Tag Archives: detective-work

Jennifer Lopez Ass in a Tight Dress of the Day

J.Lo is 100 fucking years old… I guess she didn’t get the message, or didn’t want you to think she is, even though she knows that latinas can do no wrong, they don’t even need to speak spanish as long as they identify with being latina, she’s got loyal fans for life….really the only time latinas aren’t loyal, is when you get caught looking at another woman, at which point they violently cut off your penis….normal right… So in not wanting to accept her age or pile of fucking money, here’s her “birthday” outfit…and botoxed face…and apparently people are into talkng about this, when I am more into encouraging retirement…because every dance her old lady hips shake their way into…I get more and more offended… But she’s still got a great ass.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lopez Ass in a Tight Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lopez Ass in a Tight Dress of the Day

Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day

Daisy Lowe is the greatest daddy issue story in modern time…that I can think of as I stare and her pussy definition in her panties from behind as she bends over for the photographer….but I guess not great enough daddy issue story to be like the girls I interact with who would never be seen wearing panties, they just get in the way of getting fucked in bar bathrooms and back alleys, and walking around with soaking underwear is just uncomfortable, you know the real daddy issues… But her daddy issues are good….. Her mom is a groupie, artist, scenester in her 40s, who got had a one night stand with Gavin Rossdale, a night he wasn’t fucking his Tranny lover, no not Gwen Stefani, the other one… but Daisy only found out at 16 due to her own detective work, and that probably ruined Gwen Stefani, and that brings me joy… Not that you need a fucking history lesson of Daisy Lowe, just know this panty flash comes from a good place…I just wish I could see the damage her black rapping boyfriend did to her twat, but I guess it’s better left unseen and wrapped tightly in panty…. Who cares. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day

Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day

Daisy Lowe is the greatest daddy issue story in modern time…that I can think of as I stare and her pussy definition in her panties from behind as she bends over for the photographer….but I guess not great enough daddy issue story to be like the girls I interact with who would never be seen wearing panties, they just get in the way of getting fucked in bar bathrooms and back alleys, and walking around with soaking underwear is just uncomfortable, you know the real daddy issues… But her daddy issues are good….. Her mom is a groupie, artist, scenester in her 40s, who got had a one night stand with Gavin Rossdale, a night he wasn’t fucking his Tranny lover, no not Gwen Stefani, the other one… but Daisy only found out at 16 due to her own detective work, and that probably ruined Gwen Stefani, and that brings me joy… Not that you need a fucking history lesson of Daisy Lowe, just know this panty flash comes from a good place…I just wish I could see the damage her black rapping boyfriend did to her twat, but I guess it’s better left unseen and wrapped tightly in panty…. Who cares. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Daisy Lowe Panty Flash of the Day

Struggly Sorcery: Is This The Most Photoshopped “Model” On Instagram?

Twitter Vs. The Most Photoshopped Woman On Instagram (Allegedly) At this point, we all should know catfishy sorcery when we see it on social media, especially Instagram where suspected Decepticons like @raychiel flourish in their own little fantasy world without any worries (until now). Hit the jump for yet another impressive showcase of Black Twitter detective work .

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Struggly Sorcery: Is This The Most Photoshopped “Model” On Instagram?

Jenny McCarthy Too Old to be Naked of the Day

Apparenty – THESE ARE NUDES OF JENNY MCCARTHY ….even thought Jenny McCarthy is too old to be taking nudes of herself, even if she is never too old for me to look at nudes she takes of herself, I mean I’ll look at nudes of everyone and anyone, it doesn’t mean they should be doing it, or taking them, even if I try to masturbate to them… Apparently, the above picture is from a movies she was in, at least according after the virgin loser with nothing better to do detective work…which is probably a good thing… Apparently, Jenny McCarthy has already been naked a lot and that is the only reason she has a career, so why would anyone want to see her vag now, when you can see her vag in an era before she annoyed everyone with her shitty breed of comedy, her loud MTV annoying behavior, her fake Autism hustle to sell books, and her all around eogtistical cunt behavior that even got her the NKOTB she used to masturbate to in the late 80s, when she was 30. It’s Jenny McCarthy, naked or not, pretty obsolete.

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Jenny McCarthy Too Old to be Naked of the Day

Will.i.am Uses iPad to Smash Crime Wave

Filed under: will.i.am , Black Eyed Peas , Celebrity Justice , Budweiser Select 55 Will.i.am went on a furious hunt for justice after some scumbag broke into his Bentley last week and now cops say Will’s detective work — aided by his iPad — may have brought down a one-man crime wave. As TMZ first reported, some bad guy made off with… Read more

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Will.i.am Uses iPad to Smash Crime Wave