Tag Archives: criminal minds

Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day

Anne Hathaway went as slutty as Anne Hathaway has ever been for Glamour Magazine…a little Blazer with no shirt underneath for all 5 of her fans who think she’s hot and worth jerking off to….the 5 weirdest people in the world…probably exes who she did something freakish with….or just some Princess Diary pervert who can’t move past that movie…in life or in masturbation fantasy…and you know that person exists… You also know that she’s she’s got to do all she can to promote a movie…people hate her…and her name alone won’t fill seats and the storyline of “Devil Wears Prada Two”…at least that is what the trailer looks like…isn’t compelling to fill seats…even though she’s an oscar winner and that alone should make the world want to worship her performance…as most Oscar winners are supposed to be the best of the best and thus the movies they are in are the best of the best…except maybe for Eric Roberts…he’s pretty bad…unless she won that Oscar wrongfully…who knows, none of that shit matters…it’s all nonsense…Anne Hathaway is nonsense…and I’m not offended by her like so many people are, I don’t give a fuck either way, I just know I used to have a girl I fucked who looked a lot like a fat Anne Hathway, and that girl used to lick my unshowered ass while jerking me off, making Anne Hathaway a friendly reminder of those glorious, disgusting days… The post Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anne Hathaway Not Wearing SHirt of the Day

Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day

Kemp Muhl is a goddess…I had never heard of her, because I am out of the loop and I don’t care, but I googled her today, because all it took was showing up to an event with her tits… She’s been a model, actress, musician, hipster artist, since she was 13…I guess when you’re named Kemp, your hippie parents throw you into being counter culture…anti-society….you know a tumblr star who denounces technology but has a facebook page… She’s 28 now, she’s been dating Sean Lennon since 2006…so since she’s been 18…Before him she dated some actor named Matthew Gray Gubler…who was on the show Criminal Minds….when she was under 18…someone arrest him…he’s a TYGA… And now she matters…and all it took was showing up to an event with her tits..we call that Emrata School of How to Get Famous…and I am into it cuz I like tits.. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS The post Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kemp Muhl is my Dream Girl of the Day

AJ Cook Gives Birth to a Boy!

Forget using her Criminal Minds. Actress AJ Cook just used her uterus to give birth to a child! Us Weekly has confirmed that Cook and husband Nathan Andersen welcomed their second son into the world early this morning, as Phoenix Sky Andersen greeted his parents at 5:49 a.m. The tiny guy weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 20.5 inches. The Criminal Minds star and her man are also parents to a six-year-old son named Mekhai Allan. As luck would have it, the family’s latest addition almost overlaps birthdays with his mother, who celebrated her 37th on Tuesday, July 22. Cook announced she was expecting once again this past March via Instagram, writing at the time: “Miracles do happen and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. #Blessed #Bump.” We send our best wishes to the newly-expanded family! View Slideshow: Celebrities Expecting Babies in 2015

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AJ Cook Gives Birth to a Boy!

Fox & Friends Debate Frozen: Is It Sexist?

