Tag Archives: definitely-not

Jenelle Evans: I’m Not on Meth! I Just Have PMS!

Generally, mug shots aren’t the most flattering photos, but Jenelle Evans has posed for some impressive perp pics over the years. However, when Jenelle was arrested for assaulting Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend  last month, she clearly wasn’t at her most glamorous. Jenelle’s latest mug shot might be her least attractive yet, and that’s saying something, because the girl gets arrested the way most people buy new clothes – once a season, or so. Jenelle’s appearance in the pic (coupled with her recent erratic behavior) has some fans wondering if she’s back on drugs. Specifically, what appear to be tiny facial sores have led many to speculate that she’s using crystal meth. “I know a lot of people have been saying I’m on drugs, but I am definitely not,” Jenelle said in a recent interview. “Because I have acne [in the photo], everyone’s like ‘she’s on meth!’ “It was ‘my time of the month’ right after I got out of jail so I was like ‘that’s what’s going on.'” So there you have it. Jenelle’s not mething, just PMS-ing. Despite her shaky relationship with the truth, we actually believe Ms. Evans in this case. After all, anyone’s who’s seen Jenelle’s latest bikini photos knows that the girl is definitely taking good care of herself. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans Mug Shots: The Complete Collection!

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Jenelle Evans: I’m Not on Meth! I Just Have PMS!

The Finale: #LHHATL Season 4, Episode 17 Recap

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The lengthy season 4 stretch of Love Hip Hop Atlanta is finally coming to a close and although this finale was definitely not without shock…

The Finale: #LHHATL Season 4, Episode 17 Recap

21 Kim Kardashian Photos She Does NOT Want You to See!

Kim Kardashian looks hot most of the time. Or at least just as pulled together and made up as Kim Kardashian wants herself to look. Being one of the most photographed women in the world, however, means there will be some that slip through the beautiful cracks. Here's photographic evidence of 21 times she was off her game. 1. Kim Kardashian Krying Kim gets her ugly cry on. It’s definitely not her best look. 2. AHHHHHHHH Yikes. 3. Kim Krying Yet Again! Kim needs to learn to let the waterworks rip in private. Although we certainly enjoying seeing the photos. 4. Oh, The Pain When you’re a reality star, the cameras catch you at your best and worst. 5. Kim Kardashian Eating Kim Kardashian is pregnant. And eating a lot more than usual as a result. 6. Kim Kardashian Gets Attacked This one only makes the View Slideshow

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21 Kim Kardashian Photos She Does NOT Want You to See!

Young Thug Announces Plans To Make Entire Album Dedicated To His Fiancé

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While Young Thug’s name has filled the headlines for some of the wrong reasons lately, the Rich Gang rapper is definitely not short of a thing…

Young Thug Announces Plans To Make Entire Album Dedicated To His Fiancé

65-Year Old Mother of 13: Pregnant with Quadruplets!

Move over, Octomom . And make room, unfathomably, for Annegret Raunigk. According Germany’s Bild newspaper, this 65-year old is over five months into a pregnancy that will yield her four children, a fact that would be stunning enough on its own… until one considers: Raunigk is already the mother of 13 children!!! Raunigk is also a grandmother of seven kids and gave birth at age 55 to her now-youngest daughter. Thus far, the expecting mother of quadruplets is progressing at a normal and healthy rate. “Any pregnancy of a woman over age 45 has to be considered a high-risk pregnancy; over 60, this is naturally extreme,” Dr. Holger Stepan, head of obstetrics at the University of Leipzig said, tells to The Associated Press. Stepan adds that the 65-year-old body is definitely not designed to carry a pregnancy, not of one child and certainly not of quadruplets,” but Raunigk is defiant: “How does one have to be at 65? One must apparently always fit some cliches, which I find rather tiring. I think, one must decide that for oneself,” she told a German publication. AFP reports that Raunigk is due this summer, which will reportedly make her the oldest mother to ever give birth to quadruplets. Let’s hope everyone comes out of it happy and healthy. View Slideshow: 27 Awkwardest Pregnancy Pictures Ever

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65-Year Old Mother of 13: Pregnant with Quadruplets!

