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The Night King Blew A 20-1 Lead To Arya Stark: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8, Episode 3 Recap


Source: Helen Sloan/HBO / Helen Sloan/HBO L ast week on Game of Thrones everyone was BIG HORNY waiting for the arrival of the Night King. Finally, television’s most prominent villain and his army of wights showed up and showed the hell out in the most extended episode of the season clocking in 82 minutes. If you think we didn’t have time for this battle, yes the hell we did, we have only been waiting forever to see this showdown and besides I watched Avengers: Endgame twice so this is nothing.   The North Got Its Ass Whooped Early  Source: Helen Sloan/HBO The episode opens up with everyone still getting ready for war with some of the participants poised for battle while others nervously look on into the darkness where their doom awaits. Sir Jorah of the friend zone is leading the first wave with an army of Dothraki warriors behind him. Before they do what they do best and savagely head off to kick off the Battle of Winterfell a familiar face pops up. It’s none other than the infamous Red Witch, Melisandre, and instead of being a waste of space she proves to be quite useful right out the gate. Using her powerful magical skills bestowed upon her by the Lord of Light, she ignites all of the Dothraki’s swords on fire in a magnificent spectacle. Despite her doing them a solid, Sir Davos still wants to put her on a spike, but she reassures him that there won’t be no need for that because she will be dead by sunrise. Oh you know they were hyped now, and they should be, magic is on their side as well. Led by Jorah, they charge into the vast darkness to take on the things that go bump in the night flaming swords held high. The sea of light quickly dims as the horde of undead overwhelm the army of Dothraki riders rapidly killing them all except for Jorah and few stragglers who managed to survive the onslaught. With the sh*t quickly hitting the fan the wights engage with the remaining army comprised of the Unsullied (who fought nobly) and other fighters led by Grey Worm, Jamie, Brienne, Samwell (who should have taken his ass in the crypt), Eddison Tollett, Tormund, The Hound, Beric, and Podrick. They proved to be no match for the relentlessness of their undead foes who don’t tire and smartly decided to get the hell out of dodge. While they ran inside after getting their asses whooped collectively, the Unsullied protected them. They had a plan to light the trenches with Dragon Fire but unfortunately, due to the Night King doing his best Storm from the X-Men impression and calling on a magical snowstorm, Dany couldn’t see the signal to light it. With the air bitter cold, fire arrows were not helping, so Melisandre came back out with the Unsullied as her bodyguards, and she prayed to Lord of Light to ignite the trench keeping the wights at bay for now allowing the defenders of man to catch their breath for a minute basically halftime. It didn’t seem as if he was listening to her ass at all, but he finally came through and answered her prayers. The break in the action won’t last too long though. Keep in mind all of this happened without the Night King even being present! Oh, and thanks to Sam’s punk ass we lost the Lord Commander of Night’s Watch, Eddison, who fought valiantly, but his watch has finally ended. Round Two Goes To The Wights Source: Helen Sloan/HBO / Helen Sloan/HBO Despite Melisandre lighting the trench with her powerful magic, that still proves to not be enough to stop the dead from coming. The Night King telepathically instructs a few wights to sacrifice themselves forming a bridge so the rest can squeeze through and continue slaughtering folks. Looking like a scene out of World War Z, the wights climb up the wall like ants till they reach the top throwing themselves over inside of Winterfell. The battle quickly gets intense to the point where the hound has a panic attack because he feels its pointless to battle death. Beric tries is best to get him back in the game and eventually does pointing to Arya who was handing out fades left and right to zombies who dare get in her way. After she gets overwhelmed, she escapes to the inside of the castle, after finding his courage in watching her handle herself The Hound and Beric go after her. Meanwhile, in the belly of Winterfell our favorite Lady Mormont is leading the charge but encounters a giant wight. Upon entry, the dead giant knocks her out of the picture like Hulk did to Loki, but she doesn’t stay down. In a last valiant effort, she picks up her dragon glass ax and charges at the undead behemoth and scoops her like a child does a damn Barbie doll. He squeezes the young Lady of Bear Island, crushing her bones, but she still has the energy to pull out her dragon glass dagger and stab him in the eye killing the giant zombie as her final act of heroism. Salute to Lady Mormont for going out like Cleo in Set It Off— the North will always remember. Jorah Died Fighting To Get Out of The Friend Zone Source: Helen Sloan/HBO / Helen Sloan/HBO Jon and his Auntie/boo thang Daenerys take to the air to provide some dragon air support with Drogon and Rhaegal. Their air dominance quickly goes away when the Night King riding undead Viserion shows up to play. We get an epic air battle between the two Dragons Rhaegal and Viserion with Jon’s dragon managing to knock the Nigth King off his dead flying ice fire-breathing lizard. With him, on the ground, Daenerys sees her chance to turn his ass into a puddle and orders Drogon to rain fire down on him. Of course, it didn’t work, so all she managed to do was piss him off him even more. Once it’s revealed he can’t even be harmed by dragon fire, he gives her a smirk and walks away. Jon is also on the ground now and wants all the smoke with the Night King and chases after him. He knows he is going after his brother, GoT Professor X aka Bran who is conveniently located in the Godswood. Anyway, the Night King stops and faces Jon… Or should we call him Aegon now? He