Michael Lohan is concerned about his daughter, and for good reason. Not only is she constantly in legal trouble, having been thrown in jail for the 14,384th time yesterday … but have you seen Lindsay Lohan’s teeth ? “She’s an addict, she doesn’t care and she’s in denial,” her dad said . “I want her in treatment for a year. Otherwise nothing is going to change in her life.” Mike thinks Lindsay’s on crack or meth, and if she doesn’t get her act together, she won’t be visiting the morgue for community service, but permanently. This explains a lot . On Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell on HLN Wednesday, Michael Lohan – no stranger to legal problems himself, which tells you something – said the following: “The [issue with her teeth], that’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack. She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it.” Linds reportedly had emergency dental surgery to fix her rotting teeth last week, amid concerns sparked when she walked a red carpet with a dented ass grill. “[Prescription medication] would affect all your teeth, not just the front,” the elder Lohan adds. “You can’t dance with the devil and expect to go home with Jesus.” Whatever you say, MiLo. Whatever you say.
Read more here:
Michael Lohan to Lindsay: Lay Off the Crack and Meth!!