Selena’s Family To Send “Hologram” On Tour, Record New Songs & Video

Selena Hologram To Go On Tour Anything for Selenas! Fans of the fallen Latina pop star may have a reason to rejoice soon, as “Selena” will be going on tour from beyond the afterlife in the next few years. According to a new press release , the Quintanilla family is working closely with a digital firm to create a 3-D digital representation of Selena. The figure is apparently more advanced technology than a hologram and will be be commissioned for a 2018 tour. They’ll also be using revolutionary technologies to record new tracks, collaborations with popular artists, and release accompanying music videos. This technology is an advanced technology that does not have the limitations of past technologies such as holograms or holographs but is revolutionary. Acrovirt is working in collaboration with Selena’s immediate family and cutting-edge scientists to enable new productions for her many fans. Selena The One will release new songs and videos, will collaborate with current hit artists, and aims to go on tour in 2018. What do you think BOSSIP fam? Are you excited to be able to finally see Selena “live in concert”… or does this sound as incredibly creepy to you as it does to us??

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Selena’s Family To Send “Hologram” On Tour, Record New Songs & Video

Are You Feeling This Hair Style? Rainbow Breezy Debuts Newly Dyed ‘Do

Chris Brown Dyes Hair Rainbow Colors Chris Brown is known to be a bit adventurous with his hair, recently he changing up the color just about every other month. From blue to purple and back to his signature blonde bombshell look, Breezy is definitely not shy with the dye. However it looks like this time around he simply couldn’t pick just one hue. Breezy recently burst onto the social media streets with a ROYGBIV rinse and caused an uproar with #TeamBreezy: So, what do you think of the new improved cotton candy Chris? Hit the flip for more of his latest style. Instagram

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Are You Feeling This Hair Style? Rainbow Breezy Debuts Newly Dyed ‘Do

Emily Ratajkowski’s Cleavage Is Perfection

I’m not entirely sure what  Emily Ratajkowski was doing at a pre-party for the BAFTA Awards, but don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not complaining. I’ll take any excuse we can get to see more of that A-list cleavage of hers. I just prefer the good old days — you know, when Emily was just another attention-seeking hot nobody and not some serious “actress.” It’s the dreaded  Olivia Munn effect all over again. And we lose too many of our top hotties to it each year. I’m telling you, it’s an epidemic. Won’t somebody think of the children the Little Tuna? Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Sara Malakul by Death of Film of the Day

I assume you remember SARA MALAKUL LANE ….from all the big breasted, usually naked, half thai, not a tranny, but her father could be into trannies, I mean why else would he end up in Thailand knocking up locals back in the 80s….there must be something off with him…and that something is definitely not what his sperm creates….because what his sperm creates is fucking magical…and I am not the only one who thinks that…she just got cast as the main bitch in the new Kickboxer movie, starring Jean Claude Van Damme…which means she’ll be too famous for all of you pretty soon, but she’ll never be too famous for you to masturbate to her…. Here are some pics of her not naked, by DeathOfFilm , which may be challenging for you to get a boner to, but if you have any imagination, you can pretend she’s a teen runaway on the side of the road who needs saving because she just killed her family, and no one will miss her if she goes missing…That’s what everyone gets off to…right? Follow her on instagram – 236,000 people do – HERE

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Sara Malakul by Death of Film of the Day

Charlie Sheen Apologizes to Kim Kardashian, Launches Much-Needed #ShutUpSheen Hashtag

Early this morning (like “still up from last night early), Charlie Sheen attacked Kim Kardashian on Twitter. Later, in the sober light of day, Sheen stuck to his guns, calling Kardashian a “pox”  on the entertainment industry during an interview with TMZ. Apparently, Chuckles finally sobered up around noon, LA time, because he seems to have realized that Kim didn’t actually do anything to him and he was freaking out over secondhand information and an incident that may have never happened. He tweeted a typically rambling, self-serving apology just moments ago: Charlie Sheen Tells Off Kim Kardashian “Dear Kim,” Sheen began in surprisingly non-crazy fashion. (Don’t worry, it gets weird.) “My extreme bad. Really embarrassed by my actions. I was really pissed about some other crap that had nothing to do with you.” “I heard a story that bothered me. Wrote some trash you didn’t deserve. Ever. I’m an idiot as often as I’m a genius. That day, clearly I was the former…#ShutUpSheen” Hmm…we’re sure Kim would argue that Sheen is actually an idiot much more often than he’s a genius, especially since he said some things that can’t be taken back. Like, c’mon, dude – you can’t just tell a girl that her ass is a “gross bag of funk” and make it all better with a “my bad.” We’re not even sure what that means, but we hope Kanye is working on a diss track with Ringo Starr at this very moment. 19 Worst Kim Kardashian Photos! 1. Kim Kardashian Krying Kim gets her ugly cry on. It’s definitely not her best look.

Charlie Sheen Apologizes to Kim Kardashian, Launches Much-Needed #ShutUpSheen Hashtag