realizes what’s about to happen, but it’s too late. Realizing his numbers are depleted hedecides to enlist some new recruits, and he’s got a fresh batch of Dothraki, Unsullied and Northerners to use thanks to Jon. Snow just wanted to shoot the fair one with the Night King, but if we keeping it a buck, it would seem he wanted no smoke with Jon at all leaving him as a present to his new zombie recruits. Things are looking bleak for Jon, but Daenerys swoops in at the right time and turns the wights that surrounded Jon into BBQ. Jon runs off after the Night King and Daenerys and Drogon are soon overwhelmed by walkers. She falls off her Dragon who looks like he is covered in ants and eventually takes off leaving his mother to fend herself. Things are looking bleak for Dany, but her Jorah arrives to save his queen. He puts up a valiant fight fending off the dead getting stabbed left and right taking the hits allowing his Queen to get some kills. When the dust settles Jorah dies doing what he loves the most serving Daenerys but its damn shame she never let him sniff that thang one time. RIP to the one person who fought till his death to get out the dreaded friend zone. Chilling In The Crypt Was A Dumb Idea Source: Helen Sloan/HBO / Helen Sloan/HBO While all of the able-bodied warriors are topside doing their best to fend off what seems like an endless wave of walking corpses, the weak are chilling in the crypts of Winterfell. Sansa at the bidding of her sister Arya armed her with a dragon glass spear after she realized sh*t is going to get real, told her to take her spicy ass down below. All throughout last weeks episode the women, children, Tyrion and Varys were all instructed that the crypt would be the safest place for them to be during the epic battle. We soon learned that it is definitely not the case. Before things got extra crazy down below, Sansa and Tyrion had another moment to reflect on their marriage. It would seem she was open to being his wife but states it would have worked because of Daenerys. Well while the Night King was up top replenishing the numbers, his spell to raise the dead made it down into the crypt, and you guessed it, the dead Starks buried down there come to life and attack everyone.  Tyrion and Sansa hide and have one tender moment before they decide to face their fear before the actions of Arya (we will get to that) save their lives. The Night King Blows A 20-1 Lead Source: Helen Sloan/HBO / Helen Sloan/HBO We are now in the final act, and it looks like Night King and his White Walkers with the great hair have this all wrapped up. Winterfell’s defenses are spread thinner than Sansa’s white lips, and the wights have pretty much flooded the castle. Arya is now trying her best to evade White Walkers creeping past them like the protagonist hiding from the crazy ass Baker family in Resident Evil VII . She manages to elude them while in the library but is quickly overwhelmed, it’s not looking good for the young Stark, but she is saved when the Hound and Beric show up. While they are trying to get away Beric who threw his cool ass flaming sword at a wight to save Arya sacrifices himself to ensure that the hound and Arya get away. In doing so, he is stabbed numerous times but gives them enough time to run into another room. He follows them inside but quickly succumbs to his wounds, we are losing cast members left and right but as long its not a Stark we are good. They are not alone in the room, it would seem Beric was leading them directly to Melisandre who was waiting for them. She tells them that Beric served whatever his purposed was and it was to make sure Arya makes it safely to that moment. Ayra recalls meeting Melisandre a few seasons back, the witch reminds her that she saw eyes of those she killed in the darkness inside her, “brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes.” If you guessed the “blue eyes” belonged to the Night King, you win cause after their conversation Arya takes off to update her kill list. Meanwhile, poor Jon is trying his best to make to his brother who is about to encounter the Night King as planned. Unfortunately for Aegon, he has to deal with the giant undead dragon that won’t seem to let him get to his final destination. While Jon is taking on Viserion, Theon is doing his best to protect Bran while in the Godswood located in Winterfell. The penisless Greyjoy is the last one standing, after successfully and tirelessly fending off a bunch of wights but that will be the least of his troubles when the Night King flanked by his White Walker generals. Bran who decided to Warg into a bunch of ravens when sh*t got crazy finally returns to his body and tells Theon thank you and that he is a good man. Theon realizes that his time has come to an end rushes the Night King but is easily killed with his own spear. Damn, we lost another one. Bran and the Night King have an epic stare down and with would seem like Bran is about to bite the dust. But Ayra comes out of nowhere and before she can deliver the final blow the Night King catches her. Using her skills as an assassin, she drops the Valyrian steel dagger to her other hand striking the cocky zombie king saving Winterfell in the process. Now if you recall back in Season 7 Bran gave that knife that was meant to kill him to his sister and low and behold. Look at all of these full circle moments happening this season. Now before we go there was one more death to report. Melisandre who we think is the MVP kept her word to Sir Davos. After the Battle of Winterfell, she removed the magic choker that kept her young and turned to dust as if Thanos himself snapped her ass away. But we gotta tip our hat because if it wasn’t for the red witch, they might not have won The Great War at all. So when the dust settled here is who is still alive: Jon, Arya, Bran, Daenerys, Tormund, Jamie, Podrick, Tyrion, Sansa, Missandei, Varys, Gilly, Little Sam, Sandor, Samwell, Davos, Rhaegal, Grey Worm and Ghost. Is what’s left of their armies be enough to take on Cersei in King’s Landing? We will have to wait and see come next week.  

