Tag Archives: despicable me

Stephanie Zacharek’s 10 Best Movies of 2010

There’s probably no good reason to read any movie critic’s Top 10 list, but lots of people — including myself — read them anyway. Let’s not be falsely modest about it: It’s an honor to be able to compile a list and to have a place, online or otherwise, to moor it. But everyone who cares about movies has his or her own private list, posted online or not, which may include some or all of the usual suspects in a given year (like The Social Network or The King’s Speech , pictures which lots of people, though not all people, seem to love) as well as a selection of fiercely protected personal favorites.

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Stephanie Zacharek’s 10 Best Movies of 2010

Tom Bergeron to Bristol Palin Conspiracy Theorists: ‘F*ck You.’

After a dozen years of consistent emceeing, Tom Bergeron remains one of TV’ s best and funniest hosts. On Hollywood Squares he traded spicy innuendos with Whoopi Goldberg, and as the host of Dancing with the Stars and America’s Funniest Videos he lends a stately air to glitzy proceedings. We caught up with the Emmy-winning Massachusetts native to discuss his favorite funny people, hosting nightmares, and his impatience with Bristol Palin conspiracy theorists.

Here is the original post:
Tom Bergeron to Bristol Palin Conspiracy Theorists: ‘F*ck You.’

Academy Announces 14 Also-Rans For Toy Story 3’s Animated Feature Oscar

Is it too early to assume that Toy Story 3 will run away with this year’s Best Animated Feature Oscar? Well, let’s put it this way: If the Pixar blockbuster is somewhere in the middle of the Best Picture pack , and none of the other, just-announced 14 submissions for Animated Feature are even in the Picture conversation, that kind of invalidates the Animation competition as a whole, right?

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Academy Announces 14 Also-Rans For Toy Story 3’s Animated Feature Oscar

Weekend Receipts: Despicable Dethrones Eclipse

As we make the clubhouse turn into the dog days of summer, it seems like we have ourselves our first bonafide surprise hit of the summer. Despicable Me made a stunning debut at number one, giving success-starved Universal Studios a small taste of the good life. Bumped down to number two are the glittery, goo-goo-eyed gang of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse , while Predators comes into at number three. Here are your weekend receipts.

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Weekend Receipts: Despicable Dethrones Eclipse

Despicable Dominates Friday

Well, it seems like it was only poor ‘ol S.T. and me who had no clue what the heck Despicable Me was. Clued-in audiences have responded in a big way to Steve Carell who plays…a guy…who kind of looks like Uncle Fester and he’s got these little yellow…homunculi? slaves? widgets? and then something happens with kids in 3D. I dunno. But everyone else is eating it up! It made more than $22 million yesterday which may lead to a surprisingly huge $55 million-plus weekend. Meanwhile the Most Vapid Love Triangle in Cinematic History pulled their chaste love train into second place as Eclipse added about $11.5 million last night to their coffers. Predators generated about $11 million on its opening night, which may not sound like a lot until you realize that executive producer Robert Rodriguez makes things on the crazy-cheap and the budget for this one was like 78 bucks and some buttons that Rodriguez found in his ashtray. The inimitable Toy Story 3 and the incompetent Last Airbender made up numbers 4 and 5, respectively. Check out the full numbers after the jump.

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Despicable Dominates Friday

Can Anyone Explain What the Hell Despicable Me Is?

So there’s this movie called Despicable Me coming out. There are some commercials making the rounds on TV, and a few posters have popped up here and there. It appears to be animated and in 3D, and Steve Carell’s involvement is noted. I think Universal is the studio, but I can’t be sure. In fact, beyond the aforementioned citations, I can’t be sure of anything with this one. Am I the only one completely in the dark about this movie? If so, why? And if not, can you please explain it, starting with the title?

Continued here:
Can Anyone Explain What the Hell Despicable Me Is?

Twihards Unite! Los Angeles Film Festival Announces Lineup, Eclipse Premiere

The lineup for the upcoming Los Angeles Film Festival has been announced and if you’re a Twilight fan, prepare to be jealous. The LAFF will host an invitation-only world premiere of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse a full six days before its release to the ravenous, abs-deprived public. Also on tap: Lisa Cholodenko’s The Kids Are Alright (co-starring Annette Benning, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Mia Wasikowska), will kick the festival off on June 17, Despicable Me (the 3D animated flick featuring the voices of Steve Carell, Russell Brand, Jason Segal, Will Arnett and Julie Andrews) closes things down on June 27 and the Duplass brothers’ much-anticipated Cyrus will screen, too. After the jump, a list of the films in competition.

See original here:
Twihards Unite! Los Angeles Film Festival Announces Lineup, Eclipse Premiere