Tag Archives: dennis-haskins

Jude Law Singing ‘Johnny B. Goode,’ and 5 Other Videos of Celebrity Karaoke

The bargain bins of your local record store (assuming you still have one!) are littered with vanity albums released by movie stars who decided what they’d really rather be is a rock star. Fortunately, there are some actors who get that impulse out the way the rest of us do: through karaoke. In honor of a newly unearthed clip of Jude Law singing his heart out, here are six stars who are fiends for karaoke:

Go here to see the original:
Jude Law Singing ‘Johnny B. Goode,’ and 5 Other Videos of Celebrity Karaoke

Tiger Mistress #3 — Saved by the Bell

Filed under: Tiger Woods Tiger Woods’ alleged third mistress, Kalika Moquin, hasn’t been spotted since her named surfaced as being one of Tiger’s “transgressions” — but she popped up this week at a Califonia karaoke bar … with Mr.

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Tiger Mistress #3 — Saved by the Bell

B-Boy vs. B-Bulldog

When man's best friend becomes man's worst nightmare, there is only one possible resolution. Breakdance fight!!! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Awesome Blindfold Prank

I'm just really into how intricate the setup for this is. Teachable moment: Any time someone turns on a video camera and asks you to blindfold yourself, probably don't do that.

Awesome Blindfold Prank

Mr. Belding’s Pissed

CELEBRITY BUZZ : The Saved By The Bell cast reunion has royally ticked off Mr. B.

More here:
Mr. Belding’s Pissed