Generally, mug shots aren’t the most flattering photos, but Jenelle Evans has posed for some impressive perp pics over the years. However, when Jenelle was arrested for assaulting Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend last month, she clearly wasn’t at her most glamorous. Jenelle’s latest mug shot might be her least attractive yet, and that’s saying something, because the girl gets arrested the way most people buy new clothes – once a season, or so. Jenelle’s appearance in the pic (coupled with her recent erratic behavior) has some fans wondering if she’s back on drugs. Specifically, what appear to be tiny facial sores have led many to speculate that she’s using crystal meth. “I know a lot of people have been saying I’m on drugs, but I am definitely not,” Jenelle said in a recent interview. “Because I have acne [in the photo], everyone’s like ‘she’s on meth!’ “It was ‘my time of the month’ right after I got out of jail so I was like ‘that’s what’s going on.'” So there you have it. Jenelle’s not mething, just PMS-ing. Despite her shaky relationship with the truth, we actually believe Ms. Evans in this case. After all, anyone’s who’s seen Jenelle’s latest bikini photos knows that the girl is definitely taking good care of herself. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans Mug Shots: The Complete Collection!
The rest is here:
Jenelle Evans: I’m Not on Meth! I Just Have PMS!