As has been well chronicled on The Hollywood Gossip, scarcely anyone out there can let Frozen go, as covers of songs from this animated smash continue to go viral. But Steve Doocy led a discussion on Fox & Friends yesterday regarding this Disney movie that focused on a very different Frozen topic: Is it sexist? Against men?!? Fox News Argues Frozen is Sexist “From what we’ve seen, it looks like Frozen depicts men as evil and cold and bumblers,” Doocy said to Concerned Women for America president Penny Nance. “What kind of message does that send?” Nance, a Christian women’s advocacy group leader, agreed with Doocy’s sentiments. “It’s not just Disney,” Nance said. “Hollywood in general has often sent a message that men are superfluous, that they’re stupid, that they’re in the way and if they contribute anything to the family, it’s a paycheck. And that is not true, and it is not good social science.” It’s about time someone focused on the plight of men in this country, don’t you think?!? Doocy and Nance agree that Princess Elsa ( Celebrity of 2014 #6 !) is a positive role model for young women… but won’t someone consider the young men?!? “We want to raise heroes,” Nance argues. “We want to raise real men. That will stick in their families and be great dads and be great providers and great husbands.” Seriously, Hollywood. Get it together and make a superhero film that features a male lead, will ya?!? 29 Disney Easter Eggs 1. Frozen / Tangled Flynn Rider (Eugene) and Rapunzel are guests at Queen Elsa’s coronation! 2. Lady and the Tramp / 101 Dalmations Remember the All Dog Salute in 101 Dalmations when Pongy and Purdy are searching for their missing pups? Lady and the Tramp have a cameo. 3. Toy Story 3 / A Bug’s Life The children of Toy Story 3’s Sunnyside Daycare learned all about bugs, spelling Atta, the name of the queen ant in A Bug’s Life. 4. Brave / Monsters, Inc. The carving shop in Brave features an interesting image! That’s SULLY from Monsters, Inc! Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Cars / The Incredibles What’s playing on the Radiator Springs Drive-In? Why, nothing else but The Incredimobiles! 6. Aladdin / Beauty and the Beast The sultan in Aladdin loves to stack his animal figurines into towers. One of those figurines is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. 7. The Princess and the Frog / The Little Mermaid King Triton presides over a New Orleans parade in The Princess and the Frog. 8. Hercules / The Lion King There’s a slain lion in Hercules. That lion is the evil Scar from The Lion King. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Lilo and Stitch / Dumbo A stuffed Dumbo hangs out in Lilo’s easel in Lilo and Stitch. 10. Toy Story 2 / Monsters, Inc. Boo hands Sully her Jesse doll when he returns her to her room at the end of Monsters, Inc. 11. Monsters, Inc. / Finding Nemo Boo also hands Sully a stuffed Nemo, making Finding Nemo the second movie to make a cameo in Monsters, Inc. 12. Finding Nemo / Brother Bear For a tiny clown fish from the middle of the ocean, Nemo gets around! Here he is in a stream in Brother Bear. (A freshwater stream…) Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. A113 Pixar A113 can be seen in every Pixar movie. That’s the classroom number for graphic design classes at California Institute of the Arts where many of Pixar’s creators attended school. 14. Toy Story Pizza Planet Truck The Toy Story Pizza Planet delivery truck gets around. 15. Toy Story / Monsters University The Pizza Planet truck even crossed into the monster world to deliver pizza to the JOX frat party in Monstropolis. 16. Toy Story / Wall-E And then the Pizza Planet truck was abandoned on Earth for poor, sweet Wall-E to clean up. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. The Little Mermaid / Goofy One of Goofy’s adventures was becoming a mer-dog to join King Triton’s kingdom under the sea. 18. Tarzan / Beauty and the Beast Mrs. Potts and Chip served tea in Tarzan. 19. Lilo and Stitch / Mulan This one was hard to see at first glance, but Lilo’s big sister is a fan of Mulan. 20. Tangled / Every Disney Story Ever Rapunzel spends all that time in her tower cleaning, painting, brushing her hair, and reading every other Disney story ever created. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Ratatouille / Up Ratatouille crouches down when he sees the shadow of Dug from Up. 22. Aladdin / The Princess and the Frog Aladdin’s lamp makes an appearance in The Princess and the Frog. Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Genie are nowhere to be seen. 23. Brave / Toy Story There’s the Pizza Planet delivery truck again! 24. Toy Story / Cars This kid from Sunnyside Daycare is a fan of Lighting McQueen. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 25. Toy Story / Cars (Again!) The tractor that Lighting McQueen and Mater tip in Cars is a toy at Sunnyside Daycare. 26. Toy Story / Up This little girl from Up has both a ball and Lotso Hugging Bear from Toy Story. There’s also a theory that an older version of her attends Sunnyside. 27. Toy Story / Finding Nemo A Buzz Lightyear action figure can be seen on the floor outside of a toybox in Finding Nemo. 28. Toy Story / A Bug’s Life (Again!) Mrs. Potato Head reads A Bug’s Life to the toys she has adopted as her children. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 29. John Ratzenberger John Ratzenberger voiced ALL of these Pixar characters, a fact made fun of at the end of Cars. The End. Did you like 29 Disney Easter Eggs? If so, please share: Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Email a Friend Pin on Pinterest Want more? Get more content like this delivered to your inbox for FREE:

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Fox & Friends Debate Frozen: Is It Sexist?

Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 14 Recap: Hero or Villain?

Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 14 dealt with the subject of “Hero Worship.” Specifically, after a coffee house bomb killed six people and hurt 16 others. Watch Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 14 Online In Indianapolis, the explosion resulted in major casualties, but a “heroic” Allen Archer exits the scene, having saved the life of a pregnant woman. This is the second recent bombing in the city (the first was at a school), setting the stage for the BAU’s arrival on Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 14 . J.J. and Kate interview Allen and his wife Sarah, who they see has created something of a shrine to her first husband, a Navy SEAL named Grant Ford. Rossi and Morgan learn that the bomb was placed in the bathroom, “Lethal Weapon style,” and would have been contained if it hadn’t hit the gas line. Allen, meanwhile, reads about the bombing on his tablet, then notices that there’s a bomb in his truck that he activated by pushing the gas pedal. Morgan and Reid are able to diffuse the device in time, and put his family into protective custody, while at the same time looking into his background. Garcia learns that Brenda Archer’s deceased husband’s Navy specialty was explosive ordinance, and Morgan finds bomb-making books in his truck. Allen and his wife are both brought in for questioning, where he claims he was studying manuals merely to understand what nearly killed them. The wife tells Rossi that her husband has been working a lot of late nights, but according to Rossi, his place of work tells a different story entirely. Follow the links to watch Criminal Minds online and see what happens next, and whether the UnSub is eventually revealed and brought to justice …

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Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 14 Recap: Hero or Villain?

