Tag Archives: done-impressive

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes: Barely Talking, On the Verge of Breaking Up, Source Claims

When news first broke that Eva Mendes was pregnant with Ryan Gosling’s baby , the Internet reacted with a potent mix of rage and horror. Sure, a new baby is always cause for celebration, but the Baby Goose’s army of devoted female fans was less than thrilled to learn that he was officially off the market. But now, it looks as though the passage of time has accomplished what a million Eva voodoo dolls couldn’t, as Gosling and Mendes are reportedly soon to be dunzo. “It’s more than just run-of-the-mill stress that comes with having a newborn,” a source tells OK! magazine. “They’re barely talking. Eva has pushed him away.” Gosling has reportedly been spending much of his time shooting a movie in Atlanta. He apparently asked Mendes to join him, but she refused. Now the new dad is said to be jetting back and forth between coasts every weekend. Sources say Gosling was the perfect baby daddy  while Eva was pregnant, but the couple has reportedly started bickering over the best way to raise their child. Now, insiders claim Mendes is already hatching a plan to fight Gosling for full custody in the event of a breakup. “Eva has been the primary hands-on parent, with Ryan working away so much,” says the source. “She believes full custody is warranted.” 19 Hottest Photos of Ryan Gosling 1. Shirtless Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling gets shirtless. You’re welcome ladies. YOu’re welcome.

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Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes: Barely Talking, On the Verge of Breaking Up, Source Claims

Amy Adams Today Show Appearance Canceled: Why?

Amy Adams’ scheduled appearance on NBC’s Today Show was canceled this week because of a topic she was going to be asked about, but refused to discuss. What was that, exactly? The Big Eyes actress, 40, was told she’d be asked about the widespread hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and documents and details that were leaked. She was not having it, and told the show in no uncertain terms that she would not talk about the topic. Today , in turn, decided to pull Adams’ interview. “Amy’s segment was pulled suddenly after she expressed that she’d rather not discuss the hack,” an insider says. “She was not aggressive or freaking out.” “It is unfortunate. Amy didn’t do anything wrong and they pulled the interview .” Today sources painted a different picture, mentioning so-called “demands.” “As a news program, the Today show doesn’t allow guests to put restrictions on interviews,” a rep for the show said in response to the Adams story. “In this case … we felt uncomfortable with the demands being made, and we determined the best course of action for all parties involved was to cancel the interview.” “As a courtesy, Amy and her team were told well in advance that she might get asked about Sony, and that it was entirely up to her whether she wanted to answer.” Adams was directly involved in the Sony hacking and associated leaks. She and Jennifer Lawrence , two female stars of American Hustle , made a lot less from it than co-stars Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, and Jeremy Renner. Beyond that, it’s unclear what she would have been asked about. It’s equally unclear whether she requested she not be asked about Sony or flat-out refused. 9 Things We Learned From the Sony Hacking Scandal 1. New Ghostbusters Cast Revealed! One email reveals that the studio is hoping to have Jennifer Lawrence, Melissa McCarthy, Emma Stone, and Lizzy Caplan star in the upoming all-female Ghostbusters reboot. Well, “all-female” isn’t quite accurate. The ladies will be joined by an A-list male star, who will apparently need to be dragged to the set kicking and screaming…

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Amy Adams Today Show Appearance Canceled: Why?

Better Call Saul Trailer: Who is Jimmy McGill?!

Christmas has come early for Breaking Bad fans. The first trailer for the highly-anticipated BB spinoff Better Call Saul dropped today, and as you might have guessed it prominently features Bob Odenkirk’s fan favorite…Jimmy McGill? Yes, as obsessive Bad fans know, Saul Goodman is not Saul Goodman’s real name, but rather a Don Draper-esque nom de business that he felt would help him score clients and shed his loser-y past. Better Call Saul takes place before Jimmy adopted his semitic alias (“for the homeboys who want a member of the tribe”) but as you can see in this clip, the ambulance-chasing attorney is still all about that day of atonement: Better Call Saul Trailer From the looks of things, Saul will be more lighthearted in tone than its source material. Then again, the Adventures of Walt and Jesse started off darkly comedic, before going to a place where the show offered the occasional laughs, but could hardly be described as a comedy. Of course, it might be a good thing for Saul to distinguish itself as its own, standalone series right out of the gate. Some critics have called Breaking Bad the best drama of all time , and Saul runs the risk of being crushed under the weight of fan expectations before its pilot even airs. Having Jimmy go by his birth name (at least in the pilot) is a good way of establishing right from the start that this is an entirely different season that simply takes place within the same Meth-Fueled Albuquerque universe as Breaking Bad. Naturally, Better Call Saul will feature cameos from BB characters, (we already know Jonathan Banks’ badass Mike Ehrmantraut will pop up in season one) but hopefully the writers will focus on Jimmy/Saul, and allow Odenkirk to do for smarmy lawyers what Bryan Cranston did for unlikely drug kingpins. Better Call Saul premieres on February 8 at 10 pm on AMC. If that’s too long to wait, you can watch Breaking Bad online at TV Fanatic and/or check our this ingenious BB/Frozen mash-up: Breaking Bad-Frozen Mash-Up

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Better Call Saul Trailer: Who is Jimmy McGill?!

One Direction, Jimmy Fallon & The Roots Perform "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," Rock Awesome Christmas Sweaters

Harry Styles and company have been all over American late night TV lately. In addition to performing on SNL this week, One Direction posed with Jimmy Kimmel and a bunch of stuffed animals for the “#CutestSelfieEver.” Prior to that, Jon Stewart pissed off One Direction fans by joking about the group’s involvement with ISIS. The wrath of 1D obsessives is not something to be taken lightly, but now it’s Christmas – a time for setting aside differences, sporting horrendous sweaters, and crooning carols that no one actually likes. In that spirit, pretend to enjoy Jimmy Fallon, One Direction, and The Roots belting out “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” with the help of some kids’ instruments: One Direction, Jimmy Fallon: “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” The lads are best known for their vocal abilities, but it’s the instrumentation that shines here, with an arsenal of crappy pre-school toys being used to achieve a solid holiday sound. Of course, this isn’t the first time that ?uestlove and crew have done impressive things with the stuff you’d find laying around a 1st grade music room. Fallon, The Roots and Carly Rae Jepsen teamed up back when she was a thing to record a version of “Call Me Maybe.” Something tells us 1D will have an easier time avoiding the flash-in-the-pan fate that befell Carly. 16 Photos of One Direction That Makes Us Wanna Squeeeeaaal! 1. 1D on the Red Carpet Which is your favorite member of One Direction? Take your time. We know this may be difficult to answer.

See original here:
One Direction, Jimmy Fallon & The Roots Perform "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," Rock Awesome Christmas Sweaters