The Night King Blew A 20-1 Lead To Arya Stark: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8, Episode 3 Recap

F**k 12: White Cop Tells Black Middle Schoolers “Wait Until Your A$$es Turn 18, Then You’re Mine” [Video]

Source: Nia Noelle / Nia Noelle The Viral Video Causes Backlash & Demands From The Community A Virginia police officer let his racist feelings fly when interacting with some Black middle schoolers. According to New York Daily News , the unidentified White cop was slowly driving past the group of kids after they allegedly heckled him. That’s when the words came from his salty mouth: “Wait until your a$$es turn 18, then you’re mine.” The clip was recorded by 13-year-old Cameron Hillard and posted to Facebook by her mom Keisha Curry. The officer faced immediate backlash when the clip went viral with over 57,000 views. “I am disgusted and disappointed but not surprised that a white male officer would make a threat and use that tone or language towards a group of children,” Curry wrote in the video caption. “My child and her friends have to walk to their after school program and knowing that the police are making idle threats to them is unsettling.”   After all the backlash, the cop must now undergo remedial training, according to interim police chief William Smith. The officer has also been reassigned elsewhere in Richmond, Virginia. “I share the community’s concern with that incident,” Smith told the Richmond Times-Dispatch , saying that the comment was “inappropriate.” He continued, “His actions do not reflect the actions, the policies or the training that we have as an agency, and do not reflect the expectations that I have.” The disciplinary action concluded with an internal investigation of the cop, whose 15-year tenure has been marked by one other complaint. “He voluntarily requested to be given the opportunity to speak to and apologize to the parents,” Smith said in a statement from NBC News . “While these facts don’t minimize the incident, they do give you totality of the person.” Yea, whatever. Many parents still weren’t here for the BS. Ms. Curry complained, “Not letting the public know who the officer is doesn’t allow any other individuals the opportunity to speak out if they were mistreated by him before.” She continued: “ Everyone knows we didn’t want him fired based on this encounter, but how can this behavior be fully investigated by only doing an internal investigation, when the verbal threat was done in the community?” QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERS.

