Tag Archives: barbara-boxer

Grimault’s Asthmatic Cigarettes

ANTI-ASTHMA CIGARETTES: Because of our present day disgust for the tobacco industry, one is tempted to dismiss the idea of a medical (life saving) cigarette altogether. But that would be a mistake: Cannabis, in its smokable form, has been known to quickly stop full-scale asthma attacks. A medical fact that, while only scientifically proven in the late 20th Century, did not go unnoticed by 19th Century medical practitioners. To quote a major medical journal of its day: CIGARETTES OF CANNABIS INDICA. Medical Times and Gazette. Medical News; Oct 1870; 28, 334; “The cigarettes of Cannabis Indica, made by Gremault, of Paris, have been found most efficient in the treatment of affections of the organs of respiration and circulation, no less than in affections of the central and peripheral nervous system. The unpleasant effects which so often follow the internal and subcutaneous use of opium and of Cannabis Indica are not produced by the cigarette. There use is recommended (1) in spinal neuroses, and epilepsy; (2) in neurosis of the sensory nerves, neuralgia of the teeth, branches of the fifth pair, the sciatic nerves; (3) neuroses of the motor nerves, spasm of the throat air passages; (4) affections of the sympathetic nerves, hysteria, and other diseases not attended with plethora, and congestion of the head, heart, or lungs. They are especially useful in asthma, peruses, spasm of the stomach and intestinal canal, nervous palpitation of the heart, and exert a quieting influence over the whole nervous system.” INDIAN CIGARETTES by Grimault & Co.: This particular brand “Indian Cigarettes” [1] manufactured by the Grimault Corporation, is of special interest to us. This is due mainly to the fact that it seems to have been the ONLY established brand name of Cannabis Cigarettes offered for sale in this country. Also, remembering that medical marihuana cigarettes were quite legal back then, it is one of the most highly documented brand names available. According to the United Nations [Bulletin on Narcotics 1951],[2] Under the subtitle: “Preparations exempted from the control measures of the Narcotics Conventions: The following formula is given: Preparation # 5: Indian Cigarettes of Grimault (Dr. Ph. Chapelle) Government: Siam Notification: C.L.302.1930.III. Annex I Formula: # Belladonna leaves – 0.962 gm # Cannabis indica extract – 0.0005 gm. # Nitrate of potash – 0.033 gm Which brings up an interesting subject; Again, according to the United Nations [Bulletin on Narcotics 1962],[3] the following is stated: “Preparations made from extract or tincture of cannabis were not mentioned in the 1925 Convention, but in 1935 were brought within the control of the Convention by a decision of the Health Committee of the League of Nations under article 10 of the Convention. Such preparations are in some respects under a stricter control than the extract and tinctures themselves. Preparations made from the extract and tincture which are capable only of external use, and a medicinal cigarette called “Indian Cigarettes of Grimault” (Dr. P. H. Chapelle) are exempted from control.[ League of Nations document C.136.M.87. 1939. III ] Which brings up a good trivia question; Are these cigarettes, “Under InterNational Treaty Law,” still legal today? Hmmm! An interesting question, but one beyond the subject and interests of antique collectors. [1] With reference to Indians from India. [2] UnitedNationsBulletinOnNarcotics1951Issue4-001.htm Subsection: Preparations exempted from the control measures of the Narcotics Conventions [3] Bulletin on Narcotics – 1962 Issue 4 http://www.undcp.org/bulletin/bulletin_1962-01-01_4_page005.html http://antiquecannabisbook.com/chap7/CGrimault.htm added by: JackHerer

San Francisco Breaks Ground on Green Transbay Transit Center!

