Tag Archives: during-the-pre

Alicia Keys to Sing Super Bowl National Anthem

We still don’t know who will play in next month’s Super Bowl – our money is on the Patriots vs. the 49ers – but we do now know the two main musical acts that will be featured in New Orleans. Beyonce will perform at halftime – and it’s been confirmed that Alicia Keys will sing the national anthem. The occasion will mark this Grammy winner’s first time performing at the big game, although she has actually twice before taken the stage during the pre-show. Music fans, meanwhile, can also look forward to a Destiny’s Child reunion along Beyonce, presumably to belt out the group’s new single, “Nuclear.”

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Alicia Keys to Sing Super Bowl National Anthem

Get Ya Grub On: A Gallery Of Celebrities Looking Crazy As Hell While Trying To Stuff Their Faces

You know when people look their craziest? Probably when they’re chowing down. Good thing nobody is taking pictures of you while you’re eating. And double good thing people are taking pictures of these celebrities while they’re eating so we can point and laugh at them till our heart’s content. Enjoy!

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Get Ya Grub On: A Gallery Of Celebrities Looking Crazy As Hell While Trying To Stuff Their Faces

Miracle Trade: Detroit Lions Jerome Harrison Finds Out He Has A Brain Tumor During Pre-Trade Physical

This guy better be praying to the high Heavens today. Detroit Lions running back Jerome Harrison was supposed to be traded to the Philadelphia Eagles this week right before the trade deadline, but things fell apart for the trade, but his life may have been saved. During the pre-trade physical, Harrison found out that he has a brain tumor! Thankfully, it’s not life-threatening, but without the trade and the physical Harrison would never have known about his brain tumor. Of course, because he failed the physical, the Eagles backed away from the trade and Harrison is out for the season, but that’s a minor consequence compared to the way his life was just saved. Crazy stuff.

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Miracle Trade: Detroit Lions Jerome Harrison Finds Out He Has A Brain Tumor During Pre-Trade Physical

ABC’s Amanpour Trumpets ‘Tax Us More’ Liberal Democratic Quartet

At a time when the American mood has turned against excessive government spending, Christiane Amanpour devoted Sunday’s This Week to four liberal Democratic billionaires, though she failed to identify their political orientation, who want higher income tax rates on the wealthy. Unmentioned during the pre-taped interviews with Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, Ted Turner and Tom Steyer revolving around their participation in “The Giving Pledge” – the promise to give away at least half their wealth: how they are free now to give all the money they want to the federal government. Amanpour began by touting: “Warren Buffett has been practically begging the country, begging Congress to tax him more. In fact, many of the richest Americans like Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates and Ted Turner say that they should pay higher tax.” In between letting Buffett expound at length on why taxes should be hiked, she fretted to Bill Gates: “If people aren't going to pay for the services that they need, how are those services going to get funded, do you think?” read more

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ABC’s Amanpour Trumpets ‘Tax Us More’ Liberal Democratic Quartet