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F**k 12: White Cop Tells Black Middle Schoolers “Wait Until Your A$$es Turn 18, Then You’re Mine” [Video]

Bossip Be Trippin’: We Went To Dreamville Fest With 40,000 People To Celebrate Rap’s New Avengers, J. Cole & Co. Are FAR From The Endgame

Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari BOSSIP’s Exclusive Recap Of Dreamville Fest 2019 This weekend upwards of 40,000 people descended upon Dorothea Dix Park in Raliegh, North Carolina to bask in the glory of rap’s most talented new collective of artists and some very special guests. If the January recording sessions for the soon-to-be-released Revenge Of The Dreamers 3 album was the filling-up of the hype powder keg, Dreamville Fest was the result of lighting the fuse. The excitement was palpable, the ground was soggy, and in the wake of the tragic death of Nipsey Hussle, the energy was uplifting. It’s almost as if the hip-hop God’s knew that people needed a reason to smile after an extremely difficult week. It should be noted that in addition to almost every artist paying tribute to the slain Los Angeles rapper, philanthropist, and entrepreneur, there were fans proudly wearing their Victory Lap merch and standing in long lines to take photos in front of an art installation. The Marathon will most certainly continue. Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari Before getting into the guests, we have to say that watching the Dreamville artists command the stage over the course of nearly 12 hours was truly a sight to behold. Earth Gang, Bas, Cozz, Omen, Lute, Ari Lennox (good GOD, Ari Lennox…), J.I.D., and J. Cole have set themselves up to be a powerful entity for the foreseeable future. Each and every performance held the air of superstardom whether it was Ari’s voice traveling powerfully-yet-pleasingly across the festival lawn, or J.I.D. completely destroying every syllable in the English language acapella and over instrumental. Bas’ set was epic, Cozz rapped like he was never gonna rap another bar in his life, Lute came with ALL the groovy vibes, Omen gave the fans the lyricism that they expect from him. Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari When it comes to the artists outside the Dreamville camp, they all brought their A-game. Teyana Taylor, Nelly, Saba, 6lack, DaVido, Big Sean, Rapsody and SZA fit in perfectly with the musical aesthetic of the day: high energy and BIG fun. Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari By the time the man of the hour took the stage, you could feel just how much his fans love and support him. Before he even said a word the roar from the crowd was deafening. J. Cole stood there, gazing upon the crowd that he and his cohorts had brought together in awe. He seemed legitimately in shock and it was completely on-brand for Cole’s beloved sense of earnestness. This special night also brought some never-before-seen moments like Cole and 21 Savage performing “A Lot” for the very first time together. People might have been surprised that these two polar opposite rappers have such a close bond, but proof of their camaraderie is in the statement that 21 slipped in just before Cole began his verse: “Y’all ready to hear J. Cole kill this s**t? Verse of the year.” Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari That was no rap cap. The smile on 21’s face was irrefutable evidence that he was as happy about his friend’s lyrical feat as the fans were to hear it. If that’s not a dream, then what is? Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari Speaking of dreams…to be in the presence of 40,000 strong when J. Cole brings Meek Mill on stage for a surprise set comes HIGHLY recommended. We have no idea when or if Meek has even been to Raleigh to perform before, but the fact that he came out to a small town to rock with the team is another testament to how much respect other artists have for the Dreamville movement. Source: Lourdes Sukari / Lourdes Sukari As Jermaine ran through his biggest hits and biggest fan-favorites one thing became crystal clear, Dreamville Fest is a THING and will likely be a THING every year as long as the team is strong and the fans still can’t get enough. Flip the page to see more photos from Dreamville Fest 2019.

