Tag Archives: down-the-block

This is another MBE of mine! I went from not meeting Justin or…

This is another MBE of mine! I went from not meeting Justin or any members from his crew to meeting almost all of them in one week! In my last MBE it says how I met Scooter, Alfredo & Kenny, but on June 19th, 2012, the release of BELIEVE, I went to J&R for Justin’s CD signing. That was my first time meeting him and I was so happy that I cried! When it was my turn to get up on line to get my CD signed, I saw Manny (Alfredo & Kennys driver) I got close to him last time, he followed me on Twitter and he’s just amazing. Well when I saw him he noticed me first and was like, “HEY ESMA LOOK RIGHT BEHIND YOU. JUSTIN’S WAITING FOR YOU” then I turned around (there were 4-5 girls ahead of me in line getting the CD signed) so when I turned around Justin was looking at me and I was just speechless. It was my turn to get it signed and I told him, “Hey Justin I love you so much” (I was speechless, I didnt know what to say!) he goes like “Hey I love you too!”  I talked with Kenny and he said he remembered me from a couple days ago. The signing was quick, but it meant the world to me. After we got it signed, we decided to go sit in Starbucks near J&R cause we were tired, but my friend called us from another Starbucks saying, “HURRY RYAN GOOD IS HERE” so we ran a block just to go see Ryan and I got a a picture with him! He said he loved my phone case and thought it was so cool, he was the sweetest ever! After Starbucks, we walked and saw all the girls lined up by their car so we went down the block knowing he’ll pass, so right when their car came we CHASED IT about 2-3 blocks! They said the first Escalade that came was Justin’s car so we were chasing that, but that was Alfredos & Kenny’s, and I was kinda slow and holding up the other car behind me & it kept honking at me in a rhythm kind of, so I thought the car wasnt exactly behind me but it was and I had no idea but continued to chase the first car and was still holding up the car behind me, TURNS OUT IT WAS JUSTIN BIEBERS CAR!! I felt so bad so I moved to the sidewalk & it zoomed across all of us.  But knowing me, I was the idiot holding up their car. So before I knew that it was Justin’s car, (my friend told me that it was that car like an hour after) so before I tweeted ” I was just in front of  @ AlfredoFlores ’s car blocking it & they were beeping at me to move but I didnt realize…….oops,” and he tweeted me back randomly “@AlfredoFlores: @EsmaIlyas lmao I blame YOU!! Be safe.” and I felt like the biggest idiot ever. Well hey, now I can say I blocked Justin Biebers car right?! Well I went from not meeting any of them for over 3 years, to all of this happening. Dreams do come true, never say never everyone & dont give up! -@EsmaIlyas The rest is here: This is another MBE of mine! I went from not meeting Justin or…

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This is another MBE of mine! I went from not meeting Justin or…

What The Hell? Swirl Couple Shaves 12-Year-Old Daughter’s Head And Forces Her To Wear Diapers Due To Bad Grades At School

Couple Arrested For Shaving Daughter’s Head, Putting On Diaper Duty For Bad Grades SMH: A mother and her live-in boyfriend are in jail after police say they shaved the woman’s 12-year-old daughter’s head and forced her to run up and down a city street in a diaper. Police arrived on the 1600 block of 68th Avenue about 7:20 p.m. Monday, May 7, to find a crowd of more than 50 people watching the girl as she moved up and down the block in nothing but a diaper and a tank top, said Police Lt. Mike Monsrud. Her hair had also been completely shaved off, Monsrud added, saying officers believe she had been outside for about half an hour before a neighbor alerted police. “When the officer found her, she was crying and hysterical,” Monsrud said. Police arrested 38-year-old Stephanie Ann Broten and 34-year-old Darnell Alan Landrum on suspicion of gross-misdemeanor malicious punishment of a child. The two reportedly told police they were punishing the girl for not bringing home good grades from school and for failing to do her homework. “They told her if she didn’t, they would shave her head and put her on ‘diaper duty,’ which I guess meant running up and down the street and cleaning up trash as a form of public humiliation,” Monsrud said. He added that Broten and Landrum questioned the police’s decision to intervene. “Through the whole contact, and even on the way to jail, both were laughing and thinking it was ridiculous police would get involved in what they said was their parental decision,” he said. being held at the Anoka County Jail. Neither had been formally charged as of Tuesday afternoon. Family members could not be reached for comment Tuesday, May 8. The 12-year-old girl and three younger children found at the woman’s apartment were placed in foster care, Mons-rud said. He added that police have referred other reports of “physical abuse” from the residence to child protective services in the past. Landrum was convicted of disorderly conduct in 1999. Darnell Alan Landrum. Landrum, 34, of Fridley, was arrested Monday, May 7 on suspicion of malicious punishment of a child. (Courtesy of Anoka County Sheriff’s office) Broten does not appear to have a criminal record in Minnesota. Source

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What The Hell? Swirl Couple Shaves 12-Year-Old Daughter’s Head And Forces Her To Wear Diapers Due To Bad Grades At School

‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Recalls Losing His Virginity At 17

