Little People, Big World fans seem to love giving Amy Roloff a hard time, whether it’s accusing her of “exploiting” her son Jacob or asking if she banned her ex Matt Roloff from family gatherings . But every hater’s favorite topic seems to be her boyfriend, Chris Marek. They either thing that she’s betraying Matt by dating again or that she’s some love-blind fool under Chris’ sway. But Amy Roloff shared this sweet selfie, and it looks like some minds are finally changing about Amy’s “second act.” Amy Roloff provided a little context behind this sweet selfie with her caption: “Changing it up. Chris took the selfie.” [smiling emoji] We’d say that he did a pretty good job with that selfie. Amy continues: “Date night. Thai food and seeing a local play in downtown Hillsboro. Love it! #amyssecondactcontinues #datenightsaregreat #lovelocal” That sounds like such a nice evening! Amy Roloff received some really positive comments from fans. “Great couple thanks for sharing with us.” That one’s pretty run-of-the-mill, and Amy does get positive comments like it a lot. “I love Thai food! Sounds like a great evening, have fun!” Thai food is great. (In fact, Amy’s post reminded me to ask some friends if our dinner tonight should be Thai) Another fan defended Amy from the hate that she so often receives. “Great picture. You deserve to be happy in spite if all the rubbish haters post.” Most significantly, it seems that Amy’s happiness has won over one of her relationship’s detractors: “Amy, I always wanted you to get back together with Matt, but now that I see you with Chris, you look incredibly HAPPY. That is what is important!!!” Sadly, not everyone who follows Amy Roloff has seen the light about her relationship. “At least the kids seem to recognize wedding vows, even if their mother gave up. My own opinion. Not hating Amy, we have to live our own lives, but too bad the parents couldn’t hold it together.” Weird to read a message by someone who thinks that divorce is a genuine wrongdoing instead of an unpleasant fact of life for, you know, half of all marriages. “Goodness, I was really praying God would restore your marriage. I hate this.” They hate what? Amy’s happiness? “Look at his face….I’m sorry I don’t trust his face and we as women should watch out for each other and boost each other up. She’s too good for him! What’s so wrong w that????” And, finally: “Chris is a creep.” We have to talk about the fans who say that they’re “just looking out” for Amy, like she’s a college freshman dating her married professor and not a grown-ass adult and grandmother who knows what she’s doing. For a long time, we’ve had the sick feeling that some of Amy’s haters who can’t stand her relationship with Chris Marek are actually concerned about a little person dating someone who isn’t disabled. Maybe, even if it’s deep down on a subconscious level, these haters don’t believe that a man of Chris’ height could find a little person attractive. That’s … a horrifying way to view the world. One of the comments under the adorable selfie seems to confirm that tragic worldview: “You saying ‘she’s happy’ is an assumption and judgement all in one. I remain leery of men taking advantage of kind ppl like Amy.” And there you have it, folks. At least some of the people who love to give Amy a hard time are concern-trolling her because they infantalize her because she’s “kind” (so, probably because she’s a little person). While we were delighted to see that a fan had come to understand that Amy’s making choices for her own happiness, it’s clear that some others haven’t yet come to understand. And that probably won’t change until they stop seeing the Roloff family matriarch as a helpless child without any judgment and see her as a real woman with real feelings. None of us really know Chris Marek. But Amy Roloff does. View Slideshow: Chris Marek: Who is Amy Roloff’s Boyfriend?!?
Read the rest here:
Amy Roloff & Chris Marek: Are Fans Finally Accepting This Couple?