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Bossip Be Trippin’: We Went To Dreamville Fest With 40,000 People To Celebrate Rap’s New Avengers, J. Cole & Co. Are FAR From The Endgame

World Tour Tingz: Khalid Announces Headline Dates For Free Spirit Tour

Khalid Announces Headline Dates For Free Spirit Tour Source: RCA Records / RCA Records Multi-platinum global superstar Khalid has announced his North American headline dates for “Khalid Free Spirit World Tour” in support of his upcoming sophomore album “Free Spirit” – available for pre-order via Right Hand Music Group / RCA Records. Produced by Live Nation, the North American tour kicks off in Phoenix, AZ on June 20 th  and will take Khalid across the U.S. and Canada, wrapping in Miami on August 17 th . Khalid has enlisted friend Clairo, the 20-year-old “Pretty Girl” singer-songwriter, to appear as special guest on his summer tour. Tickets go on sale to the general public beginning April 5 th  at 12pm local time at LiveNation.com . Every ticket purchased online to Khalid’s U.S. and Canadian headlining dates will include one CD copy of “Free Spirit”!   DATE CITY VENUE Thursday, June 20, 2019 Phoenix, AZ Gila River Arena Saturday, June 22, 2019 Las Vegas, NV MGM Grand Garden Arena Sunday, June 23, 2019 San Diego, CA Pechanga Arena San Diego Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Los Angeles, CA STAPLES Center Friday, June 28, 2019 Oakland, CA Oracle Arena Saturday, June 29, 2019 Sacramento, CA Golden 1 Center Monday, July 01, 2019 Portland, OR Moda Center Thursday, July 04, 2019 Edmonton, AB Rogers Place Sunday, July 07, 2019 Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome Tuesday, July 09, 2019 Spokane, WA Spokane Arena Friday, July 12, 2019 Denver, CO Pepsi Center Sunday, July 14, 2019 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center Tuesday, July 16, 2019 San Antonio, TX AT&T Center Thursday, July 18, 2019 Houston, TX Toyota Center Friday, July 19, 2019 Oklahoma City, OK Chesapeake Energy Arena Sunday, July 21, 2019* Kansas City, MO Sprint Center Tuesday, July 23, 2019 St. Paul, MN Xcel Energy Center Thursday, July 25, 2019 Chicago, IL United Center Friday, July 26, 2019 Columbus, OH Nationwide Arena Sunday, July 28, 2019 Detroit, MI Little Caesars Arena Monday, July 29, 2019 Pittsburgh, PA PPG Paints Arena Wednesday, July 31, 2019 New York, NY Madison Square Garden Saturday, August 03, 2019 Washington, DC Capital One Arena Sunday, August 04, 2019 Hartford, CT XL CENTER Tuesday, August 06, 2019 Toronto, ON Scotiabank Arena Thursday, August 08, 2019 Montreal, QC The Bell Centre Saturday, August 10, 2019 Boston, MA TD Garden Sunday, August 11, 2019 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Charlotte, NC Spectrum Center Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Atlanta, GA State Farm Arena Friday, August 16, 2019 Orlando, FL Amway Center Saturday, August 17, 2019 Miami, FL AmericanAirlines Arena

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World Tour Tingz: Khalid Announces Headline Dates For Free Spirit Tour

