Couchella, No-Chella, Beachella, were all hashtags people who were proud to not be wasting their lives with a bunch of lame mall shoppers, brand lovers, social media sluts and rich guys who work boring jobs looking for ways to spend some of that money on model sluts who want VIP tickets and Desert houses and Helicopter rides… I guess Tisdale has done the whole Coachella thing, probably got paid lots of money at her peak to do the Coachella thing, and who really wants to be with mass amounts of annoying and terribly lecherous people, at lame commercialized parties…when you live in Cali and can just hit the beach and show the world your ass in a less desperate and annoying way.. I am not a fan of Tisdale’s face, at least not as a girl called “hot” by the media, it’s fine for me, I mean I’ve fucked toothless one eyed leathery faced hookers before, but I liked to try to bring back to reality, back when people obsessed over her and called her hot…but while mocking her, I still thought she had and still has a lovely fit body…I wouldn’t mind burying my face in…and K-Fed….if I could…I call it a Jewish girl fetish. TO SEE ASHLEY TISDALE IN A SHEER DRESS AT AN EVENT…. CLICK HERE The post Ashley Tisdale is at #Beachella of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Emilia Clarke has sacrificed herself by posing slutty for Vogue to promote Next Week’s Game of Thrones premiere…even though she’s got countless sex scenes on the show…and you’ve already seen her naked, part of the reason she’s famous, you like her, and get a boner from her… I don’t watch the show, I can’t participate in that world, I will never watch the show, but it seems like every motherfucker is on the show…even though DRAGONS DON’T EXIST AND ARE FOR NERDY WEIRDOS…making people who buy into the story and huge production just typical followers who eat what they are told to…but then again, maybe I just haven’t joined the cult because I haven’t watched an episode and been brainwashed, I generally instinctively stay away from what everyone likes…not because I am some hipster pretending I’m so different, but because I’m an anti social with borderline personality disorder and would prefer having zero in common with anyone…especially anything with dragons… You are being marketed to fools… The point is that Emilia Clarke is lookin’ good in this shoot…and I’ll just leave it at that…instead of going into why you Game of Throne Fans are such typical basic cunts… The post Emilia Clarke in VOGUE for Game of Thrones Premiere of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
The nice thing about Coachella is seeing the people on your social media who don’t even acknowledge Coachella because it is really not that important and they don’t care it is happening or not, they are instead just living life. It allows you to separate the basic urban outfitter lame as fuck mall shopping losers who prepare a year for the festival so they can act vip with their vip bracelets, to be part of this commercialized, money making marketing fest that targets idiots who buy into the shit… The reality is that all brands from Forever 21, to McDonalds to Target had a presence there….meaning Urban Outfitters is too BOUTIQUE for this mainstream garbage….and the only excuse to be at that commercial marketing event is if you’re getting paid by the brands who are trying to exploit the same idiot who would go to a coachella. I know it’s a very California event, where people feel pressured to participate, including all instagram models and rich guys, and some famous people, because it’s the place to be and if you’re not in the place to be, distracting yourself in the place to be, having epic and amazing times in the place to be, with other basic, commercial idiots trying to get head…and ahead or giving head to get a bed in one of the cool houses… I am not a fan of people who chose mass gatherings to listen to pop music, because it seems like a nightmare, and people who find it anything but a nightmare, are people I want nothing to do with…but would be happy to manipulate them to send me money, seeing as how easy it is to fool idiots by selling them “cool” that is actually LAME as fuck… BRAINWASHING….the fools…it’s the reason the entertainment industry exists..and here are some of those ppl paid to play Alessandra Ambrosio said “LOOK HOW SLOPPY MY OLD MOM ASS IS”…. BUT I COMPENSATE WITH FAKE TITS AND A VICTORIA’S SECRET CO – SIGN…. Bella Throne – Best Fame Whore of the Year – Cultural Appropriating 2012 Coachella and not nearly as slutty as her instagram is supposed to be… Emma Roberts celebrating her deadbeat dad’s 60th birthday getting high on shitty Coachella Music. Hailey Clauson wanted you to know she is also a plus sized model… While Hudgens said “Look I’m Finally Skinny”… And Katy Perry brought out the tight dress for her friend, tapping into her hipster roots, reminding me of a picture I have of her from before she was famous in her underwear covered in mud with KESHA from Coachella, it’s on an old computer…only now she’s a billionaire… Apparently, Paris Hilton isn’t listed as an infectious disease yet, and she’s still allowed in public… How about some model ass…her name is Josephine Skriver and she was made in a lab thanks to science… Taylor Swift may not be pregnant – but she’s scary… Taylor Swift and Rihanna hugging tonight. #Coachella2016 — ?Darrell. (@dvrrxll) April 18, 2016 Whitney Port in a bikini as a tribute of when Coachella was cooler, back when she was on Laguna Beach or The Hills, or whatever it was called 10 years ago.. Martha Hunt, Camila Cabello, Kennedy Raye, & Serayah in what may not be Coachella but I assume is…and there are rich guys who like models outside of the frame because they don’t want their wives to know they finance Model parties for their egos with their money… Kylie Jenner…all fat and pushing McDonalds because she’s a fucking mainstream marketing vehicle with no soul…who will end up killing herself and we look forward to that… Kendall Jenner and some See Through shit..where her friends using her tell her how hot she is because they are basically on pay roll.. Miranda Kerr and Snapchat billionaire who’s social media platform dominated Coachella with custom filters for every rich person….held hands because she is in love with his money and relevance right now…because romance isn’t dead. The post Coachella Round-Up of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bella Hadid pulled out the tranny face..for W Korea because I guess Korean’s like tranny faces on half white girls that have been rebuilt by a plastic surgeon like Bella Hadid…or maybe they are into the bootleg sister pretending to be a model…like her sister who is also pretending to be a model because modeling doesn’t require talent, everyone can be a model when they hire the right PR team with their parent’s money and are superficial, egotistical, vapid pieces of shit. She’s garbage and these are Terry Richardson pics. The post Bella Hadid Nipple for Terry of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .