Tag Archives: endless-supply

Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day

It’s interesting to see in a world where Christmas has been outlawed, at least pre-trump, where Politically correct has taken over so hard that it’s almost racist in and of itself…all this cultural appropriation, and safe space and trigger warnings and sensitivities to nonsense that people feel are actually worth fighting about, including Christmas…since not everyone celebrates Christmas…it’s unfair to shove it down America’s throat….we can call it Holidays, but eventually, the people who doesn’t believe in Holidays will want to be included, and we will call it nothing, even though the Jewish people all monetize off this shit, hell all the commercial Christmas songs were written by one…and all the movies made about Christmas are Jewish produced…and all the products we buy each other are Jewish sold…Chinese made….so if anything the Jewish people created Christmas…so let’s keep calling it Chrismas… I mean this is nothing new, it’s just interesting to see a blatantly obvious Christmas ad, when USA is so safe space about this shit…while the Italians and their lingerie don’t give a fuck…and I guess either do pregnant with rich and famous sperm russians don’t either… So here’s some cheesy, but familiar, Holiday underwear…something that I think is nice, because I’m a christmas music listening christmas fan…even if all my Christmas’ have been a fail, depressing, rock in stocking type shit, it’s still a good time that warms my drunken damaged soul… The post Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day

Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day

I am incapable of posting as quickly as David Bellemere releases pictures of nude Victoria’s Secret models…or really all models…because it just seems to be an endless supply of titties for fashion on girls who are ridiculously good looking, so good looking they have made a career out of it, but that in and of itself is ugly, vapid, superficial, and takes away from their outter beauty – making me think that despite making their own money at this shit, they still want rich and famous dudes to validate their existence, but maybe they are just in the scene, that’s who’s hitting them up, and why date a broke person – Elsa Hosk, is a titty model from Sweden who got mainstream…because that’s how it works when you look like Elsa Hosk….things work out… The post Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day

Lacey Banghard Page 3 Photoshoot Video of the Day

Another day, another Glamour model in videos and/or picture, showing her pretty irrelevant, yet awesome tits….it is like these Glamour models don’t sleep, or maybe it is just that there are so fucking many of them, that there is just an endless supply of half naked busty trash that was meant to be strippers, only instead figured out the low level fame game, and I am glad they did, cuz otherwise we’d never be touched by their greatness on an emotional level, like we are after watching this video… Girl in kitchen looking hot…works for me….


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Lacey Banghard Page 3 Photoshoot Video of the Day

The DUST 514 and EVE connection begins with the clones


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EVE Fanfest 2012 wrapped up today, and as in previous years, CCP ended their final presentation with a sexy new cinematic trailer. Here we see the different forces discovering how to send ones own mind into a cloned body, even at the moment of death. War rages in space in EVE , and now on the ground with the endless supply of cannon fodder through DUST 514 . We’ll have a preview and more video of DUST… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Destructoid Discovery Date : 24/03/2012 13:30 Number of articles : 2

The DUST 514 and EVE connection begins with the clones

Rachel Bilson and her Box of the Day

Wrong box Rachel Bilson….no one cares about seeing you load your car with your bullshit purchases….except for maybe my friend who loves watching bitches in the grocery store load their cars in the parking lot enough to have purchased a mini van with good tints so he can jerk off when they do….we want to see your fucking vagina…. You’d think being recently single from having been held captive by that weird Canadian no one cares about would make her a little more into flashing the fucking goods to get a little male attention…I guess she’s just a little rusty…. So here are those pics for my perverted shopping center parking lot creeper….even though he’s got an endless supply of the real thing…

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Rachel Bilson and her Box of the Day

Kelly Brook’s Bikini Tour Continues of the Day

Kelly Brook Kelly Brook’s Bikini Tour Continues of the Day It turns out that it’s really easy to be a PR person for a big breasted woman who has already put 10 years into getting herself famous, from fucking the mean guy in Titanic to posing half naked as often as she could, but still wasn’t a household name, cuz all it takes is getting her a personalized paparazzi to take an endless supply of bikini pics daily, cuz that’s all these sites really care about and apparently, being Kelly Brook is pretty easy too, thanks to her fat tits… To See the Rest of the White and Blue Bikini Pictures – Follow This Link GO To See the Rest of the Pink Bikini Pictures – Follow This Link GO

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Kelly Brook’s Bikini Tour Continues of the Day

George Clooney Lets Elisabetta Canalis have Friends of the Day

George Clooney imported some pussy from Italy a few months ago, I assume to help launch her career and make a lot of money off of her, because when you’re George Clooney, you can find better quality pussy pretty much every time you leave the fucking house. There’s got to be some kind of plan behind this relationship, I just haven’t figured it out because I don’t really care. I just know is that he does pretty much owns her and that she will do everything and anything he asks of her since in her mind dating him is like winning the fucking lottery and can determine the rest of her life….you know giving her the chance to be the next Penelope Cruz only the Italian version and I guess he let her out of the house to hang with her friends because part of the deal they have is an endless supply of double blowjobs at least if I was George Clooney that would be my only reason for letting her out of her cage in my basement to meet up with her friend “recruiting” for my needs…that’s enough of this post….

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George Clooney Lets Elisabetta Canalis have Friends of the Day

Hackers have taken over Call of Duty 4 on PS3

If you play Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the PlayStation 3, then be warned. A mob of hackers and glitchers have essentially overrun the game's online component, griefing the Hell out of the multiplayer and then posting Youtube videos of their nefarious chicanery.

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Hackers have taken over Call of Duty 4 on PS3