We’ve been eagerly following the development of San Francisco’s new Transbay Transit Terminal, and now we’re excited to announce that the $4 billion project by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects has just broken ground! In attendance at the groundbreaking ceremony were a bevy of local dignitaries, including Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Mayor Gavin Newsom, and former Mayor Willie Brown. The ambitious project will aim for a LEED Gold rating and will replace the existing Art Deco structure. Read on to learn about this landmark structure. Read more: San Francisco Breaks Ground on Green Transbay Transit Center! | Inhabitat – Green Design Will Save the World http://inhabitat.com/2010/08/12/san-francisco-breaks-ground-on-green-transbay-tr… added by: Sexirobot

NYT Reports Whitman’s 2007 ‘Shove’, Ignores Brown Calling Her Nazi Last Week

Americans learned something interesting about the priorities of the New York Times Tuesday: its editors believe a political candidate pushing an employee three years ago is more important than a candidate calling his campaign rival a Nazi last week. Such seems apparent from the Times’ choice to report  California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s alleged employee shoving incident in 2007. By contrast, the Gray Lady has still not informed readers that Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown last Tuesday likened Whitman to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Brown said the following to KCBS radio’s Doug Sovern: Brown boasted about his legendary frugality. “I’ve only spent $200,000 so far. I have 20 million in the bank. I’m saving up for her.” It’s true – his stay-on-the-sidelines, bare-bones primary run cost him almost nothing, at least in California political terms. But he also fretted about the impact of all those eBay dollars in Whitman’s very deep pockets. “You know, by the time she’s done with me, two months from now, I’ll be a child-molesting…” He let the line trail off. “She’ll have people believing whatever she wants about me.” Then he went off on a riff I didn’t expect. “It’s like Goebbels,” referring to Hitler’s notorious Minister of Propaganda. “Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda. He took control of the whole world. She wants to be president. That’s her ambition, the first woman president. That’s what this is all about.”  Although a week has passed since this incident, and Brown has admitted having the conversation with Sovern, the Times has STILL not reported his remarks. Yet, as NewsBusters reported Tuesday, Whitman allegedly pushing an eBay employee THREE YEARS AGO — an incident that “no one else appears to have witnessed” — was something the Times devoted almost 1,000 words to citing exclusively unnamed sources:  In addition to noting that the incident involved has no identified witnesses, The Times report specifically tells us that the matter was settled through mediation, and that “the authorities were not involved.” Former eBay CEO Whitman has no criminal exposure. The report is a gratuitous, politically-motivated dredge-up of a long-forgotten matter. The Times’s Brad Stone and likely other reporters clearly put many hours of work into the Whitman report. In the process, he or they encouraged and ultimately convinced eBay employees to breach ethics and to violate confidentiality agreements. The incident’s alleged victim still works at eBay and has clearly moved on. Yes, everyone involved has likely moved on EXCEPT the Times which felt this three-year-old issue was important to share with its readers. Yet something that just happened last week involving Whitman — her being compared to a Nazi by Brown — is STILL not something Times editors feel readers should be aware of. On a related note, the Times also found Republican Senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina’s comments about Sen. Barbara Boxer’s (D-Calif.) hair quite newsworthy filing reports on the open mike quip Friday and Sunday. As such, a Republican allegedly pushing an employee three years ago or commenting about a campaign rival’s hair is more important to the Times than a Democrat calling his political foe a Nazi. Honestly, this is the kind of media bias one would expect in Cuba and Venezuela – NOT America. 

Go here to see the original:
NYT Reports Whitman’s 2007 ‘Shove’, Ignores Brown Calling Her Nazi Last Week

Fiorina, Beck Attack Boxer Over National Security, Go Against The Military’s Views

photo via flickr California Senate candidate Cary Fioina is looking for an edge over her opponent, Sen. Barbara Boxer, and it looks like she may have settled on the issue of national security and climate change. Boxer, a long-time champion of clean energy and climate action, has been vocal about the link between national security and a changing climate, which could lead to conflicts over resources and border disputes. Despite studies from the military confirming the validity of Boxer’s concern, Fiorina and now Glen Beck are mock… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fiorina, Beck Attack Boxer Over National Security, Go Against The Military’s Views

Newsweek’s Clift Mocks GOP Women’s Pro-Life Views as ‘So Yesterday’

