Tag Archives: even-bother

Edita Vilkeviciute Naked and Wet Photoshoot of the Day

The photographer’s name is Steven Lyon and I am convinced I have posted these pics before…but I’m too lazy to look back in my archives…and apparently so are some of you…cuz everyday I get nasty emails saying “post this” or “Post that” of shit I already posted…hurting my feelings making me wonder why I even bother…and I guess these pics of Edita are making me do that very same thing to myself…I’m so self-abusive and self destructive….

The rest is here:
Edita Vilkeviciute Naked and Wet Photoshoot of the Day

Jenna Dewan Showing of her Legs of the Day

Who the fuck is this bitch and why am I posting pictures of her legs? I don’t have the answer to that question, that’s why I am turning to you. Not that I actually give a fuck about what you think…I don’t even give a fuck about what I think…I just know I saw legs and went for it..I didn’t even bother looking her up on wikipedia….ohhhhh dis…..at least in the geek world I live in and I’ll just leave it at that…cuz I just realized I run a fucking website and that humilates me.

Originally posted here:
Jenna Dewan Showing of her Legs of the Day

Kendra Wilkinson Shitty Implant has a Shitty See Through of the Day

Here are some shitty see thru pictures of a pig of a woman trying to hang onto the little fame she had from getting naked in a magazine. I am surprised people even bother with her because her limbs are short and her head is big and midget-like and that is generally a turn off to the average dude, but for some reason she’s made it….and by make it I mean she’s got to a place where releasing a sex tape was needed for revival, even if it wasn’t the best sex tape …at least it was of her when she was 18 and worth fucking cuz midget-like or not, 18 is always hot…it’s a general rule in life… Get KendraExposed Pics via Fame

Kendra Wilkinson Shitty Implant has a Shitty See Through of the Day

Chelsea Handler Confirms Sex Tape, Calls It an ‘Audition Joke’

Yesterday afternoon, around the time Chelsea Handler was helping Jay Leno celebrate his 60th birthday on the Tonight Show stage in Burbank, a nasty rumor circulated the blogosphere about a bizarre XXX tape starring the Chelsea Lately host. And while the mythical tape went unmentioned during Leno’s birthday celebration, the E! comedienne did address the tape on her show last night.

Chelsea Handler Confirms Sex Tape, Calls It an ‘Audition Joke’

Mickey Rourke Clueless About Iron Man 2

What is it with the Iron Man villains? After Jeff Bridges famously said that there was “no script” for the first Iron Man — and actually compared it to a student film — here’s Mickey Rourke claiming he didn’t even bother reading whatever script there was for the sequel. Says Rourke: “I’ve only read my part. I had no idea what was going on in the movie, really.” Dear Paramount: Get that in the marketing materials, stat! [ MTV /Splash Page ]

Original post:
Mickey Rourke Clueless About Iron Man 2

Why Do Famous Guys Even Bother Getting Married?

Why do successful men like Tiger Woods even bother getting married—if they’re just going to continue tomcatting around anyway? Why not just stay bachelors and avoid the angry-wife..

Read the original here:
Why Do Famous Guys Even Bother Getting Married?