business that sold this costume , just as thousands of other stores did,” the statement says, though the item is still available. Sounds like an awful lot of disavowing and shoulder-shrugging going on, while still making “Anna Rexia” for sale if you look around hard enough. What do you think of the costume?   Hilarious Horrible View Poll »

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Anna Rexia Halloween Costume: The Worst Idea of All Time?

Jennifer Morrison

The Great Gatsby World Premiere New York, Metropolitan Museum Art Costume Institute Gala New York May Continue reading

Jennifer Morrison

The Great Gatsby World Premiere New York, Metropolitan Museum Art Costume Institute Gala New York May Continue reading

Instagram Flexin’: Rihanna Flosses Her Flawless Figure In Her Best Barbados Cropover Costume Ever

Rihanna raised more than a few eyebrows thanks to this costume Monday after posting more photos from her Carnival experience . With her tour complete, the singer has been back in her native Barbados living up Cropover to the fullest — and proudly reppin’ her island. Hit the flip for more!

Instagram Flexin’: Rihanna Flosses Her Flawless Figure In Her Best Barbados Cropover Costume Ever