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift, on this weekend’s syndicated The McLaughlin Group, slighted conservative pro-life women everywhere when she applied California Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina’s “so yesterday” description of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer’s hairstyle to women who hold anti-abortion views in the Republican Party. Clift, in a segment about the primary victories of both Fiorina and GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman began actually crediting Sarah Palin as “Saint Sarah” for the wins as she claimed that the former Alaskan Governor is “emboldening conservative women” and “reshaping the religious right” but then went on to question if pro-life women candidates could win statewide races in California because their views would be seen as “so yesterday.” Incidentally, The Washington Times’ Monica Crowley had to correct Clift as she pointed out her liberal spin wasn’t even entirely accurate as Whitman is, in fact, “pro choice.” The following exchanges were aired on the June 12 edition of The McLaughlin Group: JOHN MCLAUGHLIN: Question: How do you account for the amount of successful women candidates in Tuesday’s political primaries? Eleanor Clift? ELEANOR CLIFT, NEWSWEEK: Well I think conservative Republican women were really the stars this week, and I credit, in part, Saint Sarah. She’s on the cover of Newsweek this coming week. She’s credited with empowering and emboldening conservative women and maybe reshaping the religious right. And I think that looks good in primaries. I don’t know how it will play in the, in the fall when you have a broader electorate. I think the two women in California are genuine business women. They spent enormous amounts of money. Whitman spent, I think $80 million, which works out to about $80 per vote, and they are gonna position themselves as outsiders and business women who are running against classical political insiders. But Carly Fiorina, who’s running for the Senate, got a rocky start when she was caught on an open mic making fun of Barbara Boxer’s hair saying it’s oh, “so yesterday.” And these two Republican women are also social conservatives in a state that’s very pro-choice. So maybe those issues will be cast as “so yesterday.” … MONICA CROWLEY, WASHINGTON TIMES: First of all I need to correct something that Eleanor said. Meg, Meg Whitman is not a social conservative. She is pro choice.

Read more here:
Newsweek’s Clift Mocks GOP Women’s Pro-Life Views as ‘So Yesterday’

Saturday Night Funnies: Boxer Says CO2 Leading Cause of Conflict Next 20 Years

On Thursday, Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) took to the floor of the Senate and claimed that carbon dioxide — that naturally occurring gas integral to life on this planet! — “will be over the next 20 years the leading cause of conflict, putting our troops in harm’s way” (transcript and commentary follow): I’m going to put in the record, Madam President, a host of quotes from our national security experts who tell us that carbon pollution leading to climate change will be over the next 20 years the leading cause of conflict, putting our troops in harm’s way. And that’s why we have so many returning veterans who want us to move forward and address this issue, so we can create those new technologies that get us off this foreign oil.  As bonus coverage, here’s how this Senator treats higher-ups in the military:

Original post:
Saturday Night Funnies: Boxer Says CO2 Leading Cause of Conflict Next 20 Years