Some Jealous Swirl: Angelina Jolie Warns Husband Brad Pitt To Quit Trying To Push Up On “Sexpot” Rihanna

SMH. We bet Angie prolly wanna smash Rih-Rih too! Via National Enquirer: “STAY away from that woman!” That’s what a furious Angelina Jolie told hubby Brad Pitt about sexy “Diamonds” singer Rihanna after he recently gushed over the pop sexpot, sources said. “Angie wasn’t a happy camper when Brad introduced Rihanna at her charity event,” said a source close to the actress. “She knows Rihanna’s had a serious crush on her husband for some time now.” The Barbadian hottie, 26, has been obsessed with Brad “since she was a teenager,” a source close to her told The National ENQUIRER. “At one time, she even had a life-size portrait of Brad hanging above her bed! She’d joke to friends, ‘There hangs my future husband.’” Rihanna also performed at Brad’s “Make It Right” gala in New Orleans in 2012.And when talk show host Ellen DeGeneres asked whether she’d rather date Brad or George Clooney, Rihanna said, “You look at Brad Pitt and it’s like, ‘Damn!’” LMAO. Who doesn’t have a crush on Brad Pitt though???? The source said: “Angelina also heard all about how Brad hung out with Rihanna backstage after the event, and she read him the riot act! “But Brad pointed out that she’s a fine one to talk, with her crushes on her ‘Unbroken’ stars, Miyavi and Jack O’Connell!” As The ENQUIRER has reported, Brad also flew into a jealous rage after Angelina, 39, recently reconnected with a former beau, married Hollywood costumer Anton Schneider. And Brad was in a “fury” after Angie and Miyavi, a 33-year-old Japanese rock star, got touchy-feely right in front of him at an “Unbroken” event in Sydney, Australia, on Nov. 18, sources dished to The ENQUIRER. According to insiders, Brad pleaded with Angie to lighten up about Rihanna. To appease her, he and kids Maddox, 13, Pax, 11, and Shiloh, 8, subbed for Angie at the “Unbroken” premiere in Los Angeles on Dec. 15. Hmmmmm, but didn’t Angie “steal” Brad from Jennifer Aniston??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle… WENN Continue reading

#BlackLivesMatter: RZA Describes The Cops Who Killed Eric Garner As “The Guys Who Give Us The Non-Value Of Black Life”

RZA would be correct … Gawker interviewed WuTang rapper/producer and Staten Island native RZA about the recent death of Eric Garner and subsequent non-indictment of the police officers who killed him. Here are some of the best excerpts: RZA on what went wrong with the police’s interaction with Eric Garner in the first place Do you think the cops were acting aggressively? RZA: Those gentlemen were wrong — the cop had a utility belt of options for different escalating scenarios. He had a stick, pepper spray, he had his physical training … but to jump up on him? It looked like a gang fight, and that’s totally wrong. The cops had other options — I’ve been pepper sprayed before, it’s 100% efficient. You gonna chill out. It’s a chill pill. So the problem is that the situation escalated to chokehold and eventual death? RZA: The real problem I have with it is that we got the guy [police officer Daniel Pantaleo] red-handed, in HD quality. And not just the one cop, all those cops should have been indicted. Those are the guys who give us the non-value of black life. RZA on the non-indictment of the police At this point is there misplaced trust in authority or feelings that the system won’t work? RZA: The system works but only in certain cases. When you run a red light, the camera light flashes and takes a picture of your plate. You will get a ticket, you will get charged. Because there’s a picture, whether it shows your face or not. Here we have a man who was killed and there is a clear image of it, but there’s no indictment. So there’s clearly an issue with competence, due process and maybe even equality? RZA: When you see it on camera, when we get a grand jury — white, black, aliens, and not one person says ‘indict’? No one sees the injustice? It’s not that I fully blame the cops. I played a cop on TV, I spent a year walking around telling people: “I’m a cop.” But it’s becoming like the people in uniform have criminal personalities and criminal minds — and they’re not embarrassed by it. They find no fault in what they’re doing, a spade is a spade yo. The video is an indictment in itself. RZA: It’s different when there’s HD quality video going along with it. This generation is questioning a lot of what they’re taught. A black man being targeted is nothing new. With Mike Brown, the video is questionable but it’s beyond a shadow of a doubt with what happened with Eric Garner. Even with all our tech advances we are actually devolving. When Rodney King got done up by those cops, the video was grainy and they got away with it. But now? Now we have clean quality, up-close shots and the people who run the system are still saying no, there is no crime here. RZA on prison being the new slavery: There’s that stat: 1 in 3 black men will go to prison in their lifetime compared with 1 in 17 white men. RZA: Exactly, slavery just meant that 3 to 5 million Americans were providing free labor for the entire country. After the civil war, they were freed but they filled the jails with blacks, and now they working again. Seven out of nine Wu-Tang members have been in jail [RZA has been arrested 15 times] and they’ve said, they get 50 cents a day for their work. Where’s the profit going? They’re building highways, running industries, and you come to find these institutions are privately owned business. It’s same thing all over again. He spoke a lot of really powerful truth in that one. Continue reading

Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 5 Recap: All Boxed In

Wednesday night on CBS’ Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 5 , the BAU team flew down to San Diego to investigate a boy’s disappearance on Halloween. At the same time, another boy taken a year ago mysteriously reappeared … Watch Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 5 Online When Joshua Parker is found after a year, the BAU races into action in S.D. We learn that Tommy Wilcox had also been found after a similar absence. A pedophile confessed to abducting the latter, but Morgan and Kate determine that he falsely admitted it for the fame, and that the real criminal is at large. This also helped prove to them that the disappearances are linked. Meanwhile another boy, Hunter Olsen, has just been abducted. The Unsub put him in a box in the ground and parked his car over it, in a scene that may well haunt more than a few who watch Criminal Minds online . The team profiles Unsub as a fundamentalist vigilante and a religious zealot who is actually punishing the kids for the pranks they had been perpetrating. They also believe that the attacker tends to snap if rejected. A woman, Sandra Bidwell, reaches out to say she thinks the Unsub is her brother, based on his past behavior and how his own dad tormented him on Halloween. The BAU is now sure John David Bidwell is the Unsub. He had a normal enough life but was about to marry a woman who was married to another man, and has since been off the grid for the last few years. JJ, Rossi and Hotch talk to Bidwell’s mother Mary, who leads them through John’s past and thus to his father-in-law’s place where he is likely to be. The Unsub is still there, standing near the boy’s makeshift prison. He won’t tell them where the prisoner is until the mother pleads for him to do so. What did you think of this episode? Discuss!

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Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 5 Recap: All Boxed In

Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 2 Recap: What a Nightmare

Viewers were introduced to Kate Callahan on  Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 1 , a premiere that spent a lot of time on the addition of Jennifer Love Hewitt to the show’s cast. But  Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 2 honed in on a veteran member of the BAU squad, Garcia was clearly having a tough time dealing with the fact that she shot Greg Bailer… even though he was trying to kill her and Spencer in the hospital and all. She’s been having recurring nightmares about the incident. Watch Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 2 Online In order to move on, Garcia wanted to actually visit the man and clear her conscious, though Morgan tells her to write him a letter instead. She responds that she’s tried writing him in prison, but it hasn’t helped. She needs the in-person sit-down. Morgan doesn’t approve in any way, however, saying Bailer is a killer and doesn’t deserve any of her energy. But, come on. Did you really think this would stop Garcia? She ends up taking some personal time to try to wrap head around what happened, causing concern for Reid. He asks Morgan about it and he responds by telling him about the guilt Garcia is dealing with over the shooting. He then gets personal himself and admits that he felt the same way after his first shooting. Until he realized that the victim was not a good person. Garcia, of course, does end up seeing Greg, who is on death row and who has 10 hours to live. None of his friends or family members have shown up and he doesn’t want to be alone for the lethal injection. Would Garcia attend the event? She agrees and Greg’s final words are “thank you,” giving Garcia the closure she needs and bringing to an end one seriously emotional episode. Give Criminal Minds props for going above the norms of a procedural here. We rarely see the after-effects of a shooting play out in such a manner and it helped this episode stand out from most of the dramatic fare on CBS. Well done. You can watch Criminal Minds online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up on anything you may have missed.

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Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 2 Recap: What a Nightmare

Raz-B on Life Support After Gruesome Bottle Attack

Raz-B is on life support in a hospital in China after the 28-year-old R&B singer suffered an absolutely brutal bottle attack to the face this week. Raz-B’s publicist, Toy Jones, tells celebrity news site TMZ: “He is in a coma and needs as many prayers as possible.” Raz was performing at a club China on Thursday and was hit in the face with a glass bottle – while trying to break up a fight that erupted in the crowd. He received medical attention hours after the incident and underwent surgery to repair a gash in his lip (below), but the next day, he did not wake up. Raz’s backup dancer rushed him to a nearby hospital. Doctors tested for brain activity and found the situation was dire; Raz is breathing from a ventilator at this time and has been slipping in and out of consciousness. The singer (real name De’Mario Monte Thornton) and You Got Served actor is probably most famous for being a founding member of R&B boy band B2K. Here’s hoping he can make a miraculous recovery.

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Raz-B on Life Support After Gruesome Bottle Attack