Tag Archives: everyone-once

Top 100 Boxes on Boxing Day of the Day

I get called a horrible human being or a creep or a misogynist pretty much every single day. People think I expose and objectify women, when really I think I just expose and objectify women who have decided they want to be objects, and if anything I just call them out on their morally void, hooker-like morals and values, and think they are overpaid assholes when there are far more beautiful girls out there who deserve the same celebration…. The truth is that I am a lover of women. I think they are entertaining, fun, sexy, and good to have sex with…and I love celebrating them and their vaginas…while imagining them riding my face and cumming thanks to my mouth… Some men are breast men, some ass men, I am a pussy man…I love all pussy…I love celebrating all pussy…I like the weird ones, I especially like the hairy ones, I like the meaty ones, and I like my face and fingers in all of them…as long as they don’t smell. In a lot of ways, I am a feminist…expose your lips, celebrate your pussies, let me masturbate to it…and that is why today, on Boxing day,, the day we named after box, now that Christmas is over, baby Jesus and shopping deals aside, the real star of today, and really everyday…is the box…so here’s 100 of them…big and small…VIA GENITALSANXIETY.TUMBLR.COM because you don’t need to be nervous girl…all pussy are great pussy…don’t be insecure about it…instead just send me pics of it…so I can sext you and make you cum…I’m a hero like that. Sure these are not necessarily the best in box, but as someone who loves all box, and truly believes they are all god’s box…created equally even if they look different…their own snowflake with it’s curves and lips…but still a snowflake…but they are still box…and box is something we love…especially on boxing day..it’s not all about the bass…but it is all about the labia…embrace the labia….with your mouth…

Original post:
Top 100 Boxes on Boxing Day of the Day

Farah Holt Naked for Sam Livm of the Day

I am love Farah Holt…not because I actually care who she is…or know who she is…or what she does or what inspires her…or what her dreams and aspirations are…but because she SHOWS HER NIPPLE IN ELLE but more importantly…gets totally naked for this magazine…but strategically totally naked…so that I can’t see her asshole…which is a fail shot by a photographer named Sam Livm… This love is as real as love needs to be…you know soul mates that haven’t come together yet, but that I’ll try to cum to one day when bored, becasue naked for fashion pics…are porn to me…if I take enough viagra… but then again…Tall, skinny, UK model body, getting naked…to advance careers…is my viagra…

Read the original:
Farah Holt Naked for Sam Livm of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Legs for Boxing Day of the Day

Nothing says Boxing Day like a box that everyone once loved, but that no one cares about, because it virtually died 8 years ago, and not just because it got fucked to death by many dirty cocks to fill its void, but because this box just stopped mattering…it became irrelevant…but despite not being into necrophilia, or disgusting things…I would be willing to try to breathe new life into this box…using my mouth…despite my better judgement…and the smells radiating out of it…because Lindsay Lohan, botox face and all, is and forever will be a Christmas Miracle, even after Christmas, at least to her family who raped and pillaged her, exploiting her to make them all money leaving her a shell of a person with no soul….but a Christmas miracle none-the-less…I just wish she uncrossed her legs so we could see the real damage…but I never get what I wish for…

See more here:
Lindsay Lohan Legs for Boxing Day of the Day

Cities of Refuse

I’ve mentioned before on my blog about the giant mound of trash twice the size of Texas floating around in the Pacific Ocean, but only as part of another blog. Since National Geographic wrote about it today, along with some of the first documentation of the phenomenon, I thought I’d bring it up again. Here is a link to the National Geographic article. Here is a better picture of it. The floating plastic trash creates a hazard for aquatic life and consumers of aquatic life in the area, and represents 10% of the total worldwide plastic thrown away each year. No one knows how deep the marine dump is. The Scripps company is funding the effort to document to floating island of garbage. For those of you unfamiliar with Scripps, they own HGTV, several magazine holdings, and a news station and news paper in almost every state. They own a station in Tulsa and a paper in Muskogee here in Oklahoma. I am interested to see where this project leads in the future. If you assume we can ever even stop the annual input of plastic to this contribution, you still have the problem of what are we going to do with what is already there? Will we tie it together and create new land masses? The cities of the future? Or will we put it in a rocket ship and blast it off into the sun. I would love to be a part of this project, but barring that, I am excited to at least see someone researching it finally. Continue reading

No Such Thing As Clean Coal…

I am enrolled in an Environmental Studies class this semester at college, and the professor has asked us each to start a wiki as part of the curriculum. Since I am unfamiliar with this technology, I had to do some researching. I found this wiki , and thought it was interesting. It discusses coal issues. I’ll share my wiki with everyone once I figure out how to get it set up.

Continued here:
No Such Thing As Clean Coal…