Tag Archives: eleanor-clift

Eleanor Clift: Obama’s Poll Numbers Down Because He Hasn’t Blamed Bush Enough

After the release of a number of polls Tuesday showing President Obama’s favorability rating plummeting, his minions in the media were out in force trying to blame the slide on something or someone else. Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift, ever the dutiful shill always at a Democrat’s service when the chips are down,  took a predictably absurd tack: Obama hasn’t blamed George W. Bush enough for all that ails the nation. “Obama hasn’t done as good a job as Reagan of blaming his predecessor,” wrote Clift after sharing some of Obama’s dismal poll numbers. For our sins Clift elaborated: Jimmy Carter for years served as the GOP’s version of Herbert Hoover while Obama let George W. Bush slip away into the ether, a former president so invisible that he might as well be in a witness-protection program. Bush’s upcoming book,  Decision Points,  won’t be released until a week after the November election, reinforcing the GOP’s decision to keep the unpopular president out of the mix in the midterms.  Readers are reminded that another Democrat media shill Bill Press told his radio listeners Tuesday that Obama’s declining poll numbers were due to Americans being spoiled, impatient children.  What do we learn from this? That no matter what the current president does, and no matter what happens to the economy, in Iraq, in the Gulf of Mexico, or anywhere on the planet, Obama has media minions that will quickly be out in force trying to deflect blame from him without regard to facts or reason. After all, as it pertains to Clift’s argument, there likely hasn’t been an administration in history that has spent more time blaming the country’s problems on the previous president. To suggest otherwise is what Hillary Clinton would say requires a willing suspension of disbelief. But Clift knows her role, and she plays it well. Of course, the magazine she writes for is in terrible financial condition desperately looking for a suitor to save it from extinction, but that’s beside the point. Despite the inanity in her position, Clift must be given an “A” for tossing such nonsense at her readers with a clear conscience and a straight face. That is certainly something she can always be counted on for. 

Eleanor Clift: Obama’s Poll Numbers Down Because He Hasn’t Blamed Bush Enough

Newsweek’s Clift Mocks GOP Women’s Pro-Life Views as ‘So Yesterday’

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift, on this weekend’s syndicated The McLaughlin Group, slighted conservative pro-life women everywhere when she applied California Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina’s “so yesterday” description of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer’s hairstyle to women who hold anti-abortion views in the Republican Party. Clift, in a segment about the primary victories of both Fiorina and GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman began actually crediting Sarah Palin as “Saint Sarah” for the wins as she claimed that the former Alaskan Governor is “emboldening conservative women” and “reshaping the religious right” but then went on to question if pro-life women candidates could win statewide races in California because their views would be seen as “so yesterday.” Incidentally, The Washington Times’ Monica Crowley had to correct Clift as she pointed out her liberal spin wasn’t even entirely accurate as Whitman is, in fact, “pro choice.” The following exchanges were aired on the June 12 edition of The McLaughlin Group: JOHN MCLAUGHLIN: Question: How do you account for the amount of successful women candidates in Tuesday’s political primaries? Eleanor Clift? ELEANOR CLIFT, NEWSWEEK: Well I think conservative Republican women were really the stars this week, and I credit, in part, Saint Sarah. She’s on the cover of Newsweek this coming week. She’s credited with empowering and emboldening conservative women and maybe reshaping the religious right. And I think that looks good in primaries. I don’t know how it will play in the, in the fall when you have a broader electorate. I think the two women in California are genuine business women. They spent enormous amounts of money. Whitman spent, I think $80 million, which works out to about $80 per vote, and they are gonna position themselves as outsiders and business women who are running against classical political insiders. But Carly Fiorina, who’s running for the Senate, got a rocky start when she was caught on an open mic making fun of Barbara Boxer’s hair saying it’s oh, “so yesterday.” And these two Republican women are also social conservatives in a state that’s very pro-choice. So maybe those issues will be cast as “so yesterday.” … MONICA CROWLEY, WASHINGTON TIMES: First of all I need to correct something that Eleanor said. Meg, Meg Whitman is not a social conservative. She is pro choice.

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Newsweek’s Clift Mocks GOP Women’s Pro-Life Views as ‘So Yesterday’