Jodie Sweetin Bikini Titties on her Stomach of the Day

Jodie Sweetin living her best life now that the cunty Aunt Becky has been kicked off the show….pulling her massive tits you never expected to be so massive while watching FULL HOUSE as a young loser, before becoming the old loser you are, still interested in characters of what you think was a better time, even though it was actually worse times, thanks to being a loser in your prime…I always say be a loser in your old age, not when you have the energy to be out there fucking… Point being, the whole Aunt Becky scandal, makes being a busty meth addict far less racy than it previously was…this Jodie Sweetin in recovery, a difficult hire for the insurance companies…knowing her history…but that the show committed to knowing she could relapse…the risky cast member on their revival..not realizing the actual criminal wasn’t METH MOM…but instead entitled cunt Becky for bribing schools to let her brat kid in…at the expense of non rich kids…who couldn’t buy their way in.. So here she is out there tanning…while Becky is at the Lawyers trying to figure out how to not serve time…. So good. The post Jodie Sweetin Bikini Titties on her Stomach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jodie Sweetin Bikini Titties on her Stomach of the Day

Tristan Thompson Spent Valentine’s Day Flirting With Female Fans

Late last week, fans were relieved to hear that Khloe Kardashian has finally dumped Tristan Thompson . The pair’s distance on Valentine’s Day really drove home the message that things appear to be over between them. And it looks like the notorious cheater is already back on the market … if he was ever off the market to begin with. According to Life & Style , Tristan Thompson spent part of Valentine’s Day at the Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill in Sherman Oaks, California. “Tristan was being flirty,” an insider reports. “Hitting up girls.” He is said to have chatted and posed for selfies with girls at the bar. For dinner, at least, he was less of a flirt. Us Weekly reports that Tristan dined with a couple of male pals at Gyu-Kaku restaurant. “He was with two other male friends,” a source says. “He seemed very calm and reserved. All of them did.” That’s less flrity … but it’s a far cry from a Valentine’s Day dinner with the mother of his daughter. But Us Weekly says that Tristan was much more flirtatious before he flew out from Ohio. The basketball player apparently spent some time with women at Barley House bar in Cleveland. “He came in the back door and he was snuck quickly through the back by two or three bouncers,” an insider revealed. “They took him immediately upstairs,” the source said. But Tristan didn’t spend much time alone. “There were some girls who went up afterward,” the insider shared. “One of the bouncers said, ‘Tristan Thompson is upstairs.'” “And they just said, ‘Really?’ and he took them up there,” the source described. Khloe has now had ten months to grapple with the reality of Tristan’s cheating scandal. As a source told Us Weekly last month, processing that betrayal takes time. “Tristan is a great father, but it’s not yet clear if they can fully rebuild what they had,” the insider admitted. “The extent of what Tristan did is still setting in,” the source noted. “She hasn’t gotten over it yet.” Sometimes, in an emotionally charged crisis, people latch onto a decision — such as to remain with a man who humiliated them. It can takes months or even years for them to realize that they madea  catastrophic mistake. As we reported on Friday, Khloe has allegedly finally kicked Tristan to the curb. “They are done — for good,” an insider claimed. “Khloe began to see what everyone else had been seeing for months,” the source added. “That he doesn’t deserve her.” “Khloe suspected he had cheated on her during the holidays,” the insider revealed. “And that,” the source said. “Was when she decided to remain in Los Angeles with True.” The insider concluded: “her only priority is True” It’s good to hear that Khloe is focusing her energy and affection where it belongs: on her child, precious baby True. Of course, it was widely reported that Khloe’s mistaken beliefs about what is best for True were why she stuck with Tristan in the first place. Some children who are deeply impacted by a parent’s divorce assume that all children with parents in different households feel the same way. Reports said that Khloe was worried that True would grow up with issues if her parents weren’t together. Some even claimed that Khloe thought that Tristan would be distant from True if Khloe didn’t use their relationship to encourage him to act as True’s father. Obviously, any man who needs to be induced to act as a good father is not actually a good father to begin with. For weeks, Khloe has been dropping strong hints about her feelings regarding Tristan. Instead of referring to him by name, she has been subtweeting and vagueing him social media. A lot of fans are encouraged that she’s taking this brave, difficult step by breaking things off. Others are concerned that Khloe is still on the fence, and that she could take Tristan back — again — at any given moment. Only time will tell. View Slideshow: Tristan Thompson: CAUGHT with Two New Women!

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Tristan Thompson Spent Valentine’s Day Flirting With Female Fans

Call Toya! Reginae Carter Is Having A Social Media MELTDOWN After YFN Lucci Split

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty Reginae Carter Subtweets About Breakup Where is her mama??? Reginae Carte r seems to be taking her split from ex-boyfriend YFN Lucci pretty hard. The 20-year-old hasn’t STOPPED posting about it online. Reginae’s entire twitter timelines is filled with subtweets to Lucci and dramatic retweets about someone crossing her. She’s suggested Lucci never truly “cared” for her. Felt this one . https://t.co/KeFE0UR1pY — Love me (@reginae_carter1) February 6, 2019 Regine also posted and deleted: “Whoever played with my heart … u a dumb mf .” Then she hit the send button on this message: “I don’t think u ni**as ever grow up tbh.” Both messages disappeared within a few hours. So far, neither Regine nor Lucci has publically commented on their break up. Reginae deleted all the photos of her and Lucci off her IG page. However, Lucci still has this one photo up of them from attending a Gatsby’s themed Birthday party last month.   Maybe it’s time for Reginae to put some of this energy into her acting career, or maybe even some song writing???

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Call Toya! Reginae Carter Is Having A Social Media MELTDOWN After YFN Lucci Split

Billionaire Bedfellows: Jeff Bezos Divorce Caused By Alleged Amazon Prime Philandering With THIS Woman

Source: Regina Wagner/Future Image/WENN.com / WENN Caught creepin’??? Jeff Bezos Reportedly Cheated With Lauren Sanchez Jeff Bezos’ billion-dollar divorce has taken a new turn. The e-commerce company founder who’s divorcing his wife Mackenzie after 25 years of marriage (and no prenup) has been outed for allegedly cheating. Bezos wasn’t Amazon Prime pounding just anyone however, he’s allegedly super smitten with Lauren Sanchez. If you’re curious about who Lauren Sanchez is, she’s a former Extra TV host and most importantly the WIFE to his Bezos’ friend Patrick Whitesell. Whitesell (L), Sanchez, and Besos are all pictured below. No word on whether or not Bezos and his new bae were involved when this pic was taken in December 2016. Source: Todd Williamson / Getty Now the National Enquirer is blowing the whistle on Bezos’ alleged affair. The publication alleges that they followed Bezos for four months, across five states and 40,000 miles. During their investigation they uncovered alleged texts Bezos reportedly sent to Lauren where he confesses his love and says he wants to “smell her” and “breathe her in.” “‘I love you, alive girl.  I will show you with my body, and my lips and my eyes, very soon,’ Bezos allegedly wrote. I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you.’ […]  ‘I miss you. I want to kiss you right now and tuck you in slowly and gently.  And maybe in the morning wake you up and not be quite so gentle with you.’ […] Your energy and ideas and competence and SPIRIT turn me on. ‘You make me better. You’re meant for me.’ “ “Not be quite so gentle with you” is extremely swaggerless, but hey, if a billionaire said it….. According to the Enquirer, Bezos’ lawyer reached out and told them it was “widely known” that he and his wife had been “long separated.” The publication is releasing an 11-page spread complete with pics of Jeff and Lauren together and even more “racy” texts.   What do YOU think about Jeff Bezos’ allegedly cheating with Lauren Sanchez???

