Tag Archives: cuz-otherwise

Kelly Brook Photoshopped for FHM of the Day

Doughy as fuck Kelly Brook got photoshopped skinny for her recent FHM shoot, and she looks pretty fucking good, if only she could walk through life, at least her big dumpy ass, with a photoshop filter on, because it makes her ridiculously huge tits that have led to all this fame, fortune and celebrity cock, the same tits that she’s been showing off for over a decade to get to this level of big titty fame where she knew to abort the baby and give it another go before 40, even if this level of fame is being shot for FHM, something I assume she’s done dozens of times before….but doughy or not, she’s got a good face, good tits, and takes a good pic and is hardly as trashy as the other glamour models she probably pretends she’s above and not in the same league as, even though she’s their fucking leader.

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Kelly Brook Photoshopped for FHM of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Long Legs for Vogue of the Day

Here is some High Fashion athletics starring Miranda Kerr, ex Victoria’s Secret model, mom and wife to an actor, doing sports all glamorous and shit, which is the only way I really like seeing girls do sports, you know cuz otherwise they look like fucking dykes, and no one like dykes, not even dykes….because they are too manly for their lesbian penis hating ways….shit…. I like my women either skinny via fitness, because for some reason working out is the hottest shit to see a girl do, all sweaty vaginaed in yoga pants, or skinny due to drugs, starvation and too week to run. But I don’t mind when they get all dressed up and pretend to do sports, at least not when they are Miranda Kerr, because this Vogue shoot is turning me on.

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Miranda Kerr’s Long Legs for Vogue of the Day

Claudia Galanti Taking a Pic of Herself Video of the Day

I don’t know who this “model” Claudia Galanti is…but I have Posted Her South American Ass In a BikinI Often ….because her body…is pretty fucking incredible and I guess she knows it because why else is she on the beach of Miami parading herself around…possibly looking for a husband to make her American so that she can get paid to be working it…even though she probably is alredy vagina deep with a rich dude who is balls deep in her…cuz otherwise that’d be a waste of ridiculously awesome body…. Here is the video….of her taking pics of herself…cuz even when she’s not modeling for pay…she doing it….even if she’s gotta be the fucking photographer…cuz she knows a good thing when she sees it i guess….and I know I love these kinds of chicks taking selfies…cuz I know it means that phone has nudes that are just one bitter boyfriend away from being leaked. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Claudia Galanti Taking a Pic of Herself Video of the Day

Lacey Banghard Page 3 Photoshoot Video of the Day

Another day, another Glamour model in videos and/or picture, showing her pretty irrelevant, yet awesome tits….it is like these Glamour models don’t sleep, or maybe it is just that there are so fucking many of them, that there is just an endless supply of half naked busty trash that was meant to be strippers, only instead figured out the low level fame game, and I am glad they did, cuz otherwise we’d never be touched by their greatness on an emotional level, like we are after watching this video… Girl in kitchen looking hot…works for me….


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Lacey Banghard Page 3 Photoshoot Video of the Day

Christina Aguilera’s Period Legs of the Day

It’s not a party til a bitch gets her period all over her legs…cuz otherwise you know she may be pregnant…. That’s not to say Aguilera was having her period at the Etta James funeral, I mean I guess it is possible that she was having a miscarriage, you know pregnancy could have been a reason for her fat…..or maybe she got raped….or maybe it is just chocolate from the cake she just fucked to feed her fat chick pussy or maybe she just shit herself…a little wet fart from all her fried foods….who knows…but more importantly…who fucking cares….

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Christina Aguilera’s Period Legs of the Day

Kate Bosworth Shows Off Her Legs of the Day

I love skinny girls….I spent a better part of yesterday stalking a girl…I don’t really like to call it stalking because that would imply I was creepy and criminal when really I was just admiring her because she was skinny and in the smallest tightest shorts I’ve ever seen on a girl. Her legs were long and luxurious and her tits were small and perky….so I did what any guy who had nothing better to do with his time and followed her home. It turns out her last name is “Roberts”…her buzzer code is 1093…she must live alone or she’s just anorexic…cuz she went grocery shopping and bought 1 apple, a case of diet coke and a pound of roast turkey slices, which would explain why she’s so skinny…at 11 pm she left her house and got into a cab that I tried to follow but lost her outside one of those trendy supper club bullshits….and I went home to my pig wife who was eating ice cream and crying about some bullshit I tried to ignore…because I was too busy realizing that life fucking hates me and I’m real bad at it cuz otherwise I’d be bossing Kate Bosworth to bounce her boney ass on my pelvis instead of being afraid my wife is going to get frisky and smother me to death with hers…. Pics via Fame

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Kate Bosworth Shows Off Her Legs of the Day

Alicia Keys in Some Bikini Video in Dubai of the Day

The hottest part of this video is when Alicia Keys falls on her face, not totally because I hate her, but because I like seeing stuggle on a bitches face, especially when she’s got an ego and things she’s untouchable like Alicia Keys does. She’s fucking everywhere now, pushing this album hard, collaborating with every artist, appearing on every talk show, and now releasing bikini videos to the internet, let’s just hope these bikini videos turn in getting gang banged in the tour bus, cuz I don’t trust a girl until I know what her vagina looks like and even then I don’t trust them, but at least know what their vagina looks like, which is better than not knowing what their vagina looks like, cuz otherwise I’ll just always wonder…if ya know what I mean…

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Alicia Keys in Some Bikini Video in Dubai of the Day