Jerry Brown Calls Meg Whitman a Nazi, Media Mostly Mum

California’s Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown on Tuesday called his Republican rival Meg Whitman a Nazi. You probably didn’t hear about this because America’s media largely ignored it.  By contrast, the press had a field day when Republican senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina made a comment about Barbara Boxer’s (D-Calif.) hair that was picked up by an open microphone Tuesday evening. Why the double standard? Consider your answer as you read what Brown told KCBS radio’s Doug Sovern (h/t NBer Gary Hall): Brown boasted about his legendary frugality. “I’ve only spent $200,000 so far. I have 20 million in the bank. I’m saving up for her.” It’s true – his stay-on-the-sidelines, bare-bones primary run cost him almost nothing, at least in California political terms. But he also fretted about the impact of all those eBay dollars in Whitman’s very deep pockets. “You know, by the time she’s done with me, two months from now, I’ll be a child-molesting…” He let the line trail off. “She’ll have people believing whatever she wants about me.” Then he went off on a riff I didn’t expect. “It’s like Goebbels,” referring to Hitler’s notorious Minister of Propaganda. “Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda. He took control of the whole world. She wants to be president. That’s her ambition, the first woman president. That’s what this is all about.” Sovern followed this up Thursday: The campaign of Meg Whitman has issued the following statement in response to the comments made by Jerry Brown, quoted in my blog posting “Run Jerry Run.” “Just last week, Governor Brown promised he wasn’t going to engage in mudslinging, but now he is comparing Meg Whitman to Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. Jerry Brown’s statements comparing our campaign to a propagator of the Holocaust is deeply offensive and entirely unacceptable.” –Meg Whitman 2010 Campaign Manager Jillian Hasner Jerry Brown’s campaign spokesman, Sterling Clifford, confirms to the Associated Press that the conversation took place, describing it as “a discussion after a chance meeting while they were exercising. I wouldn’t vouch for the accuracy of it, but I also don’t want to dispute the accuracy of it. It was jogging talk taken out of context.” He says Brown was not comparing the Whitman campaign to Nazis. UPDATE: Friday afternoon, Jerry Brown issued the following statement: “I regret making the comments. They were taken out of context.” Pretty serious stuff happening in America’s most-populated state, wouldn’t you agree? Yet our media weren’t very interested. Although Politico reported this matter late Thursday evening, as did the Associated Press shortly after, the rest of our supposedly impartial press almost completed ignored Brown’s disgusting remarks. According to Google news and LexisNexis searches, the news divisions of by ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and NBC didn’t file one report on this subject through Friday evening. NOT ONE! I can also find no newspaper reports outside of California. Zero, nada, zilch!  Bucking the trend was Fox News during Friday’s “Special Report” and CNN’s Jack Cafferty giving it a mention on the same day’s “Situation Room.” By contrast, when Fiorina was caught on an open microphone saying that Boxer’s hair was “so yesterday,” the media had a field day. CNN has already done eleven reports on this vital matter impacting our nation. MSNBC’s done three. On the broadcast networks, NBC did three reports, ABC did two, and CBS did one. Those actually included a segment on ABC’s “World News with Diane Sawyer”    As for newspapers, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News, and the Houston chronicle all found Fiorina saying Boxer’s hair was “so yesterday” newsworthy.  I guess our media must think a Republican commenting about a rival’s hair is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than a Democrat calling a political opponent a Nazi. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? 

Read the original post:
Jerry Brown Calls Meg Whitman a Nazi, Media Mostly Mum

Passing the stupid test in Calfornia

As if Sarah Plain and Simple-minded isn't enough, now we have Carly Fiorina playing dumb to get the GOP nomination. Why does this remind me of the wives of the Turkish ruling parting suddenly showing up in head coverings? Presumably, the former CEO of one of America's leading technology companies knows the difference between long-term worldwide profitability and product sales on one day in one store. But apparently to win the Republican nomination for Senate in California these days, even a woman whose brain-power might have been a campaign asset has to pretend she doesn't know the difference between long-term global climate trends and the daily, local weather. An unintentionally revealing new ad by Carly Fiorina,( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3opch_q4M0&feature=player_embedded ) the former Hewlett-Packard chief who is favored to win next Tuesday's GOP primary, quotes Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer saying in 2007, “One of the very important national security issues we face, frankly, is climate change.” Carly then leaps in with this: “Terrorism kills, and Barbara Boxer is worried about the weather. I'm Carly Fiorina. I ran Hewlett-Packard. I chaired the external advisory board for the CIA. We've had enough of her politics. I'll work to keep you safe.” Fiorina's first sentence — willfully pretending that being concerned about the threat of global warming is the same as being worried about whether it's going to rain today — should disqualify anyone for higher office, especially in California. Last year, Energy Secretary and Nobel laureate Steven Chu, who ran a major national laboratory in California, warned that if we keep on our current path of unrestricted greenhouse gas emissions, it could be devastating to California's climate: “You’re looking at a scenario where there’s no more agriculture in California.” http://www.salon.com/news/carly_fiorina/index.html?story= /news/feature/2010/06/04/global_warming_carly_fiorina added by: Incredulous

Now Here Is Some Obama Heckling We Can Get Behind [Heckling]

Heckling: Like talking, only louder and more disruptive. You do it when you really want to get your point across. Today at a fundraiser for California Senate candidate Barbara Boxer, Obama was heckled… by the good guys! More