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Billionaire Bedfellows: Jeff Bezos Divorce Caused By Alleged Amazon Prime Philandering With THIS Woman

Money Team: Forbes’ List Of Highest Paid Youtube Stars Is Topped By A 7-Year-Old

Source: Nicky Nelson/WENN.com / Nicky Nelson/WENN.com Every year, Forbes puts out different lists for people in every industry–from actors, to rappers, and now, Youtubers–so fans can see the hierarchy of our favorite stars. On December 3, the publication put out their list of  Highest-Paid YouTube Stars for 2018 . Though there are definitely some familiar faces on there for true Youtube fanatics, there are most definitely some surprising features in the top 10–especially the star who snagged the top spot.  Like we mentioned prior, some of the usual suspects are included in 2018’s earning list. Taking the 10th spot is Logan Paul , earning a whopping $14.5 million in 2018. In January of this year, the 23-year-old was kicked off YouTube’s Google Preferred program after he filmed a video in Japan that showed an apparent dead body hanging from a tree. Even after his apology, his income from videos and brand deals took a definite hit, but loyal fans kept his insanely successful merchandise business afloat. Though it may seem counterintuitive, even though PewDiePie is the most followed YouTuber with 74 million subscribers, he doesn’t make the most–but $15.5 million this year is nothing to scoff at. Unsurprisingly, PewDiePie also faced some backlash last year after some anti-Semitic videos–but now, advertisers have returned, and it looks like these Youtube stars continue to defy all odds after whatever scandals they face. All of the stars on this list are controversial, it seems. Jumping to number 5 brings us  Jeffree Star , who brought in a massive $18 million this year. Following SEVERAL scandals regarding racist comments throughout the years, it looks like Jeffree’s support system is still stronger than ever. He cofounded Jeffree Star Cosmetics, which sells an estimated $100 million–plus of eye shadow, lipstick and highlighters annually. As we move up to number 2, we see another controversial and widely hated Youtube star: Jake Paul . The younger brother of the man with the 10th position, Jake brought in $21.5 million this year, also profiting mostly off of his merchandise business. It pays to market to little kids. Speaking of marketing to little kids, one of the most surprising entries on this list is undoubtedly the first, with a 7-year-old taking the top spot. Ryan ToysReview , a 2nd grader with 17 million followers, made $22 million this year from reviewing toys. Legos, trains, he even has his own line of collectibles for sale at Walmart. Try not to feel useless after hearing a 7-year-old makes more in a year than most people make in their lifetime.

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Gary’s Tea: Kanye West Called Out By Actor, Eddie Murphy Welcomes Another Baby & More

Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news.  ( Terms and conditions ). Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were having date night at the opening of the “Cher” play on Broadway, but was called out after the show. Even though the two shared a special moment by singing “I Got You Babe,” to each other Kanye was also caught texting during the show. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Jarrod Spector, who plays Sonny Bono tweeted to Kanye about what he did and said, “Hey @kanyewest so cool that you’re here at @TheCherShow! If you look up from your cell phone you’ll see we’re doing a show up here. It’s opening night. Kind of a big deal for us. Thanks so much.” Kanye later apologized to him. the dynamics of Cher and Sonny’s relationship made Kim and I grab each other’s hand and sing “I got you babe” please pardon my lack of etiquette. We have so much appreciation for the energy you guys put into making this master piece. — ye (@kanyewest) December 4, 2018 SEE ALSO:  Jay-Z Speaks On “What’s Free” Lyric Regarding Kanye West: “Don’t Pit Me And My Brother Against Each Other” Lastly, Eddie Murphy welcomed his 10th child and is super excited about being a father again. See photos of Kanye West below! ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : ‘Love Is…’ Creator Salim Akil Accused Of Sexual & Domestic Violence And Breach Of Contract Taraji P. Henson Went Vegan After Stomach Cancer Warning ‘The Real Sidechicks Of Charlotte’ Is Real And The First Episode Is BANANAS! (NSFW) [ione_media_gallery src=”https://rickeysmileymorningshow.com” id=”1878428″ overlay=”true”] Follow @TheRSMS

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Gary’s Tea: Kanye West Called Out By Actor, Eddie Murphy Welcomes Another Baby & More