On Saturday’s ‘When I Was 17,’ everybody’s favorite juicehead remembers his first time. By Mawuse Ziegbe Ronnie Photo: MTV News We’ve seen “Jersey Shore” juicehead Ronnie get into a lot types of scrapes on the boardwalk, but as it turns out, he has always had a penchant for, ahem, outdoor activities. On an all-“Jersey Shore” episode of “When I Was 17,” which also features stories from Ron Ron’s girl Sammi and Staten Island native Vinny, Ronnie remembers the first time he had sex. “When I was 17 I lost my virginity,” Ronnie admits. Ronnie’s friend T.J. adds that the event happened in someone else’s ride, and that that person wasn’t aware of it — until now. “Ronnie lost his virginity in the back seat of my grandmother’s Camry,” T.J. reveals. “The worst part about that is that she still drives it, so I’m probably gonna catch crap for this.” “When you’re young, the place to have sex is in the car,” Ronnie rationalizes. The Bronx native explains the spur-of-the-moment nature of how everything went down. “It just happened randomly,” he says. “[I was] hanging out on the corner with my friend and some girl walks up to him and she’s like, ‘Your friend’s hot. I wanna hook up.’ We went to go find a nice quiet spot … literally down the block.” Although for Ronnie, where the hook-up happened didn’t really matter that much. “I’m about to get laid for the first time. I’m like, I’ll do it on the hood of the car right now, I don’t care,” he says. Even though it was his debut run knockin’ boots, Ron had an audience checking out the moment. “My friends were watching from the car behind me. They were like watching through the window and stuff like that,” he recalls. “We were looking, he had the windows down,” T.J. admits. “It was a pretty wild scene.” Ronnie also discusses his technique for making love in such a tight space. “I just pretty much did the head tuck. You tuck your head in between her head and her shoulders and you just like 1, 2, 3, 4. Like three pumps … and you’re done,” he says. “It’s awesome.” “When I Was 17” — this week featuring Ronnie, Vinny and Sammi — premieres Saturday at 11 a.m. ET/PT on MTV. Related Videos Watch Previews Of Sammi And Vinny On ‘When I Was 17’

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‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Recalls Losing His Virginity At 17

‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Recalls Losing His Virginity At 17

On Saturday’s ‘When I Was 17,’ everybody’s favorite juicehead remembers his first time. By Mawuse Ziegbe Ronnie Photo: MTV News We’ve seen “Jersey Shore” juicehead Ronnie get into a lot types of scrapes on the boardwalk, but as it turns out, he has always had a penchant for, ahem, outdoor activities. On an all-“Jersey Shore” episode of “When I Was 17,” which also features stories from Ron Ron’s girl Sammi and Staten Island native Vinny, Ronnie remembers the first time he had sex. “When I was 17 I lost my virginity,” Ronnie admits. Ronnie’s friend T.J. adds that the event happened in someone else’s ride, and that that person wasn’t aware of it — until now. “Ronnie lost his virginity in the back seat of my grandmother’s Camry,” T.J. reveals. “The worst part about that is that she still drives it, so I’m probably gonna catch crap for this.” “When you’re young, the place to have sex is in the car,” Ronnie rationalizes. The Bronx native explains the spur-of-the-moment nature of how everything went down. “It just happened randomly,” he says. “[I was] hanging out on the corner with my friend and some girl walks up to him and she’s like, ‘Your friend’s hot. I wanna hook up.’ We went to go find a nice quiet spot … literally down the block.” Although for Ronnie, where the hook-up happened didn’t really matter that much. “I’m about to get laid for the first time. I’m like, I’ll do it on the hood of the car right now, I don’t care,” he says. Even though it was his debut run knockin’ boots, Ron had an audience checking out the moment. “My friends were watching from the car behind me. They were like watching through the window and stuff like that,” he recalls. “We were looking, he had the windows down,” T.J. admits. “It was a pretty wild scene.” Ronnie also discusses his technique for making love in such a tight space. “I just pretty much did the head tuck. You tuck your head in between her head and her shoulders and you just like 1, 2, 3, 4. Like three pumps … and you’re done,” he says. “It’s awesome.” “When I Was 17” — this week featuring Ronnie, Vinny and Sammi — premieres Saturday at 11 a.m. ET/PT on MTV. Related Videos Watch Previews Of Sammi And Vinny On ‘When I Was 17’

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‘Jersey Shore’ Star Ronnie Recalls Losing His Virginity At 17

Reporter to Foul Ball Tosser — Explain Yourself!

Filed under: Kids , Talk Sports With a mic in her face and reporters lined up down the block, the 3-year-old little girl who threw back her daddy’s foul ball is finally coming clean about her big boo-boo at the Phillies game this week …

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Reporter to Foul Ball Tosser — Explain Yourself!

Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson’s New Video

CELEBRITY BUZZ : Here's the video for “Relator,” from Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson’s collaborative album Break Up . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Cartoon Characters Coming Out of the Closet

Link: http://gawker.com/5336741/its-time-to… Stewie is already out , but Gawker lists a few other well known cartoons that should probably sit down with their parents and explain to them why they're never going to ask out that nice girl down the block that they've been trying to fix them up with.

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Cartoon Characters Coming Out of the Closet